Hello, Hello and Hello everyone. My it has been a long time and a much needed respite indeed as I enjoyed other games and projects. Some of you might remember me, some of you may not know me. To say the least I am a man that enjoys playing Foundry content.
In case you are not familiar with my work you can find my old thread here
Well, I am back. Starting a new, like the phoenix rising from the ashes! Basically I like to play your quests, in doing so I also record and place on the Youtube channel. Now this is not a critique in a traditional sense, what I do is try and play your map and detail what I enjoyed and what I didn't enjoy. I am not a harsh man and I love to explore other peoples creativity.
So, if you have a map/quest that you would like me to play then please post in this thread. I always review at the end and I always tip x
Be nice seeing you all again.
Tsumoro x
Eldarth - Under Siege [NW-DDT6D6ABS]
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N5WYTFa1V4"]PART 2[/URL
Eldarth - Old Magic [NW-DGBLCWRFP]
PART 1 |
PART 2 |
Eldarth - Gruumsh's Tower of Conquest [NW-DEYRROVFQ]
Eldarth - Invasion! [NW-DCGHLSKBT]
izatar - Encounter at Sess'Innek Temple (NW-DRK59KPJO)
melodywhr - the sentient beard NW-DE3E4Y9Q7
kithlis - Part 1: Idol Hands (Solo)
kithlis - Part 2: Idol Threats (Solo)
Kithlis - Part 3: Idol Hearts (Solo)
Kithlis - Part 4: Fallen Idols (Solo)
Chibbiuke - NW-DF66TLIAM = MOB for a day
Chibbiuke - NW-DFOEHE955 = Woeful Cave
antonkyle - A Dwaven Rebellion: NW-DD4MQBRF1 Daily
antonkyle - An Orc Massacre: NW-DGE5X9T56 Daily
antonkyle - A Pirate's Plunder: NW-DT5NHNSAY New
antonkyle - Into the Underworld: NW-DN5PAOTIT Daily
antonkyle - A Magical Mystery Tour: NW-DJX8BLRA7 Daily
kellnaforian - Quest 1 - Dungeons of Mirent Tusk Daily Qualified (16 minutes)
kellnaforian - Quest 2 - The Legend of Prince Brightblade Daily Qualified (40 minutes)
kellnaforian - Quest 3 - The Legend of The Lady (30 minutes)
kellnaforian - Quest 4 - Finding the Way (20 minutes)
kellnaforian - Quest 5 - King Mirent Tusk - The Fallen (50 minutes)
ephiroll - BeoWolf
ephiroll - Stopping Leland Campaign
ephiroll - 3 1/2 Campaigns
ephiroll - Lunatic Larry's Church Campaign
feuygar - 422 - Yeenoghu's Bride (NW-DUMTEJ9KZ)
eldarth - Arena of Calimport [NW-DQQRXNNUP]
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Thanks mate, I have missed a lot of action going on. Perhaps I'll play through foundry as a different class this time hehe.
The new hunter rangers are pretty fun.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Under Siege [NW-DDT6D6ABS]
A small Dwarven keep is about to be sieged by the Winterforged.
They need your help in it's defense!
Help an old Sage find some lost tomes from pre-Spellplague times in the Tower District.
Gruumsh's Tower of Conquest [NW-DEYRROVFQ]
Orcs created rickety looking tower for a contest - infiltrate disguised as an Orc to spy for Lord Neverember
Do you have what it takes to become a "Chosen of Gruumsh?"
Invasion! [NW-DCGHLSKBT]
Fire Gnolls have discovered a local villages healing fountain and are preparing to attack to drive out the villagers. Help defend the village!
Edit: ..and welcome back! -- If you get a chance please "sign" the requests in my sig (...and more in the Foundry Bugs link as well)
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
my foundry contribution: the sentient beard NW-DE3E4Y9Q7
thanks in advance! :cool:
If you're willing, my sig has my campaign link. Take your pick (if you do parts 2 or 3, the only thing I'd ask is to avoid plot spoilers in the vids
I've updated MoB For a Day - should be funny [NW-DF66TLIAM]
and could use a look at the progress on my Wailing Caverns Rip-off. . .er. . .Woeful Cave [NW-DFOEHE955]
NW-DFOEHE955 = Woeful Cave (in production but testable)
I am not too sure how I would do that hehe. I can either try editing the video to exclude that, which might be possible depending on how the quest is. Or I can do it so there is a spoiler warning before the reveal takes place. What would be agreeable to you?
