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PVP Executioner Build: Curse "1-shot" TR

ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
edited April 2015 in The Thieves' Den
I have been retired from my TR for a while but keep getting requests for my build. This is a video of me playing with my build in pvp. Its more of a "montage" than a full game, but it will give you the idea of how I play and utilize the TR.


I will say that I am not the best TR out there and I would suggest that the "perma" TR build or a variation of one is a stronger PVP build for holding nodes.

That said, if your like me and cant stand to play that way, this may be an alternative for you.

The purpose of the build is simple: Deal as much damage in 1 explosive shot (Lashing Blade) that you dont need anything else. When I played this build my theory was the best defense is an outstanding offense. Feel free to change/tweak anything you like that fits your playstyle, this guide is merely meant to be a "foundation" assistance on how to build your TR.

Lets get started...

Race: Race is an important factor here. I hate to say this but a halfling really is the best choice. The deflect is very nice, combined with the +2 Dex/+2 Cha roll as well as the 10% CC. What else can you ask for?

A secondary choice would probably be a half-orc since they have +2 str/+2dex, as well as run speed in combat (20sec cd) and 5% more critical severity.

Ability Score Rolls:

For this I personally would do +6 DEX and +6 CHA

EDIT: someone pointed out CHA is bugged and its better to go STR. I will note for my video above I did go +6 STR/+6 DEX but had swapped to CHA later for deflect. IF CHA is bugged, I would go STR.

This gives you Crit/Deflect with DEX and +combat advantage damage and more deflect with CHA.

The other option is to stack strength and then you will want to take a different feat choice that I will go over below.

At Wills:

I would get very good at using Flurry, as well as cloud of steel. Those will be your "backups" when things get really heated and your stuff is on CD, which will hopefully be very rare.

This, again, I want to stress can be completely up to you! For the purpose of this build again I wanted to hit hard with lashing blade, to not leave the opponent even time to react.

I found the setup I liked to be:

"Q" - Shadow Strike - For the purpose of refilling my stealth to not only hide in the shadows again (defensive) but actually primarily for an additional Impact Shot Charge. See below

"E" - Impact Shot - This is a great ranged damager that can allow you to not only take down CWs with ease. But also lashing blade has a very long CD, so its nice to have a damager in between. Combined with Shadow strike, you can have anywhere from 4-5 charges read almost on command. An average crit with a decent vorpal enchant can be anywhere from 6-10k depending on the target. 10k*5= 50k dmg. Not too shabby.

"R" - The focus of this build. The hard hitting Lashing Blade! There comes alot of timing when it comes to using this as I will explain and show later. Just know this is your bread and butter. When built right, hopefully they will not only see you coming, but the only thing they will see is their respawn screen.

Class Features:

These are simple.

1) First Strike - Gives a 15% damage boost to the FIRST attack done in combat, you will see why this is key later on.

2) Skillful Infiltrator - Who doesnt want run speed and crit %?

You can change some things in here, again, its more of a guide. I wont walk through everything.

The biggest "optional" points I see are:

Speed Swindle The reason I chose this is setting up the 1 shot combo. I will go over this later. Its more or less just an assistance in setting it up as it requires you to COS crit someone for critical overrun while in stealth. The run speed helps you get there and it hinders them from moving.


Again, I cant stress this enough. I would recommend you play with the playstyle you like, but here is the gear setup I use:

I have tried various stats and can say that armor pen is one of the best stats to stack here. I also prefer the skulkers GG T2 set for not only the stealth duration bonus, but the 5% damage is a very nice addition. With this ARP you can get close to 30% ARP, and on this character my Crit is over 50%. Around the 3700 level, power starts becoming a better stat, but for MOST classes ARP will be what you want to stack.

In the above I am only using R8 enchants/ancients weapons/skulkers set which are all far from "unattainable" for even the casual player. If you need, stick with R7s. But skulkers/ancients are very nice, The ONLY upgrade I would consider would be the Dread Legion Daggers which have more top end and more armor penetration.

