I've been trying to get into the Foundry since the 8th to see what's new, but I just can't seem to. I get the msg 'Character creation failed.'. Also posted this on the Foundry sub forum here to see if more people were having problems, but no one responded. (Feel free to merge both this and that thread, long as I get an answer and/ or access
Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Is the Foundry simply not accessible on the Preview Shard?
Maybe Owlbear is working? ...But that kind of defeats the "...to see what's new" goal.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I remember seeing this "Character Creation Failed" error back in beta days. However, back then when that error appeared I had the ability/option to delete that character and create a new one.
Try again, and then see if you can delete your foundry character and then try to create a new one. I apologize that's the only suggestion I can give.
However, if your difficulty is with OwlBear server - reporting to bugs forum ASAP. If it's with Preview server, well, preview is still in a major state of flux right now.
Hmm, annoying. And I thought they added something new on the P shard to investigate, too. *frowns*
No, I did mean the P shard, Mimic. And I cannot get in at all, so cannot delete any Foundry character, either.
I do recall having seen that msg earlier, now that you mention it. Forgot about it, was quite some time ago!
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Ahah, thank you kindly for the answer. I'll keep an eye out for it.
[Open for play, link to spotlight thread]
Bueller? Bueller? Ferris Bueller? Echo....echo....echo...echo.
When FotF module came out, there were several major bugs reported on the NeverwinterPreview bugs forum several weeks before release. FotF was released, and all those bugs were still there AND caused major issues including downtime and I'm sure LOTS of staff overtime. Foundry was also down a looooong time.
The sooner we can shake things and test them, the sooner you have bugs reported -- hopefully in time to prevent the pain and agony initially caused when FotF released.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics