I'm starting to hear rumors that this PVP patch will not include any new content whatsoever (aside from tenacity, gear, healing depression, leaver's penalty and hopefully, a matchmaking system).
I really don't understand what the problem is with creating a few new stomping grounds to PVP in...
Is there anyone who can perhaps explain why they never add new maps or match modes (when they could create and add more within a week or two, no problem)?
Every new patch comes with problems take it easy ...I am sure devs will add open world PvP but they doing good step by step.
First you need class and PvP dmg balance for world pvp. Otherwise like now 5 gwf Wipe all map players with patrol and you will start QQ here again. I suggest Guild vs Guild and Faction vs Faction open world pvp we will see.
Based on what I read in the preview post, they only mentioned Tenacity and PvP gear. Not a single word about matchmaking. If this build doesn't include matchmaking it'll be an epic fail (leaver penalty).
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
They noted that matchmaking was being implemented, but recently taken out due to issues brought up. I'm assuming and hoping that it is just a temporary takedown, and they are still working on ways to implement a matchmaking system for the actual release.
As far as new maps and modes I believe they would be a fantastic addition to PvP which would help make it much more enjoyable. I am also of the opinion that they are probably working on these things behind the scenes as well and would be released with the updates altogether despite the fact that they haven't officially mentioned it. Specifically new maps though. Think about how much testing would be required before implementing a new map compared to implementing a new stat, gears, combat debuff, ect.
Who knows though. The best we can do is keep things positive and push suggestions rather than complain. I see so many people complaining about what they aren't getting rather than all of the great things they are getting. I also see many people complaining who haven't even tested on the PTR yet. If we want to grow a respectable PvP community that they are willing to keep in touch with and provide updates for, we should change our approach to how we respond to them. We need to make sure we continue to make positive suggestions that it would be cool to see more maps/modes, rather than complain that they are not there. Also, tenacity and these gear sets are a cool way to fixing some balance issues. People who have tested it generally seem to like it and it does help with balancing. These updates should not be ignored in favor of other updates we may not be getting. Finally, nothing is set in stone and we don't know what they are working on behind the scenes. Perhaps there are new maps/modes coming.
This doesn't apply to the responses in this thread though, but to the PTR responses I've seen in general. My mind just decided to spew it out here because I could see this thread turning into that + getting a lot of attention regardless.
I'm starting to hear rumors that this PVP patch will not include any new content whatsoever
If I was you I'd ignore the rumors you hear , nobody apart from the development team knows if any new maps have been created and I doubt any of them will leak info about new content , personally I'd be very surprised if they go to all the trouble of making a new pvp stat , new pvp gear sets , a leavers penalty as well as a matchmaking system and then leave out new maps and game modes , we will see soon enough though hopefully.
If I was you I'd ignore the rumors you hear , nobody apart from the development team knows if any new maps have been created and I doubt any of them will leak info about new content , personally I'd be very surprised if they go to all the trouble of making a new pvp stat , new pvp gear sets , a leavers penalty as well as a matchmaking system and then leave out new maps and game modes , we will see soon enough though hopefully.
It would be very nice if we got 1 new map and 1 new game mode, along with all the other stuff. That would definitely make many people take down the pill easier. Personally, I think the PvP changes are going the right direction, as long as the elo system gets in asap.
folks, let's try to keep it light. until there is an official announcement, everything is speculative. remember that everything on the preview server is subject to change.
we know that tenacity and new pvp gear is coming. we also know that they've developed an elo matchmaking system that is being tested by QA. and what we know about the company, they're usually pretty tight lipped about everything until there's an official news release.
also, as a moderation note, anything posted that alludes to quitting or threats to quit is against the forum rules. please limit your goodbyes to PMs and in-game. thanks.
do not reply to the moderation part of this post. instead, send me a PM if you'd like to discuss it.
If I was you I'd ignore the rumors you hear , nobody apart from the development team knows if any new maps have been created and I doubt any of them will leak info about new content , personally I'd be very surprised if they go to all the trouble of making a new pvp stat , new pvp gear sets , a leavers penalty as well as a matchmaking system and then leave out new maps and game modes , we will see soon enough though hopefully.
Yeah, I pretty much took it as a given that maps would be included with the patch. Why go through all the trouble of balancing PVP when it's just the same 2 maps and 1 game-mode? Sure people will play it regardless, it just seems strange as I can't think of any reasoning why they wouldn't add more actual content.
I'm starting to hear rumors that this PVP patch will not include any new content whatsoever (aside from tenacity, gear, healing depression, leaver's penalty and hopefully, a matchmaking system).