For defensive slots I used Silvery Enchants. Not only are they cheap, but a TRs deflection severity is higher than other classes and we deflect 75% of incoming damage, which is MASSIVE!


Offensive - Darks
Defensive - Silverys/Radiants
Utility - Darks

For the big crits you will want a Vorpal Enchant. This is a major damage boost!
For the defensive, I like to roll with Soulforged.

How to PVP:
Ok so now you have all the gear, your ready to pvp. How do I do the leet deeps?!?

Well here is the "setup" you will want to practice.

We are going to utilize "Critical Overrun" Combined with "First Strike" to deal massive damage!

The steps are outlined in this short video.


Well... Thats pretty much it... Have fun 1 shotting CWs!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There we go! An effective build from one of the most prominent rogues I know. :) Thank you for sharing this with the community.
  • myth8892myth8892 Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2014
    Since i am new to this game, playing a gwf currently and have a TR as a secondary character, would you mind posting up a screen shot of your powers as well??
    Would greatly appreciate it.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited January 2014
    CHA is bugged. The CA bonus from it is multiplicative, so you will only get around + 1.65% damage increase from CA with those stats in CHA. And the deflection won't make much difference since that build has almost no survivability anyways.

    It is better to just go STR DEX with that kind of builds. More burst and damage for the lashing blade.
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Low hp, low defense, low deflect and no regen (recovery is also too low for my tastes but that's a personal choice). This looks like a smore making build to me.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    For a TR survival is more than just stats and skill.

    The stats people come to see as being so important (such as regen) or skills like ITC, are insurances for every mistake you make while playing a TR. However, IMO, the largest factor contributing to the survival of TRs is actually wits and quick thinking. Making as few mistakes as possible should be the primary concern for a rogue, not wrappinh yourself with means to offset the consequences of your mistakes.

    Honestly, the only time I really miss ITC nowadays, is when I'm chain-proned by multiple fighter classes + wizards + HRs etc.. and in one of those situations that you think, "Nope. Impossible. I'm dead". But since I actively try to avoid those as much as possible, it is really no biggy.

    Let's try not to come to conclusions about someone's build based on just numbers and stats, rather than actually watch the person in action.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited January 2014
    It definitely blows my mind to see people putting comparisons of gear vs skill, while both are equally important.

    To stay on topic and not go deep with speculations, i will put a small scenario of this build in action:

    It is focused about LB, according to author and we all know that doing LB from stealth will put you out of stealth. So what happens next? you are seen. What's next? Your opponent is either dead by your massive LB or they managed to deflect it/survive it/dodge it.

    So how are you going to escape? Dodge, shadow strike, throw some daggers and off you go. What if you are CC'ed before shadow strike? you would use ItC to allow yourself sometime of immunity before you use shadow strike.

    What if your opponent mark you in stealth? ( there are various ways to do that as a CW, or the legit way, using lantern artifact) then you are pretty much dead. No skill will save you while having LB slotted in your rotation, not only because you can't withstand the incoming damage with only that amount of HP but also because you already made yourself vulnerable by slotting such encounter in your rotation .

    So yes, gear is important. It will save your life and give you even a second chance. So let's be realistic and not ignore that this build has no survivability, with the given gear and rotation.

    The build is for fun, as OP stated, and it isn't for competitive PvP by any chance. So let's not over exaggerate things and actually challenge the facts and say it can survive..
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Seriously? Where is the regen?

    You need 1 ring of preservation. and a purple Bloodraven, also a almost legendary water, Other wise you gonna be dying a lot and unless they have some squishy CW or HR around you won't be getting kills.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    esteena wrote: »
    It is focused about LB, according to author and we all know that doing LB from stealth will put you out of stealth. So what happens next? you are seen. What's next? Your opponent is either dead by your massive LB or they managed to deflect it/survive it/dodge it.

