I also - and now have a char who can not enter the world, as she was going into a foundry and the game wants to load her there, then crash. Ack!
Got this for an error:Fatal error: Failed to load data for map, see trivia for map name and error
Technical Details: filename=NS/Dungeon_UGC_300009598_Ad1542f0/Maps/Mission?420786270/420786270.Zone:error=Map snap tool version changed 0 -> 1.
foundry Call of the Blood - NW-DTAK6CXZ2
campaign Heart of Nature - NWS-DUKNH9PPZ
Got this for an error:Fatal error: Failed to load data for map, see trivia for map name and error
Technical Details: filename=NS/Dungeon_UGC_300009598_Ad1542f0/Maps/Mission?420786270/420786270.Zone:error=Map snap tool version changed 0 -> 1.