I want a change for the aurora artifact
300 deflection
300 = 2.5% movement
400 Gold gains 5.5% =
deviation is good
movement is too and in addition it can not included in the gs
the gains or the most useless thing in this game I try this cumulative bonus with radian enchantment I got 30% gold bonus ... but even 500% bonus gold would be useless ...
short the worst bonus neverwinter with the bonus exp
activation of the artifact is useful but has no interest in fighting I will prefer a bonus activation in accordance with the deflection the only viable thing for this artifact
example: a activation you deviate all attacks for 6 seconds and you earn 20% bonus movement.
and stats artifact I would have liked
300 deflection
800 movement
400 Defense or drain life
it really is **** compared to other useless due 2 bonus ( movement and gold gains) + activation
thank you to give your opinion and sorry for my english because I 'm french
Several of the artifacts already provide defensive boots or life drain. If they were to remove the bonus gold gain I'd rather see them replace it with something more distinctive.
Several of the artifacts already provide defensive boots or life drain. If they were to remove the bonus gold gain I'd rather see them replace it with something more distinctive.
it really is **** compared to other useless due 2 bonus ( movement and gold gains) + activation
thank you to give your opinion and sorry for my english because I 'm french
I think that the artifact as it is makes sense and does not need to be changed. THere are seven options for artifacts and more coming, so why not use another one in that slot?
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
wiserwithageMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 49
edited December 2013
While I'm normally not a fan of +Gold Gain, it makes sense for this artifact. It lets you summon a NPC that lets you spend gold, so having the artifact increase your gold intake does help to balance out your expected losses.
recovery or even better dmg deflection
I think that the artifact as it is makes sense and does not need to be changed. THere are seven options for artifacts and more coming, so why not use another one in that slot?