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PvP: The biggest clown show ever!

brolleunbrolleun Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2014 in PvE Discussion
Issues with PVP:

I’m going to keep this short and sweet: PvP is a joke and an after thought that caters to individuals who don’t want a challenge but an “I win button.”

No pvp brackets:

1. Premades are facing pick up groups.
2. Gear scores are not balancing out.

No pvp gear:

1. The gear bought through glory is—ironically—glorified tier 1 pve gear.
2. No tiers past tier 1.

Item imbalancing:

1. Enchants that bring the player back to life at 30% or more health is simply broken.
2. Artifacts that provide 40% of the character’s lost health—or more—is broken.

No incentives:

1. PvP has no incentive to stay in play when losing or beyond the artifact and tier 1—being completely shut out of a match nets no glory: losing in a game is bad enough.
2. PvP is simply a game of—ironically again—domination.

No proper rewarding:

1. A player gains point only from holding points: why aren’t players earning glory for healing, damage dealing, taking damage, defending points, and capturing points?

PvP has turned into a game of he who spends to win. If you want to keep players out of PvP and strictly in PvE keep up the “good work” on fine tuning the lack luster pvp.

• The classes aren’t anywhere near balanced.
• Itemization is poor and not built with pvp in mind.
• Spending money in the game has a huge impact on performance mechanically: also known as pay to win.

If the developers have no desire to correct pvp simply remove it: as PVP stands it's built around mashing buttons, dodge spamming, and paying to win, or not stepping foot into (the whole two maps of capture and hold) PvP until reaching a designated gear score of roughly 10k or more.
Post edited by brolleun on


  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    brolleun wrote: »

    No pvp brackets:

    1. Premades are facing pick up groups.
    2. Gear scores are not balancing out.

    This is true

    No pvp gear:

    1. The gear bought through glory is—ironically—glorified tier 1 pve gear.
    2. No tiers past tier 1.

    This is false. To get the tier 2 version, you need to do Gauntlgrym (which you enter through the world map and you have to be in a guild) during its scheduled event.

    Item imbalancing:

    1. Enchants that bring the player back to life at 30% or more health is simply broken.
    2. Artifacts that provide 40% of the character’s lost health—or more—is broken.

    This is very broken for new players, but for old players its not as much of an issue (it is still an issue, however). Health drops like a rock in PvP as long as the enemy doesn't have a regen/life steal/defense/deflect build.

    No incentives:

    1. PvP has no incentive to stay in play when losing or beyond the artifact and tier 1—being completely shut out of a match nets no glory: losing in a game is bad enough.
    2. PvP is simply a game of—ironically again—domination.

    This is true. It would be very nice to be able to get better rewards for it, but PvP is also mainly seen as a side thing to do in the game at the moment. It won't get any decent rewards until module 3 at the least which the devs stated in a post a while back that it would add something to PvP.

    No proper rewarding:

    1. A player gains point only from holding points: why aren’t players earning glory for healing, damage dealing, taking damage, defending points, and capturing points?

    You do get points for capturing points; 300 points, in fact. If you kill a player on a point that your team captured, you get a bonus 100 points and the 50 points for the kill. As for gaining glory for healing/damage/taking damage, that is just way too easily imbalanced for new players since they will gain way less due to lower numbers (except taking damage).

    PvP has turned into a game of he who spends to win. If you want to keep players out of PvP and strictly in PvE keep up the “good work” on fine tuning the lack luster pvp.

    • The classes aren’t anywhere near balanced.
    Builds are not balanced. The classes by themselves are decently balanced. You only see a balance issue at lvl 60 because everyone can focus a build then.
    • Itemization is poor and not built with pvp in mind.
    PvP is/was an after thought of the devs.
    • Spending money in the game has a huge impact on performance mechanically: also known as pay to win.
    This game is not NEARLY as pay to win as people think it is. It is very easy to earn AD in-game, but you need to put time into it.
    If the developers have no desire to correct pvp simply remove it: as PVP stands it's built around mashing buttons, dodge spamming, and paying to win, or not stepping foot into (the whole two maps of capture and hold) PvP until reaching a designated gear score of roughly 10k or more.
    Dodging is your best friend if you aren't a GWF or GF since it makes you immune for ~1s. I don't see an issue of using it whenever you need to. You can enter pvp with lower gs, but don't expect to do much if you meet a premade or a team with high gs. PvP is (or at the very least, was) fine before lvl 60. Now, with the new weapons that level with you, they broke 59- PvP. The issue is mostly specific builds.

