Has anyone noticed how rogue dodge-roll really
"takes effect" giving immunity to attacks/CCs only after at least 1/4th of a dive-roll? I can't count the times I've clearly initiated the "roll" animation, head low, lunging forward, and then that being abruptly interruped by knocks, stuns, roots, etc etc..
I've always thought this was simply a matter of net-latency, but seeing as how a very-good connection with almost no latency (ping test) still results in the same, I've come to the conclusion that indeed, the immunity-time of the dodge-roll action does not exactly match the actual animation.
I don't really want to say
"Its not fair", but seeing as how CW teleport or HR dodges are very fast in initiation, sometimes seemingly able to
"IMMUNE" its way out of an attack that has been clearly, visually initiated before-hand, I have got to say this: rogues suffer from a bit of a mismatch between power animation and actual activation, IMO more so than any other class.
Being a Whisperknife, my build is inherently riddled with these problems. VP animation tends to cancel itself out under all sorts of circumstances, because the actual "activation" of the power seems to start only at the apex of the "jump". Disheartening Strike also suffer the same fate. MI rogues will clearly share this experience with Shadow Strike, as the actual power activation occurs only after "fiddling" with the knife and actually throwing it. Many will clearly have experienced where the power goes into animation, cooldown starts, but fails to activate. The same with almost every Daily Power, where I've seen multiple instances where I see my rogue just start to enter the Daily Power activation, and then gets it abruptly cancelled by a CC.
Compared to this, most fighter powers seem clearly instantaneous in activation, in some cases, the actual activation seems to start even before the power animation has begun. I wish the developers could fix this under a same standard, so either ALL the classes share the same problem, or none.
I will, thank you.
But that makes me curious -- are you saying other classes' dodge suffer similar problems in the animation not exactly matching the activation time? :???
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I think it's just latency/ping IMO...
Really, that's all about it. A bit unfair, if you will, but nothing you can do about it (unless using ITC oh well).
It seems to be a mix of latency and that HRs and CWs have a different timing on their dodges, I can dodge like crazy on my TRs (and my DC on the rare occasion I play that poor *******) yet still get nailed at times with my HR since it seems you have to anticipate the attack to avoid it rather than using a reactional dodge like I do on my TRs/DC.