I really don't understand what the problem is with creating a few new stomping grounds to PVP in...
Is there anyone who can perhaps explain why they never add new maps or match modes (when they could create and add more within a week or two, no problem)?
im not sure why everyone is so concerned with new maps if its the same old objectives? I would prefer different objectives to just a new map. Maybe something similar to warsong gulch and carry the flag.Or something like huttball from swtor or even void star. Seriously for me a new map with same old thing capture 3 points would be boring !there is a lot of games with different battlegrounds and different objectives so shouldn't be hard to come up with a few with a little variation. Variety is the spice of life ! just my 2 cents.
andferne3Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 104Bounty Hunter
edited February 2014
I was just wondering about this myself. Thinking maybe I had missed some info somewhere. Has there really been no word about new maps or potentially new modes of play for PvP?
I was just wondering about this myself. Thinking maybe I had missed some info somewhere. Has there really been no word about new maps or potentially new modes of play for PvP?
10 char
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
This is what a lot of us are hoping for , Foundry created pvp maps , just imagine the endless possibilities .
I'll only accept that after a huge foundry update giving us access to timers, levers, and dynamic traps and NPCs. I could make so many PvE/PvP combo maps with logic puzzles and other stuff (and if I had access to basic scripting and storage variables and random number generators I could make the logic puzzles change on a dime to create unique gameplay every single round).
I'll only accept that after a huge foundry update giving us access to timers, levers, and dynamic traps and NPCs. I could make so many PvE/PvP combo maps with logic puzzles and other stuff (and if I had access to basic scripting and storage variables and random number generators I could make the logic puzzles change on a dime to create unique gameplay every single round).
umm.. We just want a big box with reasons to kill each other in it.
This is what a lot of us are hoping for , Foundry created pvp maps , just imagine the endless possibilities .
This would be absolutely awesome...
Only hitch is that it requires the makers to not create unfair maps, ones with secret ways through that only their Guild knows, and then the general glitches inherent with the Foundry system.
IF that can be curbed, I'd be all for it, I'm just saying there are flaws with the idea as the Foundry System currently is. However, I am 100% in favor of this idea, if it can be properly implemented! :cool:
Only hitch is that it requires the makers to not create unfair maps, ones with secret ways through that only their Guild knows, and then the general glitches inherent with the Foundry system.
IF that can be curbed, I'd be all for it, I'm just saying there are flaws with the idea as the Foundry System currently is. However, I am 100% in favor of this idea, if it can be properly implemented! :cool:
I'm not sure that could be curbed. It'd definately be cool to have, but without a real person examining every map before publishing I don't think it could be done, and I don't think cryptic is going to hire someone for that.
I would neither be pleased or happy about brand new maps released along with the other new pvp stuff. PVP as it is needs fixed. They are fixing it. I'd rather see them do the fix right and then expand at a later time after the fix has been tested live for an amount of time in a consistent environment with minimal variables (aka the current pvp maps). Once the fix is optimized then they should put their weight behind new maps. Good new maps. A good fix and good maps and the time to do each right. Better than a rushed fix and rushed mpas and things stay broken but in a different way.
I would neither be pleased or happy about brand new maps released along with the other new pvp stuff. PVP as it is needs fixed. They are fixing it. I'd rather see them do the fix right and then expand at a later time after the fix has been tested live for an amount of time in a consistent environment with minimal variables (aka the current pvp maps). Once the fix is optimized then they should put their weight behind new maps. Good new maps. A good fix and good maps and the time to do each right. Better than a rushed fix and rushed mpas and things stay broken but in a different way.
I think they could release new maps without worrying about breaking the balance they're going for, what they can't do is release new modes immediately. New domination maps wouldn't hurt testing the balance on live however. If it was new modes of pvp such as capture the flag etc I agree with you.
I think they could release new maps without worrying about breaking the balance they're going for, what they can't do is release new modes immediately. New domination maps wouldn't hurt testing the balance on live however. If it was new modes of pvp such as capture the flag etc I agree with you.
As long as the layout of nodes and spawn points remain identical, new maps would be fun with the new fix. But as soon as you start adding or subtracting nodes or making things different distances from one another you end up in a situation where you have to try to figure out if a certain result is a consequence of the fix or of the changed map.
Just my 2 cents.
But yes I agree new maps should be MANDATORY.
First you need class and PvP dmg balance for world pvp. Otherwise like now 5 gwf Wipe all map players with patrol and you will start QQ here again. I suggest Guild vs Guild and Faction vs Faction open world pvp we will see.