    Anyways, I do agree that PvP needs something done to it, but the earliest you will hear of anything PvP related will probably be around February/March since that is about when module 3 will be out based on the previous release schedule.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    If you wanna enjoy PVP u have come to the wrong game.

    You can only enjoy PVP when u are all rank 7+ with greater perfect and also in a premade. Otherwise you would most likely just run into another premade as pug and get stomp 24/7.

    For a side note wanna enjoy PVP roll a GWF, it is as broken as it can be, the only thing he lacks is stealth. But even without it u can still be god as soon as you use your credit card put some nice gear on him you would wreck people, or at the least annoy people.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Getting rank 7 gems under the current refining system is easy. But people are still going to cry, if they aren't directly (fresh lvl 60) on par with the 17k GS toons. These types of threads keep popping up like a plague, lately. I do agree that PvP needs a little revamp but can we stop the unneccessary crying, about our own incompetence and keep it on topic?

    Thank you very much.

  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Getting rank 7 gems under the current refining system is easy. But people are still going to cry, if they aren't directly (fresh lvl 60) on par with the 17k GS toons. These types of threads keep popping up like a plague, lately. I do agree that PvP needs a little revamp but can we stop the unneccessary crying, about our own incompetence and keep it on topic?

    Thank you very much.

    It's not their fault.

    People would not "cry" if they would have been faced with other people of same skill&gear.

    Stop putting together guys with r8+ and perfects and people with 8K GS and no wep/armor enchants. Almost all "crying" will stop.

    So again, people are not to be blamed for criticizing imbalance, the queue system is to be criticized for bringing imbalance.
  • aerotraerotr Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Guys can you pls help me to get:

    "all rank 7+ , greater perfect , some soulforge or barkshield"

    As you say "Getting rank 7 gems under the current refining system is easy"

    Getting enchants in old model was easy for me, now I need to spend at least "25000" AD plus some wards to get it upgraded.

    Ok I got the tier 6's which is very difficult to refine but I bought them directly spending around 25k for each ( instead of refining many enchant and buying some potency and ward which is much more than 25k)

    So lets say 11 item x 25 = 275 AD

    So I do daily stuff and can earn max 24k a day
    > doing all daily grind for 12-13 day I can have the rank 6 enh. done,

    I got my tier 2 set from gaung. , grinding many days which you need around 400-500 grym coins I assume.

    I got crappy %50 mount with around 3000 AD, cause a decent mount is around 800K AD (how do I earn 800k easly ?)

    I got jewelery which works 40k x 4 = 160k AD

    Now there comes lets say greater vorpal, barkshield or soulforge which in total I should be spending some million AD.

    I love PVP and I feel same with OP. Sometimes I rock in pvp, sometimes I am just a bug to be crashed. Than I realize those guys <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me are around 17ish K gearscores which you can do only with spending some hundred bucks.

    Sometimes I perform well against them kill them, he resurrects and fills his life gauge more than half, OMG not again! Sometimes I hit my best most powerfull strike to them and omg only 2K damage ??? lol I have to run for my life :)

    So as a result can you TELL ME, how can I grind 2-3 millions of AD, easly while playing the game ? This is really important for me, cause it is like secret of eternal life, and if it is so easy I have to learn it.

    (btw I used to have some drops from dungeons and sell them for good money, now all I see "BOP" which equals to salvage for 3k-10k)
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    aerotr wrote: »
    Sometimes I perform well against them kill them, he resurrects and fills his life gauge more than half, OMG not again! Sometimes I hit my best most powerfull strike to them and omg only 2K damage ??? lol I have to run for my life :)
    The person probably deflected your attack or you attacked a GF/GWF with high defense when you have little to no armor penetration or you attacked a GWF while they have unstoppable active. It also depends on your class as well.
    aerotr wrote: »
    So as a result can you TELL ME, how can I grind 2-3 millions of AD, easly while playing the game ? This is really important for me, cause it is like secret of eternal life, and if it is so easy I have to learn it.

    (btw I used to have some drops from dungeons and sell them for good money, now all I see "BOP" which equals to salvage for 3k-10k)
    Secret of Eternal Life.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    aerotr wrote: »
    GSo as a result can you TELL ME, how can I grind 2-3 millions of AD, easly while playing the game ? This is really important for me, cause it is like secret of eternal life, and if it is so easy I have to learn it.

