Short Code: NW-DPD32XBU7
Difficulty: Reccomended 2 players. Solo friendly.
Duration: 30-40 minutes.
Haakar Strouse is a wise man and an influence to many. He's written books on healing techniques that have been passed down for generations. Him and his daughter were traveling to Neverwinter from Dragon Coast with a group of 14 to teach these techniques-When they stopped to rest outside Grayvale for the night, they were ambushed. Janet was the only one left alive. Except for Haakar. Only Haakar isn't with Janet, he went missing.
Janet was sent with a group of Couriers to Protectors Enclave by the Grayvale Gaurd. Asking travelers to find Haakar, she thinks she knows his location based on stories he has told her as a young child, and none of the travelers that have set off to find him have returned.
This man seems like a huge deal, one way or another. Locate Janet Strouse. Help her to retrieve her father. Finding Haakar shouldn't be too difficult..
In this quest to find Haakar, you will encounter a turn in a young girls life. A girl was left for herself. Who lost her father to broken faith and is bent on finding him. Only there's more to the story-Haakar is missing. That doesn't mean he was kidnapped. Investigate what the Grayvale Gaurd couldn't.. You will tread to Guiron Peak to search. You must expect the worst for uncharted territory-without your help to find Haakar, the future of Neverwinter may turn for the worst.