Can any one tell me why life drinker is not good ? Heard a lot is using vorp now but I don't see any benefit on it .because a sent in pvp is suppose to tank 3 v 1 or even 4 v 1 and also hold nodes. With lifedrinker this is more suitable for a sent ( I think ) and vorp is good I know but gwp crit % cannot go much higher than 40%(most I saw is this number) compare to a trip is very less.let's say if a gwp could not reach 40 and only about 35% so On every 4-5 hit maybe you can get 1 hit with critical. So do u think is it worth it compare to lifedrinker
Can any one tell me why life drinker is not good ? Heard a lot is using vorp now but I don't see any benefit on it .because a sent in pvp is suppose to tank 3 v 1 or even 4 v 1 and also hold nodes. With lifedrinker this is more suitable for a sent ( I think ) and vorp is good I know but gwp crit % cannot go much higher than 40%(most I saw is this number) compare to a trip is very less.let's say if a gwp could not reach 40 and only about 35% so On every 4-5 hit maybe you can get 1 hit with critical. So do u think is it worth it compare to lifedrinker
If you are 1v3, and you can kill one of those 3 fast with that vorpal or plagfire, you ended up 1v2, which will prolong your fight / survivability. Being all defensive is a big no no as gwf, since if you cant kill your foe, they will kill you fast, especially with well placed cc / i.e., prone on you. Hence it is why vorpal / plagfire >>> lifedrinker.
OK good point here cheapjing, but may I know what the highest crit chance can a sent reach because I was hoping to get at least 40% at end game with t2.5 PvP set
I haven't run the numbers, but I'd say 1k life steal is way better and cheaper than a perfect lifedrinker. The weapon enchant should give something that stats can't. I'll always be behind vorpal at least until module 3.
so your sentinel guide ? how so vorpal is no use anymore or how ?
It's not like it's no use. It will just get nerfed as a collateral "damage" from tenacity in PvP.
In PvE, it will still be a very strong boost to high crit builds damage.
In PvP, with tenacity applying a certain crit resistance, your critical damage will be reduced, partially cancelling your damage.
May be terror will be the way to go against tenacity.
wow ? i was thinking of buying a p.vorp now ? kinda confuse here because im sent build (pvp) and was about to follow diamond mustang should i still buy my p.vorp or p.terror now ?
Tenacity will reduce all damage and crits, double dipping on crit nerf damage. So Vorpal will be reduced in effectiveness. That being said, GWFs are still pretty well positioned to get good use out of Vorpal. If anything, it goes to show how overpowered Vorpal is right now.
Base Crit Severity 75%
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 85 or 90%
With Perfect Vorpal: 135% or 140%
After 20% Crit Damage Reduction (left out 20% damage reduction since that affects all damage and therefore all encahnts equally)
Base Crit Severity: 40% (175*.8 = 140 - 100 = 40)
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 48% or 152%
With Perfect Vorpal: 88% or 92%
If anything, Vorpal will be the only way the crit stat will be worth anything after the patch. The crit stat already has high diminishing returns and then combine that with the highly reduced value of getting a crit. Another thing to remember is that Deep Gash damage is always a crit and would be greatly reduced by not having Vorpal.
Mindflayer - Exodus
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Tenacity will reduce all damage and crits, double dipping on crit nerf damage. So Vorpal will be reduced in effectiveness. That being said, GWFs are still pretty well positioned to get good use out of Vorpal. If anything, it goes to show how overpowered Vorpal is right now.
Base Crit Severity 75%
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 85 or 90%
With Perfect Vorpal: 135% or 140%
After 20% Crit Damage Reduction (left out 20% damage reduction since that affects all damage and therefore all encahnts equally)
Base Crit Severity: 40% (175*.8 = 140 - 100 = 40)
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 48% or 152%
With Perfect Vorpal: 88% or 92%
If anything, Vorpal will be the only way the crit stat will be worth anything after the patch. The crit stat already has high diminishing returns and then combine that with the highly reduced value of getting a crit. Another thing to remember is that Deep Gash damage is always a crit and would be greatly reduced by not having Vorpal.
after reading this im still a bit confuse ? so is this a 100% sure nerf at mod 3 or is unconfirmed ?? so in the end even if i have 40% + p.vorp i cant crit more than 15k now ?
On preview right now, the Tenacity stat reduces damage from players adn crit damage from players by XX amount. Everyone starts with a 10% reduction to both with 0 tenacity. With full PvP gear (4 peice armor, weapon set, and accessories), that can be boosted to 22% to both. 20% reduction was jsut for ease of calculation. While Vorpal crits will take a big hit, so will normal crits. Vorpal crits will be worth something at least while normal crits will be almost worthless.
Given that crit is a large stat on all the pvp sets... I really wish the new pvp set was more like Titan's than the weird combination of power/crit/low defense/deflect/regen.
Mindflayer - Exodus
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
And does terror same as plague fire in PvP if more than 1 teammate have it than other will be useless ? Is terror like that
snowcrash08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Just my two cents for fellow TR players: the lifedrinker enchant is really cool if you have gear that takes advantage of life stealing (T1 Scavenger or T2 Skulker set on TR). An extra boost and the higher you refine it, the better. Playing it increases your HP slowly as you do damage so the more hits you get in, the higher it goes, a lot like microheals. Combine this with Duelist Fury and it's amazing. But of course naysayers that doubt Duelist Fury is worthwhile aren't likely to think the life stealing approach is very good.
Vorpal is great for criticals, without a doubt. It works best in PvP as some of the others have been saying. But don't let the take away from this thread lead you to think either is a poor choice: both are great enchants unlike the useless dreck that is the Terror enchant.
