I did some minor testing with the power stat, mind just melee atwills and fox shift ( I Should probably also test with split/aimed shot and rain of arrows as the major ranged dps)
i barely saw any difference in damage with around a 2k power diferential. So im posting this now that people are starting to get more geared to see if they are getting different results, have tested it better, have a different point of view or what ever to help me out decide what to stack more of.
Since i was a bit disapointed with the extra power my line of thought was to stack recovery instead, specially coz im hybrid and actually get plenty of dps from the encounters (fox and rain mostly) as getting some 15% more encounter casts (forest ghost + stormstep too) might end up prooving more beneficial than the little extra damage power was providing.
Edit: im talking about stacking power or recovery AFTER having soft capped crit (3k-3.5k) and arp (24% dr ignored including str bonus)
The best archer only have power, get this
Dread Legion Weapon Set
Grand Warden Set
Excorcist neklace
2 Smiting Nefarius Ring
Smiting Nefarius Belt
Shirt and Pants epic gemmed
Ofense Radiant Full power
Defense Azure
Your stast would rank 7
5840 power
3222 cri
2209 Arp
574 rec
1269 defense
With that always stay in first or second and damage
pridesenvyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 30Arc User
edited January 2014
nah dude all dread legion gear ill let you go on rings and belt the warden set has a worthless bonus and i believe it loses either arp or crit cant remember which the dread legion set has no recovery but it does have power crit arp def and life steal and the most usefull bonus in the game for HR both pve and pvp and if anyone tells me that an additional 1700 damage every 20 seconds is more valuable than a root that jumps every two seconds to a new target with no CD aka can potentially hit every target hit by split the sky. you need to reroll into a GF or something that is less offensive because dps clearly isnt your game. also the legion set the effect procs on damage while warden only procs on atwills. this means plaguefire or similar enchants that deal extra damage their damage will have a chance to proc the effect not to mention warden set doesnt even proc when using an encounter. oh and btw forget azure enchants just use radiants for def 2k hp is more usefull than 2% damage mitigation when you consider 2% f your standard 24k hp is is about 300hp saved via damage mitigation. not to mention a larger hp pool benefits more from temporary hp regeneration and certain buffs. with this build its not first or second in damage it is first in damage and well well above the first. also despite what most people will tell you drop the vorpal get a plaguefire bro the def reduction at perfect after 3 stacks which is easy to get is 45% so your talking stripping your enemies defense nearly in half. if that doesnt help you it sure as hell will help your party. not to mention again the plaguefire has 4 ticks for every at will daily or encounter ability that hits each target so you are getting 5x the proc chance you normally would. good luck and let the arrows rain.
btw sorry for lack of punctuation i am tired and lazy and about to go to bed. i would have saved this till morning to respond to but i didnt want you to go and spend your AD on some decent advice when i know better and could have told you now
Well I have the grand warden set, just finally managed to farm it, and im pretty happy with it mostly the stat distribution as it grants very good crit and power and enough arpen that allows u to cap it (including str bonus) with just the set and dread ring weapons, so u dont go over board.
The set bonus is a bit meh as 1730 dmg on encounter isnt really much but its atually better than it looks if u use rain of arrows as while its active anytime u proc the set bonus with atwills it will give u an extra 1700 damage tick allowing various procs per one encounter cast. Specially good to get it to proc pretty often is using clear the ground as its fast and has huge aoe. I think the secret to proccing this set bonus more often comes with mindfully using clear the ground with it.
That being said dread legion seems nice and i could look into farming it now that i have some decent gear to go there, planning to farm the weapons anyways.
I tend to disagree with hp vs defense for pve though, both are equiparable ehp values but defense goes well with lifesteal and makes dcs life easier as hp goes well with regen. Also ur comparing % of defense to ur hitpoint pool instead of to the direct hit ur taking.
