When module 2 launched, i've noticed that clearing trash was slower than it used to be, but thought it was because of the fix that made EotS proc much fewer times, but today when doing dailies in Dread Ring, i've noticed that EotS procced when i summoned the shard, but it didn't made neither the shardslam or the shardsplosion crit, it only did combat advantage damage.
I haven't made any tests on dummies, but it is easily repeatable, just spam shard until EotS procs on summon, then hit dummies with it. Will probably need a lot of tries, since shard can also crit on it's own, since CWs tend to have 30%+ crit chance.
It can also be some synergy problem with Nightmare Wizardry, since it was doing CA damage, when i noticed it, so NW should have procced also, since i was soloing and was using the stone as a pet.
Will do a couple of tests after the holidays, but if someone has time, please report your findings so we can get a fix ASAP.
It's been that way for awhile for me. Can't remember if it was doing that before the module launch. I saw someone recommend summoning the shard and then using another power until EotS goes off, then pushing. Haven't tested it myself though.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
It's been that way for awhile for me. Can't remember if it was doing that before the module launch. I saw someone recommend summoning the shard and then using another power until EotS goes off, then pushing. Haven't tested it myself though.
No, it certainly was not. This bug has been reported on Preview since Shadowmantle many times and then it made it to Live and has also been reported.
No, it certainly was not. This bug has been reported on Preview since Shadowmantle many times and then it made it to Live and has also been reported.