    So how are you going to escape? Dodge, shadow strike, throw some daggers and off you go. What if you are CC'ed before shadow strike? you would use ItC to allow yourself sometime of immunity before you use shadow strike.

    What if your opponent mark you in stealth? ( there are various ways to do that as a CW, or the legit way, using lantern artifact) then you are pretty much dead. No skill will save you while having LB slotted in your rotation, not only because you can't withstand the incoming damage with only that amount of HP but also because you already made yourself vulnerable by slotting such encounter in your rotation .

    Situational awareness in actual combat, not number mashing.

    1) In real combat, people have different skill levels and reaction times. Some react quickly (low priority targets), others are a bit dull, and offer a lot of openings you can exploit(juicy targets)

    2) In real combat, the action is often chaotic. Some people don't even realize what hit them in many cases, and their field of vision is usually very narrow when they are attacking. We call this "target fixation". Target fixated people can be spotted out, and their openings can also be exploited.

    3) In real combat, you fight with your team, not alone. Arena PvP is not a duel. So you hit someone, but they survive. You seem to be a target. What do you do? Well, what does your team do? They heal. They CC the ones trying to CC you. They shift around targets. Its a team dynamic even if its not premades. There is still much that can be observed and reacted to without anyone even saying a word. You see how people move around, who they target, what skill they use. That's all telling information about the combat that's happening around you, and combat that will happen in the next few seconds. The more experience someone has, the more he processes these information to his own advantage.

    So yes, gear is important. It will save your life and give you even a second chance. So let's be realistic and not ignore that this build has no survivability, with the given gear and rotation.

    The build is for fun, as OP stated, and it isn't for competitive PvP by any chance. So let's not over exaggerate things and actually challenge the facts and say it can survive..

    No doubt. Gear is important. You can't defeat someone at 15k+ gear, with only 10k. Maybe there's a small chance, but too small to expect it to happen in real life. Also, even the best people make mistakes -- hence, the need for some form of insurance, whether it be stat or skill.

    But cutting down the risk is in direct relation with skill. In the end it all depends on how you manage it, and if I've seen anything in the 20 years of PvP experience in a variety of games, "Competitive PvP" is where the monsters and freaks of nature dwell, doing seemingly impossible things, overcoming seemingly impossible odds, showing off seemingly impossible performance.

    Survival is more than skill and gear. Maybe in the extreme, top-level PvP, the OP may have to use something else. But if he can manage with this build in any given PuG for maybe even 60~70% of the time, I'd say that's plenty viable of an option to consider -- if, a big if, you are smart enough.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    what is a overrun critical ?
  • stoxforum1stoxforum1 Banned Users Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ottoarc wrote: »
    what is a overrun critical ?

    Executioner Tree final feat.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I actually have two +479 Seals for Regen I sometimes played with. I havnt played this build Mod 2, I play my GF/GWF.

    So yes, you could easily get Raven/Waters/Boon and have over 1000 regen, then add the rings and your at 1900, easy.

    You can also stack more HP if youd like as well in defensive slots for higher regen ticks.

    To answer someones question about you lashingblade and then what... Well you have atleast 4 impact shots...

    When playing a cw, I wouldnt use lashingblade, its too hard to set up. Just COS to proc CO, then Impact shot for the stun. Its really easy to kill CWs that way.

    The purpose of this build ISNT node holding, its killing. So its not meant to be a 1v1 build. I have not played my TR much since Mod 2 so things have changed.

    But if your looking for what I see as the only alternative build to a "perma" type build, this seems to be it.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The moment a sent see's this build it's dead. The only thing that lashing blade will do is proc unstoppable. Then since you're not perma-stealth you'll be hit with takedown/frontline surge.
  • anacrusysanacrusys Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    keltz0r wrote: »
    I 100% agree with this and whether people like it or not, the only viable build for high level PvP TR is the regen/recovery/itc/stealth build, and no matter how pro you are you will not be able to compete with this kind of build against anything except horrible pugs. Yes I'm sure it will be fun to pug with this kind of build to see some high crits occasionally but it just wont work in any kind of competitive premade.