Lets say u have 22k hp and 30% dr and take a 30k hit defense turns it into a 21k hit leaving u with 1k hp. Now lets say u have 25k hp and 20% dr and take the same 30k hit, after dr it is a 24k hit and ur left with 1k hp. same thing.
the difference is that u will take less damage in all the hits and since u will be healing at the same time from the ls and dc the heals will be more effective at sustaining ur life and topping it fatser since there is less of it.
btw im still interested in peoples opinions about the power stat for the hr.
Defense vs hp can also take into consideration damage reduction buffs, 30% from astral shield, 40% from hallowed ground. When damage reduction buffs are all up and you exceed the 80% cap, hp will give you more effective hp, and for most situations any time you are under the 80% cap then defense will give you more effective hp. In a sentence, stacking hp will make you squishier when buffs are down, and tankier when buffs are up.
I think power is a useless stat and I always laugh when people stack it and die in two hits because they have 2-3k total defensive stat rating. Just yesterday some idiot HR kept harassing me claiming his "9k power" hr that doesn't exist could do "a lot" more damage than me, but what him and most people in the game don't understand is if you stack defensive stats so high you can attack 95%+ of the time and outdamage most glass cannons, face tank almost anything and self-heal most of your own hp in t2.5 dungeons. I'm sure some idiots will come in here and tell me why stacking power is good, but have fun with your glass cannons dying in pirate king while I facetank draco and not need a single heal from the dc the entire fight.
pridesenvyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 30Arc User
edited January 2014
I glass cannon on my HR but i use blood crystal raven and soulforge with the fawn companion which never dies unless i am in the valindra room. this set up allows me to face tank a few mobs or a single elite with no trouble i will always be the last to die because of it but i still put out more dps than even a pyro CW its not necessarily about the defensive stat when it comes to survival HR gain more from stacking offensive stats and using utility to survive. also on the defense hp debate you can easily gain 6k from defensive enchants where as you can only gain about 3-4% defense so all buffs aside i would much rather have a huge buffer than a minor damage reduction this being said on a GWF or GF or even a cleric i am tempted to stack defense because as you get more defense it makes a bigger effect especially on gwf where you also gain power for doing so.you need to keep what it is that actually kills you in mind. if you are not getting killed dont worry about adding more survivability worry about extra damage.
In general, stack power once you have all your other stats at the point of diminishing returns. So once you have 24% AP (for PvE, or whatever amount you want for PvP, probably around 40%), 3100 crit, 300ish recovery, 30% damage reduction, 25% deflect (33% for combat build), 1100 regen and around 24k HP. Until you get to those levels (of course there is some wiggle room depending on what you want) you are selling yourself short on power.
Remember 26 power = 1 point of damage. 5840 power is 224.61 extra damage per shot, not to shabby. However, 5000 power is 192.3 power and those 8040 points that you save will most likely be better spent elsewhere.
pridesenvyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 30Arc User
Remember 26 power = 1 point of damage. 5840 power is 224.61 extra damage per shot, not to shabby. However, 5000 power is 192.3 power and those 840 points that you save will most likely be better spent elsewhere.
i am going to ignore your overly high level of expectations for defense because that just makes sure you wont have the offensive power nessecary to kill me in pvp. thank you for that now that thing about power is well..... thats not it damage is significantly more complex than that it is a complex formula involving your weapon damage as the most important component your opponents defense minus your arp then your power in conjunction with the damage modifier of your skill. this is why aimed shot will see huge numbers if used with a big stack of power as opposed to only gaining 200 damage from 5k power you will actually see that power contributing closer to 1-8k depending on the defense of the enemy and whether you crit and what your crit severity is. so no that is not the answer stacking power is good but after reading more forums stacking arp is more beneficial i wont tell you the exact amount you should aim for because that would nerf my ability to be better than other players but power definitely deals more damage than its tool tip suggest.