That being said one would have to weigh which is more important in consideration of play style and build. My criticals are high as it is and I benefit from extra health, so I opted for lifedrinkers. Enjoy either way.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Roll with Vorpal and some lifesteal(probably using the Fallen Dragon set). Take the Endless Consumption feat from DR. not sure how a P.vorpal will stack up against the others with tenacity, but lifesteal+endless consumption will still be pretty good imo.
Just my two cents for fellow TR players: the lifedrinker enchant is really cool if you have gear that takes advantage of life stealing (T1 Scavenger or T2 Skulker set on TR). An extra boost and the higher you refine it, the better. Playing it increases your HP slowly as you do damage so the more hits you get in, the higher it goes, a lot like microheals. Combine this with Duelist Fury and it's amazing. But of course naysayers that doubt Duelist Fury is worthwhile aren't likely to think the life stealing approach is very good.
Vorpal is great for criticals, without a doubt. It works best in PvP as some of the others have been saying. But don't let the take away from this thread lead you to think either is a poor choice: both are great enchants unlike the useless dreck that is the Terror enchant.
That being said one would have to weigh which is more important in consideration of play style and build. My criticals are high as it is and I benefit from extra health, so I opted for lifedrinkers. Enjoy either way.
So what you mean about terror ? It is like plaguefire ?
snowcrash08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
I never used plaguefire so I don't know, but the terror part for the defense reduction never worked for my friend on his TR when we played together. It may be better on one of the tanking classes though.
So what you mean about terror ? It is like plaguefire ?
You can tell on your own. Terror activates per hit for a given defense reduction, Plaguefire need 3 stacks to get full potential. If you don't have an easy way to apply the dots in one go, then Terror is better.
GWFs and GFs are the first that come in mind as good Terror users.
You can tell on your own. Terror activates per hit for a given defense reduction, Plaguefire need 3 stacks to get full potential. If you don't have an easy way to apply the dots in one go, then Terror is better.
GWFs and GFs are the first that come in mind as good Terror users.
ottarc, he is stating that the GWFs/GFs have a slower animation on their At-Wills. So for PvP, you can't get the stacks of GPF on fast enough to matter, so Terror is better as it's one hit and debuff commences!
Hrm..thanks a lot guys ,but is still kinda torn between a p vorp and a p.terror now.I really wanted to buy p.vorp but kinda afraid that the crit reduction will be too much and makes my vorp become useless and not worth it anymore.this game is pve and PvP but my target is mainly on PvP so that's what worry me
Considering Threatening rush stacks 2 weapon master with every hit and 2 student of the sword stacks with every crit, I wouldn't imagine getting plaguefire up would be that difficult.
Mindflayer - Exodus
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Unless they changed something, Terror is a 4% damage boost no matter the target's defense. Just like plaguefire is 9%, and student of the sword is 15%. It doesn't actually lower defense by as much as you think.
Mindflayer - Exodus
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
but heard people said your plaguefire will be useless if (in pvp) your teamate have it ? so is terror same like that ? will the effect also become useless if my team have it ?
Tenebrous is meh. I'd rather stack different stats like Lifesteal/Radiants/etc.
If you are 1v3, and you can kill one of those 3 fast with that vorpal or plagfire, you ended up 1v2, which will prolong your fight / survivability. Being all defensive is a big no no as gwf, since if you cant kill your foe, they will kill you fast, especially with well placed cc / i.e., prone on you. Hence it is why vorpal / plagfire >>> lifedrinker.
It's not like it's no use. It will just get nerfed as a collateral "damage" from tenacity in PvP.
In PvE, it will still be a very strong boost to high crit builds damage.
In PvP, with tenacity applying a certain crit resistance, your critical damage will be reduced, partially cancelling your damage.
May be terror will be the way to go against tenacity.
Base Crit Severity 75%
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 85 or 90%
With Perfect Vorpal: 135% or 140%
After 20% Crit Damage Reduction (left out 20% damage reduction since that affects all damage and therefore all encahnts equally)
Base Crit Severity: 40% (175*.8 = 140 - 100 = 40)
GWF Base Crit Severity w/ Feat: 48% or 152%
With Perfect Vorpal: 88% or 92%
If anything, Vorpal will be the only way the crit stat will be worth anything after the patch. The crit stat already has high diminishing returns and then combine that with the highly reduced value of getting a crit. Another thing to remember is that Deep Gash damage is always a crit and would be greatly reduced by not having Vorpal.
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
after reading this im still a bit confuse ? so is this a 100% sure nerf at mod 3 or is unconfirmed ?? so in the end even if i have 40% + p.vorp i cant crit more than 15k now ?
Given that crit is a large stat on all the pvp sets... I really wish the new pvp set was more like Titan's than the weird combination of power/crit/low defense/deflect/regen.
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Vorpal is great for criticals, without a doubt. It works best in PvP as some of the others have been saying. But don't let the take away from this thread lead you to think either is a poor choice: both are great enchants unlike the useless dreck that is the Terror enchant.
That being said one would have to weigh which is more important in consideration of play style and build. My criticals are high as it is and I benefit from extra health, so I opted for lifedrinkers.
So what you mean about terror ? It is like plaguefire ?
You can tell on your own. Terror activates per hit for a given defense reduction, Plaguefire need 3 stacks to get full potential. If you don't have an easy way to apply the dots in one go, then Terror is better.
GWFs and GFs are the first that come in mind as good Terror users.
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired
Daria - Dwarf Sentinel GWF (mistaken for Halfling a lot)
Karia (aka "The Pug") - Human Combat HR
Kayd - Human Conqueror GF - Retired