Anybody know of a ranger skill that can accomplish this? As of right now I know of only three classes that can interrupt Valindra when she comes down to choke or summon a portal: GWF, GF, and CW. I've been playing with the skills I use hoping to find one that by some random chance has the ability to break her train of thought, but so far no luck. Even disruptive shot, which is an interrupt by design, gives an "immune" message every time I hit her with it.
Well isn't that fantastic. I hope they nerf her hp into the ground then, cuz without that interrupt it's going to be impossible to kill her. Even at 15k+ my guild mates have issues bursting her down. Take away the ability to interrupt her and you can chalk that one up to impossible too. Odds are they probably won't though.
I'll keep searching then. Maybe I'll get lucky and find something
As far as I concerned that's all good news, every time they fix a control immune ignoring bug it reduces the demand for "x thing that ignores control immune". Which makes everything else more playable.
Sure when I play my CW I hate that "immune" message, but for overall game experience its great.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I look at as good and bad. I applaud the fact that they're fixing bugs. I've played more than a few games that just let the bugs go and never squashed them. However this creates yet another problem in that now you have a mechanic that cannot be dealt with except by the elite 1% with top-end gear. It's all well and good if you want to create a difficult fight that forces the team to work together, but when you create a challenge beyond what the typical player can complete then you create a piece of content that nobody is willing to run. I submit ToS and DV. Both dungeons are pretty much untouched by anybody now that they've fixed the exploits. In the process of fixing the bugs they failed to rebalance the content, and now the community as a whole rejects it.
This fix will do the same to MC. Players will stop running the content for the rewards at the end and will instead simply run the first one or two bosses for the chance at mediocre drops and completely ignore the final boss. Those that do run the final boss will need gear scores in the 15k+ range simply to be able to survive long enough while enduring Valindra's choke, and those that don't will fail every time because their dps will not be sufficient to burst her down before the player dies. And that's not even taking into consideration what will happen when she summons portals to call in additional adds that are also immune to all control effects.
As a player that runs content for the full experience this is extremely disheartening and I pray they implement a rebalance before this "fix" goes live and breaks the fight.
I'm sure they will rebalance her if not right now within the month. I have faith.
and i just did 4 tos greed runs with my guild for money which didn't take much thats unfounded; just means that they will have to get used to not being able to exploit like we shouldn't have been in the first place.
it all will take time people will eventually figure out what they gotta do thats all; just time then when they post on forums or spread word of strategy we'll all know eventually.
and the problem with the lower 99% is that they try much harder dungeons at low gear instead of building through blues then tier 1 epics and getting enchants (not that I'm one of those elites or anything highest gs of 8 is close to 13k spending no money) and expect everyone else to carry them.
Like mad dragon and pk always with people with green gear almost always even though most of the blue gear is only 100 ad or so thats almost 8 or so pieces from one event skirmish or invoke. Rank 5's are cheap as hell too. I've wiped more in mad dragon pugging it then i have in sp all together.
i'd say at least 2-3k more gs over each dungeons req. makes it much easier. even less for cc and ct.
i mean you wouldn't go up MT. Everest without rope would you?
As far as I concerned that's all good news, every time they fix a control immune ignoring bug it reduces the demand for "x thing that ignores control immune". Which makes everything else more playable.
Sure when I play my CW I hate that "immune" message, but for overall game experience its great.
The problem is, to me anyways, that a boss that needed interupts at certain points actually gave me hope that boss fights were going to slowly go in a good direction. This feat has me demoralized that the developers understand what a good boss fight mechanic is and will start implementing more and more of them.
I don't see what the problem here is, we killed her with my previous guild while our group was 11-13k. Ice Knife+Shocking Execution and shes down with only 2 hits. Or did they change the fight when mod2 came out?
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
I noticed the immune popping up in live as well. Has both slam and mael on ym GWF/CW show an immune over Val in the fight. Eventually I got tired of wasting a daily and switched to IK+Icy rays or Indomitable+IBS to burst her down. I suspect lower GS groups could have issues though, my GWF and CW are 14.8/15.5k respectively.
I noticed the immune popping up in live as well. Has both slam and mael on ym GWF/CW show an immune over Val in the fight. Eventually I got tired of wasting a daily and switched to IK+Icy rays or Indomitable+IBS to burst her down. I suspect lower GS groups could have issues though, my GWF and CW are 14.8/15.5k respectively.
I think it boils down to how good your DC is. The DC I used to do MC with always said that healing the person who was choked was the most exciting part of the fight for him.
Back to the original point. So really the only way to shut her down is with raw dps. Guess I'll just have to keep trying different combos then and see what we can do
I still don't get the problem?? A skill that is designed to INTERRUPT a skill, is being nerfed so that it doesn't interrupt??!!!
This is the only thing that made this dungeon playable for MANY parties... the HAMSTER is all BOP anyway, WTF is the problem??