No one stacks power in pvp because a point in a defensive stat is going to boost your effective hp 2-4 times more than a point in power will boost your damage output. And aimed shot is a joke in pvp, it only works on bots or newbies.
i am going to ignore your overly high level of expectations for defense because that just makes sure you wont have the offensive power nessecary to kill me in pvp. thank you for that now that thing about power is well..... thats not it damage is significantly more complex than that it is a complex formula involving your weapon damage as the most important component your opponents defense minus your arp then your power in conjunction with the damage modifier of your skill. this is why aimed shot will see huge numbers if used with a big stack of power as opposed to only gaining 200 damage from 5k power you will actually see that power contributing closer to 1-8k depending on the defense of the enemy and whether you crit and what your crit severity is. so no that is not the answer stacking power is good but after reading more forums stacking arp is more beneficial i wont tell you the exact amount you should aim for because that would nerf my ability to be better than other players but power definitely deals more damage than its tool tip suggest.
Do u have a link where the damage calculations formula is? sure the power/skill scaling wont be available unless datamined but id like to give it a look.
Btw ok aimed scales very well with power, but its pretty situational, what about split shot our bread n butter?
my main is a tr, so im pretty aware of arp goodness (24% dri or 2535 arp), and hr has it sooo easy to stack that the issue is getting too much of it as str also ignores enemy defense. But also not all adds have the same defense, so if ur not really on the boss u dont even need that much.
the thing i have been thinking about is i read someone around here that going overboard on the arp was helping his dps, like if the str bonus maybe does make defense go into negative? anybody tested this?
No one stacks power in pvp because a point in a defensive stat is going to boost your effective hp 2-4 times more than a point in power will boost your damage output. And aimed shot is a joke in pvp, it only works on bots or newbies.
yeah i agree with u here, defensive stats are king for pvp... but im really more concerned in the pve aspect in this discussion as optimizing pve dps for the class is still to be figured out. Like the optimal feat tree, optimal powers and optimal offensive stats.
thats what im sort of trying to get the collective mind working on... optimal stats for raw dps.
howitzer001Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 65Arc User
edited January 2014
Great thread that cleared up a lot of misconceptions I had about enchantment slots and what to avoid. Many thanks to those who contributed.
i am going to ignore your overly high level of expectations for defense because that just makes sure you wont have the offensive power nessecary to kill me in pvp. thank you for that now that thing about power is well..... thats not it damage is significantly more complex than that it is a complex formula involving your weapon damage as the most important component your opponents defense minus your arp then your power in conjunction with the damage modifier of your skill. this is why aimed shot will see huge numbers if used with a big stack of power as opposed to only gaining 200 damage from 5k power you will actually see that power contributing closer to 1-8k depending on the defense of the enemy and whether you crit and what your crit severity is. so no that is not the answer stacking power is good but after reading more forums stacking arp is more beneficial i wont tell you the exact amount you should aim for because that would nerf my ability to be better than other players but power definitely deals more damage than its tool tip suggest.
None of the values I listed are difficult to obtain. 30% DR on a HR is pretty simple, the T2 PvP set (Master Predator) will pretty much get you there or above all by itself. Deflect is also great for a HR, and 22-25% is easy for an archer to obtain, and the combat build HR (melee) gets 10% extra from class feats, so 33% is almost a no-brainer. Stacking power is, normally, the last thing you want to do for an effective PvP build.
But I was speaking from a PvE standpoint with the numbers I listed, and the use of a stone makes all of those trivial to obtain.
pridesenvyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 30Arc User
edited January 2014
first of all aimed shot was an example since it has the highest damage modifier second of all it does work if your skilled enough to use it. primary method is a CC'd target for example constricting arrow on any target other than a GWF will allow you to land an aimed shot second method slip to stealth before trying to aim it. my favorite is to slip to stealth aimed shot constricting aimed shot. that will finish off a semi tanky cleric without giving them a fair chance. but then again against a fairly low gs TR my aimed shot can one shot on a crit. so no power has its uses but arp is still more usefull particularly in pvp. but if you can get some gear with both arp and power which is on well..... almost all HR gear do it just do it trust me it helps
then work on getting 40% ish crit chance and then power.
