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    buffsmadbuffsmad Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    On my 2 main toons I no longer/hardly ever do leadership tasks, they do tasks that generate refined AD from sales (1 Mailsmith and 1 Alchemy/Other) and my Alts do leadership.

    There's still a surplus but that can wait in case an event pops that temporarily allows higher refining.

    I'm not in favour of paid for cap increases, though PWE might be, I would however not mind it if small temporary cap increases (for that day) were awarded for certain activities.
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    khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    marciooh wrote: »
    I think the perfect solution is:

    1.) Change the items you buy with Astral Diamonds from NPC's to Rough Astral Diamonds
    2.) Only need Astral Diamonds to spend on the AH

    Don't change anything about exchange rates or caps, I think this would be a perfect solution!

    In exchange for this they should make items you buy from NPC's with Rough Astral Diamonds ACCOUNT/CHARACTER BOUND! This way you prevent people selling those items on the AH and exchange them for Astral Diamonds.

    I'd say: GO FOR THIS SOLUTION! There is nothing negative about it and doesn't influence the economy in a negative matter. And additionally: we finally get rid of those greed players who think they can buy items at NPC for Astral Diamonds and try to sell it on AH for same price + an additional +10,01% or more on top of it to people who don't know it's available for them at the NPC (as people did with blue mark of potency right after patch)!
    It's generally a good idea, but I would add something. The NPC vendors should not sell their merchandise exclusively for rough AD. You should be able to buy their merchandise with AD, rough AD and a combination of both. It would work as a better AD sink and it wouldn't force you use only one kind of AD, like it does now.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
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    xycatxycat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    khimera906 wrote: »
    anatas07 wrote: »
    Well I see something nice coming out of this and I live with the hope that this discussion will make game to be improved.
    Btw, nice ideas marciooh

    For all that are saying to spread them around let me clarify something :)
    - the tasks that are giving like 1200-1600 rAD are very high level tasks ("ok is normal")
    - I have only 2 generals , rest of alts are low levels in leadership ("ok you may level them")
    - true, but to level leadership was hard enough prior to nerfing it ... now to level leadership is insane ("so what, go for it")
    - I'm going for it (leveling alts in leadership), but is all about the ideea of having a CAP :)

    Off-topic : i wonder what will it be if the runes / enchantments will have no cap in refining (ofc the refining levels needs to be exponentially growing in matter of refining points you need to upgrade). Would be nice to see some lvl 15 .. 20 or even bigger enchantments / runes ... (ok I promise I will not smoke again -rofl-)
    It's generally a good idea, but I would add something. The NPC vendors should not sell their merchandise exclusively for rough AD. You should be able to buy their merchandise with AD, rough AD and a combination of both. It would work as a better AD sink and it wouldn't force you use only one kind of AD, like it does now.
    I think this is a great idea; Simple, and it would solve some problems without causing any new ones. :)
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    With 1 toon it was well to easy to hit the cap. Now I have 6 toons and actually like the cap since I can continue to not hit the cap (apart from event stuff on some toons) while other people won't inflate prices. I can understand it can be annoying for some though.
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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited January 2014
    khimera906 wrote: »
    It's generally a good idea, but I would add something. The NPC vendors should not sell their merchandise exclusively for rough AD. You should be able to buy their merchandise with AD, rough AD and a combination of both. It would work as a better AD sink and it wouldn't force you use only one kind of AD, like it does now.

    Agree completely, forgot about that aspect :-) Should be able to choose indeed; when you combine them the ratio should be 1:1 though (AD:RAD). We all need loads of Mark of Potencies, so I think we will manage to get rid of the RAD after all :-)
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    stercogburnstercogburn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 214 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I agree that the refinement cap should *not* be increased. The way to have efficient AD income is to have several alts performing Leadership tasks.

    Destroy Enemy Camp on 3 crafters each performing it no more than 2-3 times a day is the most efficient I find. One Hero + one Adventurer for me is perfect. Fits in with real life schedule and allows 'gap' time in case I'm unable to update the crafting interface right as one task finishes. Blue tasks or blue prep-tasks on the rest, or smaller tasks that give chests to get enchants for the refinement sink.
    Roo. Cleric. Mad as a bag of badgers, will heal for beer.

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    frywellfrywell Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So, the AD cap thread again. Awesome! :D On a more serious note, the cap exists to control inflation and is very necessary. It doesn't really matter what it is, as with a change in the cap, all other prices would change as well.
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    slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Get a real job then buy AD with your credit card. Most effective way and I mean it.
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