Just another example of the Devs listening to the wrong people and "fixing" the wrong things..... *SMH*
Y'all better start doing some "right" things with this game, or come 4/4/14, it is a ghost town.
To add -- This is still a tough fight with the "exploit" (I have a hard time calling a skill doing what it is suppose to do an exploit) .... you need to be doing it all right, or you WILL wipe... I do not get this "fix" at all.
Like I said, the fight was easily doable even before anyone figured out to use maelstrom or slam. It's just a single target dps check. And easy one at that.
sigh everyone is such a doomsayer like when people thought there was gonna be character wipes after open beta was officially over no one wants to bother to figure out what will work just exploit.
Guess what? It never happened.
like most people think that tos is too hard because of heal but its not no real need to exploit unless pugging it and if your pugging tos or any t2 really you should never think you will always win.
verdonix- whats the gear req for VT? 10.5 right? most dungeons require a much higher gs than posted the req is only a meagre example for what the party needs the whole or at least most of party should always be at least 2-3k higher than it to be truly effective.
thats why t2s and vt is so hard people try it at low or req gear and say wtf why is this so hard?
if you don't "have" then work for it in game I do it and i have 9 chars and all above 11-13k.
and if i only went with 1 or 2 characters id probably be one of those elites people talk about in whispers and i would have patiently earned it.
Edit: really you don't like disruptive? Just because it won't interrupt a boss which was never even meant to interrupt? Its one of my favorites well to each their own. Its almost always used by me because my ap charges fast enough that the cool down on it matches my ap gain i probably use it as much as split shot.
thats like never using slam with gwf because of that.
Rough though it may be Verdinox has a point. Every game I've played to date has at least one class, usually two, that can interrupt dangerous skills. It's on a long timer and does virtually no damage, but it breaks the skill that said boss was going to use. This is the first game I've played that gives players an interrupt skill and then says you can't use it as it was designed. I've had Disruptive Shot on my bar since I picked it up, and I can probably count on two hands the number of times I've had to use it. When I redo my powers I'm probably just going to drop it and put the points somewhere else.
it does interrupt just not bosses you can't choke an epic boss with a cw so why the hell would you be able to disrupt one?
its not a nerf its a correction theres a huge difference!
the class is new the boss is new the dungeon is new every new thing that ever came out for this game has had bugs in it that they've been quickly fixing and if you can't handle it thats your problem.
Edit: eh, its not a big deal to me; so its immune they've always supposed to have been.... i deal with it.
after all you can't interrupt the giant in fh the aboleth in sp or even the weak orc in ct why should you be able to interrupt valindra who is the boss of all of them?
i was just using entangling force as an example anyway i know there is a difference.
i guess i can agree that the bosses need more dynamic ways to fight them but that would take way too much effort on the part of the devs to change all the bosses in such a way.
most people who play games think that the devs know the code like the back of their hand and that all they do is just change numbers and voila now its op or nerfed its so much more complex than that. to just fix a bug could take all week just to find it in code and then another week-month just to balance the bug fix with the game and players are usually too impatient for that.
not saying anyone here thinks that but gamers do think that.
it does interrupt just not bosses you can't choke an epic boss with a cw so why the hell would you be able to disrupt one?
its not a nerf its a correction theres a huge difference!
the class is new the boss is new the dungeon is new every new thing that ever came out for this game has had bugs in it that they've been quickly fixing and if you can't handle it thats your problem.
Anyone that's played other mmo's can tell you there is a big difference between an interrupt and a hard cc like entangling force. Interrupts are usually a staple of more complex boss fights where you have a few classes that can perform the interrupt and if it isn't done when the boss does a certain move the fight becomes much much harder.
While yes if the dev's never intended it to work it is a correction not a nerf, it is a sad state for the boss fights to be in. Hearing this change has actually dampened my interest in neverwinter as I see it as a sign the dev's do not understand how to make a complex boss fight and a robust pve experience. Boss fights need to have more to them than adds and dps checks. This is a move in the wrong direction imo.
elminster dont respec out of disruptive trust me, dont think about it as a daily think about it as a 4th encounter as u should be generating the ap for it in its cd. that and its interaction with stormstep makes it a must even if its just for ceratin situations.
besides what are u going to points in? i still ahve 3 power points i cant even decide where to put coz improbably not even going to use.
That's exactly my issue lol. I've got skills I never use, including Disruptive, that just fill in to give me access to the ones I do. It would just be one of those "filler" skills that I only put just enough points into to open up the next tier. As for what is use instead ... yeah I got nothing. Maybe I'll put forest meditation back on my bar.
What i dont understand is why they are nerfing says in the description of Slam "The intitial Ground Slam will interupt enemies who are trying to cast" so it should not be "fixed" because it even says its doing what its doing
It's because bosses are supposed to be immune to all control and control effects. You can debuff their defense, you can debuff their power, but you can't Sunn, sleep, slow, you're not supposed to be able to root but rangers can for now (still waiting on that fix), and now you can't interrupt their dangerous abilities. I guess the devs want us to just eat the damage and deal with the extra adds that spawn instead of giving us the extra reward for thinking outside of the box
Comparing Disrupt to Entangling Force is awkward - one's a daily and the other an encounter. Even if I could manage to refill AP to use it as soon as it comes off cooldown, I don't see how it would be superior to the AoE dps of Seismic or the emergency button that is Forest Ghost, or even the heal of Meditation. Interrupting only mobs, and not bosses, makes it lackluster imo.