Dread Legion Weapon Set
Grand Warden Set
Excorcist neklace
2 Smiting Nefarius Ring
Smiting Nefarius Belt
Shirt and Pants epic gemmed
Ofense Radiant Full power
Defense Azure
Your stast would rank 7
5840 power
3222 cri
2209 Arp
574 rec
1269 defense
With that always stay in first or second and damage
btw sorry for lack of punctuation i am tired and lazy and about to go to bed. i would have saved this till morning to respond to but i didnt want you to go and spend your AD on some decent advice when i know better and could have told you now
The set bonus is a bit meh as 1730 dmg on encounter isnt really much but its atually better than it looks if u use rain of arrows as while its active anytime u proc the set bonus with atwills it will give u an extra 1700 damage tick allowing various procs per one encounter cast. Specially good to get it to proc pretty often is using clear the ground as its fast and has huge aoe. I think the secret to proccing this set bonus more often comes with mindfully using clear the ground with it.
That being said dread legion seems nice and i could look into farming it now that i have some decent gear to go there, planning to farm the weapons anyways.
I tend to disagree with hp vs defense for pve though, both are equiparable ehp values but defense goes well with lifesteal and makes dcs life easier as hp goes well with regen. Also ur comparing % of defense to ur hitpoint pool instead of to the direct hit ur taking.
Lets say u have 22k hp and 30% dr and take a 30k hit defense turns it into a 21k hit leaving u with 1k hp. Now lets say u have 25k hp and 20% dr and take the same 30k hit, after dr it is a 24k hit and ur left with 1k hp. same thing.
the difference is that u will take less damage in all the hits and since u will be healing at the same time from the ls and dc the heals will be more effective at sustaining ur life and topping it fatser since there is less of it.
btw im still interested in peoples opinions about the power stat for the hr.
I think power is a useless stat and I always laugh when people stack it and die in two hits because they have 2-3k total defensive stat rating. Just yesterday some idiot HR kept harassing me claiming his "9k power" hr that doesn't exist could do "a lot" more damage than me, but what him and most people in the game don't understand is if you stack defensive stats so high you can attack 95%+ of the time and outdamage most glass cannons, face tank almost anything and self-heal most of your own hp in t2.5 dungeons. I'm sure some idiots will come in here and tell me why stacking power is good, but have fun with your glass cannons dying in pirate king while I facetank draco and not need a single heal from the dc the entire fight.
Remember 26 power = 1 point of damage. 5840 power is 224.61 extra damage per shot, not to shabby. However, 5000 power is 192.3 power and those 8040 points that you save will most likely be better spent elsewhere.
Do u have a link where the damage calculations formula is? sure the power/skill scaling wont be available unless datamined but id like to give it a look.
Btw ok aimed scales very well with power, but its pretty situational, what about split shot our bread n butter?
my main is a tr, so im pretty aware of arp goodness (24% dri or 2535 arp), and hr has it sooo easy to stack that the issue is getting too much of it as str also ignores enemy defense. But also not all adds have the same defense, so if ur not really on the boss u dont even need that much.
the thing i have been thinking about is i read someone around here that going overboard on the arp was helping his dps, like if the str bonus maybe does make defense go into negative? anybody tested this?
yeah i agree with u here, defensive stats are king for pvp... but im really more concerned in the pve aspect in this discussion as optimizing pve dps for the class is still to be figured out. Like the optimal feat tree, optimal powers and optimal offensive stats.
thats what im sort of trying to get the collective mind working on... optimal stats for raw dps.
Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
ignore that +damage you see ont he tooltip. each encounter/ability etc scales with power differently.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
None of the values I listed are difficult to obtain. 30% DR on a HR is pretty simple, the T2 PvP set (Master Predator) will pretty much get you there or above all by itself. Deflect is also great for a HR, and 22-25% is easy for an archer to obtain, and the combat build HR (melee) gets 10% extra from class feats, so 33% is almost a no-brainer. Stacking power is, normally, the last thing you want to do for an effective PvP build.
But I was speaking from a PvE standpoint with the numbers I listed, and the use of a stone makes all of those trivial to obtain.