    Key word is "easily". You can grind your millions of AD, fully legit in the game, but it will take time&work. You will probably still end up behind those that buy the gear directly, obviously.
  • vedran541vedran541 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Module 3 was promised to be PvP oriented update.
    And i recall seeing some screenshots of a "stat_resillience" on pvp gear that was a clearly a slip up that was not supposed to be seen. So im guessing at least Resillience will be added to the t1 and t2 pvp gear, the way it was in WoW a few years ago.

    Capture the flag was also mentioned by some people, but there are no confirmations about these things.

    Anyways i think Cryptic knows how important part of the game the PvPers are, and what they need to change, but seeing as they dont own this game im guessing it has to go through a lot of old heads before they can publish major changes.

    So to OP, i would just hold on and hope for the best. Because the change has to come, or else im pretty sure they know what will happen now that the spring is closing in
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Key word is "easily". You can grind your millions of AD, fully legit in the game, but it will take time&work. You will probably still end up behind those that buy the gear directly, obviously.

    Not by enough for it to matter if you try.
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »

    I have done all of that and some more, it takes you 6 months without paying to be close to that. I keep reading how easy it is now to make rank 7, but in truth it is exactly the same cost as it was before. Perfect Enchants are at the same cost and all items are BoP now.
    I am a solo player who never had a big guild to farm with, as the majority is, and i tell you this: Is no way a new player can catch up in less than 6 months: 12 mil for weapon/armor, 2 mil for all the rank 7, mount and stone 1.5 mil so you need 15.5 mil just to be there and that implies that you know exactly what you;re doing and you are only playing one character.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Original poster, all your description is true. But then, it will auto-balance by itself.
    Fresh, boon-less, green-blue lvl 60 are fresh but not stupid, after one or two attempts they understand that they don't belong to NWO pvp. Same goes for more ancient lvl60 people who play without the P2W hijacks and are still, at the slow pace imposed by NWO, improving the one and only set they have. They try once in a while to see if pvp has changed somehow, and leave after one minute seeing the red team has 2 bases and is contesting the blue b1.
    So, is there any need of a change? Once the casuals and the fresh are gone, the ones who will eventually do pvp are the ones who can, and they will be facing opponents who also can.
    English is not my first language.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »

    The mentionned thread is a joke. Most of the recipes are about taking someone else's AD, so by definition they cannot work for everybody. And the ones that anybody could do (like selling drops, selling coals) are disappearing one after the other.
    So yes, six months for a from-scratch lvl60 to get on par with beta-players is a minimum. Except that in the meanwhile, as with mod2 bringing companion passives and artifacts and boons, Cryptic will have added a mod3 with yet another set of ways to make powerful chars even more powerful.
    English is not my first language.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    aerotr wrote: »
    Guys can you pls help me to get:

    "all rank 7+ , greater perfect , some soulforge or barkshield"

    As you say "Getting rank 7 gems under the current refining system is easy"

    Getting enchants in old model was easy for me, now I need to spend at least "25000" AD plus some wards to get it upgraded.

    Ok I got the tier 6's which is very difficult to refine but I bought them directly spending around 25k for each ( instead of refining many enchant and buying some potency and ward which is much more than 25k)

    So lets say 11 item x 25 = 275 AD

    So I do daily stuff and can earn max 24k a day
    > doing all daily grind for 12-13 day I can have the rank 6 enh. done,

    I got my tier 2 set from gaung. , grinding many days which you need around 400-500 grym coins I assume.

    I got crappy %50 mount with around 3000 AD, cause a decent mount is around 800K AD (how do I earn 800k easly ?)

    I got jewelery which works 40k x 4 = 160k AD

    Now there comes lets say greater vorpal, barkshield or soulforge which in total I should be spending some million AD.

    I love PVP and I feel same with OP. Sometimes I rock in pvp, sometimes I am just a bug to be crashed. Than I realize those guys <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me are around 17ish K gearscores which you can do only with spending some hundred bucks.

    Sometimes I perform well against them kill them, he resurrects and fills his life gauge more than half, OMG not again! Sometimes I hit my best most powerfull strike to them and omg only 2K damage ??? lol I have to run for my life :)

    So as a result can you TELL ME, how can I grind 2-3 millions of AD, easly while playing the game ? This is really important for me, cause it is like secret of eternal life, and if it is so easy I have to learn it.