Oh! You're doing all of them! That's awesome
In that case, maybe just a little spoiler tag at the beginnings of Pt 3 & 4 that point back to the first video for those to avoid jumping in at the plot twists/reveals? (I meant 3&4 before)
But if you're doing all 4 it's less a concern. You rock
sorry id rather not get my content/surprises spoiled :P but feel free to play it if you enjoy foundrys.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
That is perfectly fine, I obviously do not wish to do a video of your content if you would rather keep the content gilded for the people that play it individually
Campaign: Lands of Mirent Tusk
Quest 1 - Dungeons of Mirent Tusk Daily Qualified (16 minutes)
Quest 2 - The Legend of Prince Brightblade Daily Qualified (40 minutes)
Quest 3 - The Legend of The Lady (30 minutes)
Quest 4 - Finding the Way (20 minutes)
Quest 5 - King Mirent Tusk - The Fallen (50 minutes)
This is a story based action adventure with very light reading. The quest is designed to be challenging for solo.
Mission Type: Action/Adventure/Light Horror
Amount of Combat: Moderate to heavy well thought out combat
Starts at: Protectors Enclave
Author tips/hints: Bring heals and enjoy the ride!
NWS-DITF6RXSK - All Daily Qualified
Q1 - Dungeons of Mirent Tusk - 16 minutes Featured
Q2 - The Legend of Prince Brightblade - 30+m
Q3 - The Legend of The Lady - 30m
Q4 - Finding the Way -20m
Q5 - King Mirent Tusk - 50m
I love doing UGC so if it's okay with you, I would most likely looking to do them all hehe. It's like reading a book, you don't just want to read half way, you need to read the ending also
I do expect you to drink tea during, though >.> <.<
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Oh Saerrael I assure you that I am an aggressive tea drinker still hehe. You'll prolly hear me drink a lot when I do the solo quests hehe. Also, you okay for me to play your quests? x x
Poor G'Kar can now take an island vacation, mon. Everything now gonna be irie! :cool:
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Stopping Leland Campaign
3 1/2 Campaigns
Lunatic Larry's Church Campaign
For sure! The story is written to give you a little more information through each quest.
I balanced for solo, but 2 player might be fun if you stay together and experience things at the same time. There is 1 event in Quest 5 that MIGHT be a bit buggy for 2, but it can easily be played through. I'm really looking forward to watching someone play/experience these as it will give me some great ideas of areas that need to be tightened up. Thanks!
NWS-DITF6RXSK - All Daily Qualified
Q1 - Dungeons of Mirent Tusk - 16 minutes Featured
Q2 - The Legend of Prince Brightblade - 30+m
Q3 - The Legend of The Lady - 30m
Q4 - Finding the Way -20m
Q5 - King Mirent Tusk - 50m
Of course that's okay. Typically I like to play with friends (who doesn't) but if you have designed your quest to be played and enjoyed as a solo experience that is perfectly fine also. So, I shall mark yours down as solo only, just so I know x
Er..my quest Encounter at Sess'Innek temple may be slightly better if solo'd. Be sure to read it all. I'm sure you do, but some of the comments I get on this quest by people who didn't read anything destroy my soul.
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Hello matey, be nice to catch up with you. I always seem to miss you when you pop on team speak >.<
I have just found out to day that whilst I was on my absence from the game that some very light fingered individual had popped on to my account some how and relieved me of all my Astral Diamonds and Gold! So, yeah.. a lovely welcome back into the game haha.
Sorry to hear that. I have seen a few complaints in the bug forums et al that people had lost astral diamonds after one of the recent patches. So it might be a bug, not a thief? Send in a ticket!
Don't worry deary, mama's got you covered. ;-)