As far as new maps and modes I believe they would be a fantastic addition to PvP which would help make it much more enjoyable. I am also of the opinion that they are probably working on these things behind the scenes as well and would be released with the updates altogether despite the fact that they haven't officially mentioned it. Specifically new maps though. Think about how much testing would be required before implementing a new map compared to implementing a new stat, gears, combat debuff, ect.
Who knows though. The best we can do is keep things positive and push suggestions rather than complain. I see so many people complaining about what they aren't getting rather than all of the great things they are getting. I also see many people complaining who haven't even tested on the PTR yet. If we want to grow a respectable PvP community that they are willing to keep in touch with and provide updates for, we should change our approach to how we respond to them. We need to make sure we continue to make positive suggestions that it would be cool to see more maps/modes, rather than complain that they are not there. Also, tenacity and these gear sets are a cool way to fixing some balance issues. People who have tested it generally seem to like it and it does help with balancing. These updates should not be ignored in favor of other updates we may not be getting. Finally, nothing is set in stone and we don't know what they are working on behind the scenes. Perhaps there are new maps/modes coming.
This doesn't apply to the responses in this thread though, but to the PTR responses I've seen in general. My mind just decided to spew it out here because I could see this thread turning into that + getting a lot of attention regardless.
If I was you I'd ignore the rumors you hear , nobody apart from the development team knows if any new maps have been created and I doubt any of them will leak info about new content , personally I'd be very surprised if they go to all the trouble of making a new pvp stat , new pvp gear sets , a leavers penalty as well as a matchmaking system and then leave out new maps and game modes , we will see soon enough though hopefully.
It would be very nice if we got 1 new map and 1 new game mode, along with all the other stuff. That would definitely make many people take down the pill easier. Personally, I think the PvP changes are going the right direction, as long as the elo system gets in asap.
we know that tenacity and new pvp gear is coming. we also know that they've developed an elo matchmaking system that is being tested by QA. and what we know about the company, they're usually pretty tight lipped about everything until there's an official news release.
also, as a moderation note, anything posted that alludes to quitting or threats to quit is against the forum rules. please limit your goodbyes to PMs and in-game. thanks.
do not reply to the moderation part of this post. instead, send me a PM if you'd like to discuss it.
Yeah, I pretty much took it as a given that maps would be included with the patch. Why go through all the trouble of balancing PVP when it's just the same 2 maps and 1 game-mode? Sure people will play it regardless, it just seems strange as I can't think of any reasoning why they wouldn't add more actual content.
im not sure why everyone is so concerned with new maps if its the same old objectives? I would prefer different objectives to just a new map. Maybe something similar to warsong gulch and carry the flag.Or something like huttball from swtor or even void star. Seriously for me a new map with same old thing capture 3 points would be boring !there is a lot of games with different battlegrounds and different objectives so shouldn't be hard to come up with a few with a little variation. Variety is the spice of life ! just my 2 cents.
10 char
These 2 maps we currently have are pretty lack luster in comparison to some of the dungeon and landscapes in the game!
I would submit to the Devs to maybe have a contest and get the community involved in creating some PvP maps and or game styles...
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
This is what a lot of us are hoping for , Foundry created pvp maps , just imagine the endless possibilities .
I'll only accept that after a huge foundry update giving us access to timers, levers, and dynamic traps and NPCs. I could make so many PvE/PvP combo maps with logic puzzles and other stuff (and if I had access to basic scripting and storage variables and random number generators I could make the logic puzzles change on a dime to create unique gameplay every single round).
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umm.. We just want a big box with reasons to kill each other in it.
Only hitch is that it requires the makers to not create unfair maps, ones with secret ways through that only their Guild knows, and then the general glitches inherent with the Foundry system.
IF that can be curbed, I'd be all for it, I'm just saying there are flaws with the idea as the Foundry System currently is. However, I am 100% in favor of this idea, if it can be properly implemented! :cool:
me too
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Jugger Conq GF
I think they could release new maps without worrying about breaking the balance they're going for, what they can't do is release new modes immediately. New domination maps wouldn't hurt testing the balance on live however. If it was new modes of pvp such as capture the flag etc I agree with you.
As long as the layout of nodes and spawn points remain identical, new maps would be fun with the new fix. But as soon as you start adding or subtracting nodes or making things different distances from one another you end up in a situation where you have to try to figure out if a certain result is a consequence of the fix or of the changed map.
Jugger Conq GF