    (btw I used to have some drops from dungeons and sell them for good money, now all I see "BOP" which equals to salvage for 3k-10k)

    You will be amazed what you can get after 6 months of playing time. I have rank 8s on my main, rank 7 and 6 on my other toon, 1 perfect 1 greater 2 normal and a couple lesser. And I am not even a hardcore farmer. So if you getting destroyed by 17k gs people don't complain, you don't get to be at the top after only 1 month of play time when others like me spend 6 months or more.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You will be amazed what you can get after 6 months of playing time. I have rank 8s on my main, rank 7 and 6 on my other toon, 1 perfect 1 greater 2 normal and a couple lesser. And I am not even a hardcore farmer. So if you getting destroyed by 17k gs people don't complain, you don't get to be at the top after only 1 month of play time when others like me spend 6 months or more.
    Even in sub games with no cash shop vets have the advantage because they'll already have bis gear. I really don't get everyone's complaints either and there are ways to make ad if people work at it. They just have to try.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Even in sub games with no cash shop vets have the advantage because they'll already have bis gear. I really don't get everyone's complaints either and there are ways to make ad if people work at it. They just have to try.

    BIS gear for most class are easily obtainable. TR only need a GG set or if you are lazy Glory Gear honestly are just as good as GG T2. GF you don't need set pieces, CW you only need HV, DC is at the same shoes with GF, and GWF requires little gear to start being OP because oh well it is OP. Can't speak for HR since I don't have one.

    But I do hate people I meet in PVP when they complain oh you have high gs blah blah blah. Honestly most of those people who cry are bad player themselves, it has nothing to do with the gear difference, they simply lack of exp and have no idea how to play their class or against certain class. I am sure as hell I would beat them even if I stripe myself to the same gear lvl, it just won't be that much of a stomp :D
  • shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    My GS on my HR is 10.5k~ and I enjoy PVP. I enjoy the premades as I still make them *work* for their kills... until it gets to be 2 or 3v1. I enjoy doing cap swaps with this team as I respect them for the work and time they put in to their gear. With my 10.5k GS, I've taken on and beaten 12k GS GWFs, GFs, CWs, TRs, etc, etc.. I've found that if they're over that 13k mark, I don't do enough to beat them. But I'm ok with that. Why? Because I'm only in r5s, with a lesser terror. No armor enchant. Personally, I love soulforge. You prone and kill them, they have to stand back up, what's that mean? no deflect. 1 aim shot and they're toast and there's nothing they can do about it.

    Changes ARE coming to PVP. As someone else mentioned, mod 3 will have changes for PVP. Do I know good or bad? haven't a clue. Only ones who know what's coming are the Devs. I'm excited to see what will happen. The game is young, it's still growing into the amazing MMO it can be.
  • mestremaxmestremax Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2014
    PvP and Neverwinter are two things that currently do not match.

    Although not a big fan of PvP have to admit that the neverwinter to survive after big games are released this year has to be a big improvement and greater balance in PvP and PvP players also spend more "$" than players PvE, the EGO of these players is infinitely greater than the other players.

    I regret that my DC with 13k GS can survive Valindra but can not survive more than a few seconds against some players "1v1".
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »

    You can NEVER catch up. By the time I farmed my r7s/perfect vorpal for example, module 2 was released. I managed to gather enough enchants to upgrade to greater SF and R8s (in time). However... the very first days after module release, people already had 2-3 legendary artifacts and r10s. Now, I will have to catch up to that.

    By the time I will catch up to those, new module will hit and people will again fast forward to BiS, while I will again have months of farming to catch up. All this time, I will play at a disadvantage in PvP (cause in PvE it doesn't matter at this level, you can already be a one man army).

    But my case is quite a good one. I am able to farm dungeons crazy amount of times/day. I have a good team of pro players that I can trust. So I am pretty lucky, and my situation is not representative, considering the HUGE gap a new player has to fill (I play since July maybe). In other games new players are helped to catch up. There's nothing significant for them here.
  • hiddenfatehiddenfate Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I've mentioned before that domination is a pseudo-ripoff of Guild Wars' alliance battles. Just with only 2 maps, way less variation, and far less fun.

    I wouldn't complain if they ripped it off and did it well (seriously guild wars PvP was fun as heck...not guild wars 2 guild wars 1) but they didn't. That's where they went wrong, ripping it off poorly instead of just packing it in like no tomorrow. If they bring in 16 vs. 16 domination battles with large maps and NPC defenders on the point though I just want you guys to know, I called it.
  • twstdechotwstdecho Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 630 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    As long as content is constantly being added, you will never catch up. However, that doesn't have to be a bad thing. The bad thing is that new or inexperienced and under-geared players get slapped into a match into people with double their gear score and experience in PvP.