I don't know any HR skill doing that but even if there is one, expect it to be fixed.
I'll keep searching then. Maybe I'll get lucky and find something
Sure when I play my CW I hate that "immune" message, but for overall game experience its great.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
This fix will do the same to MC. Players will stop running the content for the rewards at the end and will instead simply run the first one or two bosses for the chance at mediocre drops and completely ignore the final boss. Those that do run the final boss will need gear scores in the 15k+ range simply to be able to survive long enough while enduring Valindra's choke, and those that don't will fail every time because their dps will not be sufficient to burst her down before the player dies. And that's not even taking into consideration what will happen when she summons portals to call in additional adds that are also immune to all control effects.
As a player that runs content for the full experience this is extremely disheartening and I pray they implement a rebalance before this "fix" goes live and breaks the fight.
and i just did 4 tos greed runs with my guild for money which didn't take much thats unfounded; just means that they will have to get used to not being able to exploit like we shouldn't have been in the first place.
it all will take time people will eventually figure out what they gotta do thats all; just time then when they post on forums or spread word of strategy we'll all know eventually.
and the problem with the lower 99% is that they try much harder dungeons at low gear instead of building through blues then tier 1 epics and getting enchants (not that I'm one of those elites or anything highest gs of 8 is close to 13k spending no money) and expect everyone else to carry them.
Like mad dragon and pk always with people with green gear almost always even though most of the blue gear is only 100 ad or so thats almost 8 or so pieces from one event skirmish or invoke. Rank 5's are cheap as hell too. I've wiped more in mad dragon pugging it then i have in sp all together.
i'd say at least 2-3k more gs over each dungeons req. makes it much easier. even less for cc and ct.
i mean you wouldn't go up MT. Everest without rope would you?
I think it boils down to how good your DC is. The DC I used to do MC with always said that healing the person who was choked was the most exciting part of the fight for him.
Back to the original point. So really the only way to shut her down is with raw dps. Guess I'll just have to keep trying different combos then and see what we can do
Like I said, the fight was easily doable even before anyone figured out to use maelstrom or slam. It's just a single target dps check. And easy one at that.
Guess what? It never happened.
like most people think that tos is too hard because of heal but its not no real need to exploit unless pugging it and if your pugging tos or any t2 really you should never think you will always win.
verdonix- whats the gear req for VT? 10.5 right? most dungeons require a much higher gs than posted the req is only a meagre example for what the party needs the whole or at least most of party should always be at least 2-3k higher than it to be truly effective.
thats why t2s and vt is so hard people try it at low or req gear and say wtf why is this so hard?
if you don't "have" then work for it in game I do it and i have 9 chars and all above 11-13k.
and if i only went with 1 or 2 characters id probably be one of those elites people talk about in whispers and i would have patiently earned it.
Edit: really you don't like disruptive? Just because it won't interrupt a boss which was never even meant to interrupt? Its one of my favorites well to each their own. Its almost always used by me because my ap charges fast enough that the cool down on it matches my ap gain i probably use it as much as split shot.
thats like never using slam with gwf because of that.
its not a nerf its a correction theres a huge difference!
the class is new the boss is new the dungeon is new every new thing that ever came out for this game has had bugs in it that they've been quickly fixing and if you can't handle it thats your problem.
Edit: eh, its not a big deal to me; so its immune they've always supposed to have been.... i deal with it.
after all you can't interrupt the giant in fh the aboleth in sp or even the weak orc in ct why should you be able to interrupt valindra who is the boss of all of them?
i was just using entangling force as an example anyway i know there is a difference.
i guess i can agree that the bosses need more dynamic ways to fight them but that would take way too much effort on the part of the devs to change all the bosses in such a way.
most people who play games think that the devs know the code like the back of their hand and that all they do is just change numbers and voila now its op or nerfed its so much more complex than that. to just fix a bug could take all week just to find it in code and then another week-month just to balance the bug fix with the game and players are usually too impatient for that.
not saying anyone here thinks that but gamers do think that.
While yes if the dev's never intended it to work it is a correction not a nerf, it is a sad state for the boss fights to be in. Hearing this change has actually dampened my interest in neverwinter as I see it as a sign the dev's do not understand how to make a complex boss fight and a robust pve experience. Boss fights need to have more to them than adds and dps checks. This is a move in the wrong direction imo.
besides what are u going to points in? i still ahve 3 power points i cant even decide where to put coz improbably not even going to use.
and even when the fix does drop theres no guarantee that it will be totally fixed or that it won't break further things.
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