    The sad truth also is that any kind of whisperknife build will not be viable in any way in premades, because of no itc, yes it does kind of suck that the other paragon for TR is completely useless in PvP but that's the sad truth at this time in the game :/, this build and wk builds just lack survivability too much.

    Hi, can you please give me a link or list the encounters/powers/feats/ and stats (dex,etc) of the only viable pvp regen/recovery/itc/stealth build? I don't have real $$$ to respec so I want to try to get it right or as close as I can while leveling. I'm currently level 41 and picked MI. Thx.
  • anacrusysanacrusys Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The most important thing I need are the stats and powers used because I can't respec those. So far I've been going all dex and str. I think I'm 23 dex, 18 str, 15 char. Very Low con and int.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ayroux wrote: »
    I will say that I am not the best TR out there and I would suggest that the "perma" TR build or a variation of one is a stronger PVP build for holding nodes.

    That said, if your like me and cant stand to play that way, this may be an alternative for you.
    keltz0r wrote: »
    the only viable build for high level PvP TR is the regen/recovery/itc/stealth build,

    So it seems we are on the same page. I dont play a TR in Mod 2, this is a Mod 1 based build and worked very well for Mod 1. I said many times its used as a base line. You want more HP? go for it. want more regen? go for it. want more recovery, sure!

    The only reason I posted this was because I kept having people ask for it. If I had to update this for Mod 2, it would be different.
    I would encourage players to branch off of this build, but its what I used when I played TR and I think it may be helpful for some...

    I also want to re-highlight... The key idea behind this setup is NOT for a 1v1-er and NOT for a backcapper. Its an "executioner" and thats how its works.

    So if your play style is to solo-q for pvp and you want to help "carry" a team, this isnt the build. Its not a node holder, its a DPS-er.

    Your setup your play so you are not the only person on a node, you fight with players and your burst is what blows people up. You go in, kill and take the node with a team. Not many people can stand a 20k+ lashing combined with anything else you throw at it.

    Your entire defense revolves around shadow strike to escape and re-stealth.

    Do I think this exact build is optimal for pvp? I already posted the answer above. No. Do I think you COULD use the same idea but update this for mod 2 pvp and be effective? Yes.

    Add in artifacts/recovery/regen if youd like... Its up to you.
  • anacrusysanacrusys Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think your build would not have received so much criticism if you just swapped out impact shot for ITC. As encounters use shadow strike, lb, and ITC . Cos for range in between cd's when they run from you. After using it the past 10 levels, I agree that ITC is a must have skill. This build in the link has the general same theme as you. I didn't compare the gear though.


    Ps. I noticed you listed q e r , and assume you use those key binds. The best suggestion I can give anyone is to use e,s,d,f for movement, which puts your hand in the center of the left side of keyboard. So you can easily reach 5 , t g b. I made this move 6 years ago and it has helped a lot with pvp performance. It's more important in games that allow you to use 10+ skills. But still helps in this game. Makes it easy to reach mount, inventory , scoreboard, etc. which I assigned to t, g b 5
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ok nice vid curse,but since mod 2 now i bet tr cant do these kind of damage anymore am i right ?
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    esteena wrote: »
    CHA is bugged. The CA bonus from it is multiplicative, so you will only get around + 1.65% damage increase from CA with those stats in CHA. And the deflection won't make much difference since that build has almost no survivability anyways.

