I don' t know if this topic has already been mentioned or not... sorry if it's the case.
I would like to do if anybody noticed the same thing during any T1 or T2 dungeon.
I've ran several T1 and T2 and so far I've never seen any PURPLE ITEM dropping from any mobs.
Yeah you read it right, not a single one in +20 runs... as there are 3/4 bosses per dungeon, it's means that
not a single boss dropped anything for the Ranger class on more than 60 cases.
I have not ran all dungeon due to GS score.. but well I should have been able to roll for a few !
All epic items I had are form the DD chest

I really think that they added the ranger class in the game without even updating most of the dungeon bosses loot table

Hope they'll be as fast to fixe this issue as they were fast to change 2 of our main skills/feats in the last patch...
/sarcasm off
Anyway the sp dd chest is bugged and we get t2 dc stuff...every other dd chest works so far, atleast for t2 setpieces.
On the other hand u may be right that there isn't random purple loot for the HR yet but i rly didnt pay attention during my runs.
But since u mentioned it i'm pretty sure i havent seen any purple loot for HR aswell.
Which is great, it just leaves a lot of HR's kind of hosed when almost every drop they have had has been character bound for another class. I'd really like to see how some of the armors like the Dark Armor of Lolth and Stormcaller/Grey Wolf armor for HR's look. Ah well, time to find a Guildy who has a character that can share them...