Forest Meditation: I'm pretty sure this skill is responsible for messing with my FoV. I set 80 FoV (16:10 aspect ratio) and whenever I'm (on any character) in the vicinity of a HR using this skill, my FoV narrows (seemingly right down to default) for the duration. Of course this affects perceived mouse speed as well as peripheral vision and is a bit of a p.i.t.a in pvp dom for instance, where it can really screw up a fight.
Is this just me? I don't see it reported anywhere else and this problem has been with me since the introduction of HRs.
It isn't just you as I and others have mentioned this before. I did a few bug reports on it a very very very long time ago as well as a few forum posts too.
Still a problem .. and not a minor one.
No, I reported it as well:
It is extremely annoying and destroys my perception of the surroundings.
/10 chars
/10 char
It is annoying and ruins my fun.