I know just the idea of a cleric going dps in any way tends to bring hate in

, but anyway, I was just wondering if it would be possible to make a DPS cleric for pvp based upon tene enchants. This will obviously be even less effective in shadowmantle when tenes are affected by damage resist as well as deflect, but I am curious as to if anyone has tried this/what they think of it. I don't see why this shouldn't work since the sent gwf build goes pure tank and gets most of their damage from tenes. I am extremely unfamiliar with clerics though, but I know they have attack which deal damage over time. With this setup I would probably use plague fire enchant combined with slotting just one dps DOT move if the cooldown isn't too bad. Hopefully this would enable tenes to proc from the plague fire and each DOT encounter hit while still leaving the other 2 slots open for defensive/heal moves so that it could primarily tank/point hold.
Again, just a random though. Don't know much about clerics so thought I'd post to see what you guys think.
- I don't think people hate on DPS clerics as much as they lament the fact that DPS clerics aren't really optimal for competitive PvP. When you take away a cleric's support encounters and replace them with DPS, it becomes something like a CW minus the variety of control options with more limited dodges and one less encounter power. In other words a single-rotation pony that dies very easily if it fails to kill targets immediately. I've gone up against DCs playing DPS in PvP with rank 10 everything and Perfect enchantments and melted them in a couple of encounters as CW. Daunting Light is the only thing they have that hits both fast and hard; if that doesn't secure the kill (and it typically won't despite its huge damage since most regular PvPers will equip extra HP and regen items), they're finished.
- Tenes are a fun idea and all, but you'd have to consider the important stats you'd be giving up. They work well for other class builds because their mechanics make the trade-off more viable. DCs don't have Unstoppable to fall back on or Stealth to escape or wait out cooldowns until the next burst attempt. Dealing good damage with tenes typically means using as many offense slot items as possible while keeping your HP high, and that necessarily means making some sacrifices.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Thanks for the advice. As far as plaguefire I have no idea whats up with it. I have had numerous people say it is getting fixed in shadowmantle, but I haven't been able to find any preview server patch notes on it, so who knows....