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queue system really not friendly user DEV pls take serious

syncmaster793dfsyncmaster793df Member Posts: 9 Arc User
edited December 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
HI,my english not top so..i begin with my introduction.
i am new player i play character control wizard.my full battle equiment score only 7500 but after upgrade campaign with i did not know it upgrade equiment score it go to 10556.i play neverwinter for 1 month now.i love dangeoun it really fun and enjoy.but problem start happen when i try to join dangeoun that request equiment battle score to 6800 to higher.i got kick for unknow reason.Player party pick player character like goods dont like we throw that so irritating.it really take time to queue for 1 dangeoun that really waste time.sometime party not full or they leave if they dont like.wait player coming to party who have lost member so take time but if we queue same dangeoun it will bring us to that same party.That suck because same problem kit coming back they kick,they pick,they leave and then what? how to enjoy the game? i wan play dangeoun same dangeoun but i can not play because of this same problem kit coming back.Why queue? it not helping us who still beginner that stil learn how to play the game and dont have any better equiment.we wan to play dangeoun because we wan to find equiment and enjoyment from gaming experience but is this how we beginner player got treat? disappointment,irritaing and waste time for queue.yes i know some people say why not find player to make party before queue? well is not like i dont try but some of us are shy and they sometime do not know how to replay what we say sometime they ingore us.I dont know maybe communication problem? but anyway i try but it not really helping like they busy,they wan tank character first,they wan that they wan this bla bla bla...so many excuse.what they replay really not make sense sometime.i give up... why make queue? why not make box party? so we beginner or experience player can choose with box party that we wan to join.instead going to same party same player who love to kick to pick or anything problem that keep happen. thx for read.
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    shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013

    I understand your english isn't the best, so please take this only as friendly advise: please try breaking up big sections of text with the enter key. Especially when changing thoughts.

    The main issue you are running into is that players are rude, refuse to take time to aid you as a new player and overall want something quick and simple instead of a regular run. People tell you to find the party beforehand in the looking for group channel as that's the only thing we have currently to avoid random pug x.

    I know it's not perfect. Something that may help is the way you interact with people via text. I know there was a bit of difficulty for myself in the flow of your wording here. I don't know if it's the same in game or not. In the end, don't give up. It's a good game to play. :)
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