    It is better to just go STR DEX with that kind of builds. More burst and damage for the lashing blade.

    is this confirm to be the truth as esteena said ?? cha is really bugged ?
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ok have a few question to ask..1)if i make a tr i think i would go for Horc, and is 18 str and 18 dex a good starting roll ? i would love to follow curse dex/cha build but as esteena stated CHA is currently bugged( not sure is it true or false ) 2) for the starting i would buy a Ancient Mulhorand dagger , ancient mulhorand parrying blade and a ancient cloak .. ok i will put a Greater vorpal enchanment in my mulhorand dagger weapon enchanment slot, that would also let me have 3 offense slot , ok which enchanment i would slot in it would be better ? because i would like to have very high crit..what i mean of high crit ?? ok lets make an example : in 10-19 pvp..usually people will crit in here mostly would be 900-2500(thats the highest crit i saw in 10-19) pvp..but for me i would like to do more than that..would like to have 3000 or above crit in 10-19. Dont mistake me here my friend ? i do not intend to stay in 10-19 forever what i meant is like i dont care is 10-19 , 20-29 , or 30-39 to 60 pvp. what i want is i want to crit above the normal rate..like 20-29 pvp normally what i saw the highest crit in here would be 4690( thats the highest i saw in 20-29 not sure if anyone seen higher) but i want to crit 5000 and above...do you all understand what i mean ? so what kind of enchament i should put in ?? ok i will put R7 enchanment or even R8 only..cant afford higher lol because greater vorp already cost me alot, not that kind of rich guys that can slot prefect vorpal and all rank 10..is it Dark ? Azure ? or what else ?
  • stoxforum1stoxforum1 Banned Users Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ottoarc wrote: »
    is this confirm to be the truth as esteena said ?? cha is really bugged ?

    It's not a bug, it's the way it works. Combat Advantage is a 15% increase. CHA bonus, let's say you end with 20 cha, you will gain a 10% bonus. 15*1.1=16.5, or 1.5% increase damage in CA.
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    so as esteena stated even if i have 24 cha compare to 24 str ..str still outdamage cha right ?
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    and someone please answer my above few stupid question pls
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ottoarc wrote: »
    so as esteena stated even if i have 24 cha compare to 24 str ..str still outdamage cha right ?

    24 CHA = 14% CA bonus multiplicative = 15% CA base x 1.14 bonus = 17.1% CA total = 2.1% damage bonus under Combat Advantage conditions.

    24 STR = 14% damage bonus.

    So, yes, STR massively outdamages CHA.

    However, CHA has other benefits on a TR like Deflection Chance (twice that from DEX per point), i.e. your survivability.
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    fondlez wrote: »
    24 CHA = 14% CA bonus multiplicative = 15% CA base x 1.14 bonus = 17.1% CA total = 2.1% damage bonus under Combat Advantage conditions.

    24 STR = 14% damage bonus

    So, yes, STR massively outdamages CHA.

    However, CHA has other benefits on a TR like Deflection Chance (twice that from DEX per point), i.e. your survivability.

    OK so why do curse choose cha instead of str,and still no one answer my above post
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    fondlez wrote: »
    24 CHA = 14% CA bonus multiplicative = 15% CA base x 1.14 bonus = 17.1% CA total = 2.1% damage bonus under Combat Advantage conditions.

    24 STR = 14% damage bonus.

    So, yes, STR massively outdamages CHA.

    However, CHA has other benefits on a TR like Deflection Chance (twice that from DEX per point), i.e. your survivability.

    So why curse choose cha instead of str seem like this is a cookie cutter build and still no one answer my above post
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Sorry double post
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    And also do greater vorp not only boost my crit and does it boost my damage too
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    He went CHA for the deflection bonus it gives.

    Vorpal increases the damage of your critical hits, it has no effect on your crit percentage.
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ok thx trapublican ? and can you answer my post on page 3
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    ok as i know ancient mulhorand dagger have weapon enchanment slot but mulhorand blade does not seem to have weapon slot ? so can i buy 2 mulhorand dagger so i can slot great vorp and soulforged ?? or is it forbidden and you only can have 1 dagger and 1 blade ?
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