    You don't typically get to face people that are on the same level as you are. There is no sense of fighting your way up to the top. Telling people "they don't belong in PvP" because of their gear score or experience is just an ignorant way to let the rest of us know that you don't understand the issues at hand.


    Your PvP ranking (which could and probably should be invisible to all players) should be based on gear score and win/loss ratings weighted based on opponent strength at time of match.

    Gear shouldn't be swap-able during a ranked match (stops players from putting on green gear, getting into a lower ranked match, then swapping over to their real BiS gear set).

    You should be able to queue for a ranked match, or a "no-rules" match with no rank earned or taken into consideration for match making purposes.

    This goes for group and single player queues.

    Finally, you should be able to challenge one group to another, to PvP matches (ranked or unranked).
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The biggest problem are the folowing things .
    PPL's are dont understand how the creators desingned the game:
    if y stack full agresive stats y will always die
    if y stack almost full agresive stats and some def y will always die
    if y stack mid agressive stats and bit more def stat somtimes y will not die 2nd place
    if y stack half agressive stats and half def stat y die and kill ratio 75/25 WINNER
    if y stack almost low agressive stat you will not die often only some times but now y can't kill soo much. 3rd place
    if y stack low agressive stats and full def stat y will not die only on rare situations but now y can only kill someone on rare situations

    And this is about 1 vs 1 any class can do this any class can kill other's and survive after new modul we got a big balance. But how shoud i say?
    Like my grandmother always says she is too old to understand new stuff (like pc and ip-tv)"98 year old". Maybe y all need to reboot your mind and start to calc on stats to get up for the new generation of pvp and pve.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • inquisitorrahlinquisitorrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The biggest problem are the folowing things .
    PPL's are dont understand how the creators desingned the game:
    if y stack full agresive stats y will always die
    if y stack almost full agresive stats and some def y will always die
    if y stack mid agressive stats and bit more def stat somtimes y will not die 2nd place
    if y stack half agressive stats and half def stat y die and kill ratio 75/25 WINNER
    if y stack almost low agressive stat you will not die often only some times but now y can't kill soo much. 3rd place
    if y stack low agressive stats and full def stat y will not die only on rare situations but now y can only kill someone on rare situations

    And this is about 1 vs 1 any class can do this any class can kill other's and survive after new modul we got a big balance. But how shoud i say?
    Like my grandmother always says she is too old to understand new stuff (like pc and ip-tv)"98 year old". Maybe y all need to reboot your mind and start to calc on stats to get up for the new generation of pvp and pve.

    People already know how to gear for PvP...this isn't anything new or groundbreaking. Attrition builds have been around since the dawn of MMO PvP that is gear based.

    The problem lies in the horrible horrible itemization of gear sets. The PvP sets are just...wow...I don't know about all the classes, but the DC and CW ones are nothing that interest me at all. Give us a reforging option and people would suck a lot less, guaranteed.
    Father McGruder - Scrub geared DPS DC - I kick HAMSTER for the Lord!

    Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    People already know how to gear for PvP...this isn't anything new or groundbreaking. Attrition builds have been around since the dawn of MMO PvP that is gear based.

    The problem lies in the horrible horrible itemization of gear sets. The PvP sets are just...wow...I don't know about all the classes, but the DC and CW ones are nothing that interest me at all. Give us a reforging option and people would suck a lot less, guaranteed.

    I agree in only 1 thing with y pvp , reward is not a reward after y have bis gear.
    But i still think its a good start if y leveling y char from 10 -60 in pvp y can buy y self a full sett .
    About DC biggest problem comes from bugged armor pen not from item sets.
    CW sets are fine.

    And 1 thing y forget after 60 if y do in 1 day all time d.pvp y can have up 25 k maximum glory,from zero in no time full gear set..
    If y want better gear go pve with your new awarded pvp sett y can perfetly done all epic t2 armor set dungs .
    And leavers shoud have 1 day pvp ban.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • barthanbarthan Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Wow were to even start with this. besides The unbalance with gear lets start with player etiquette. There is none no basic pvp rules of engagement. This is nothing but a broken system. Seems the devs only care about money. Good luck building a community and a player base to back it. Most have abandon this place and new players roll in waste there money then find out how terrible it is. Do us players a favor and make an open world pvp area Maybe to at least have guild wars. This is nothing Like the original Nwn back On Aol days and even the expansion packs that later followed. Hey dev do your self's a favor and research pvp. Free for all are <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> there no skill based on a player have a major advantage of gear score. At least range players by gear score that would be a start.
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