Currently with my professions, weaponsmithing is by far the slowest. For 4 core resources, and one residuum, you net 25xp. For leatherworking, 6 resources and no residuum you net 50 xp. It takes 10 minutes to get the 2 hide, and ten more to make 2 leather resources for leatherworking. So in 20 minutes you have the leather, in an hour you have 6. It takes 15 minutes to get 2 iron, and 1 pinewood. It takes another 15 to get 2 blades and 1 haft. Recipes require 2 of each. So it takes an hour to get the weaponsmithing resources as well. Assuming you already have residuum.
Then it takes 20 minutes for weaponsmithing to net 25xp via +1 weapons (this is the highest xp recipe available at level 2), and 25 minutes for leatherworking to net 50 xp via leather armor (Also at level 2, still the highest xp gain at level 4). So for every hour of crafting, not counting the gathering of resources, you net 75 xp as a weaponsmith and 100 as a leatherworker.
I can see if this is meant to be this way because the weapons all start as green +1's, but why not add a white leveling weapon to the mix? I spam make white leather armor because of the xp gain, I can't do that with weaponsmithing for leveling. I can't use the stuff because I've leveled past it, and I can't catch it up because the xp gain is too slow.
I stick with Deep Wilderness Gathering tasks and have this Prof at 20, 19 and 18 in the last couple weeks (after doing Artificing on all 4 of my characters to 20) on 3 chars.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Just spam gather tasks, if you're obsessive you can do the short gathers until the 800XP long aether is available since only then dod the short gathers net more XP than the short gather. I've maxed Weaponsmithing on my GF and Artificing on my DC and CW this way(and also ended up with huge piles of basic resources).
Just spam gather tasks, if you're obsessive you can do the short gathers until the 800XP long aether is available since only then dod the short gathers net more XP than the short gather. I've maxed Weaponsmithing on my GF and Artificing on my DC and CW this way(and also ended up with huge piles of basic resources).
It's still off. Even platesmithing is equivalent to Leatherworking, why should weaponsmithing take longer?
Currently with my professions, weaponsmithing is by far the slowest
weaponsmithing was far faster for me than leadership. it was also faster than alchemy. i only did gathering or refining for the entire 20 levels, not a single residuum needed. experience gain for this profession is fine.
weaponsmithing was far faster for me than leadership. it was also faster than alchemy. i only did gathering or refining for the entire 20 levels, not a single residuum needed. experience gain for this profession is fine.
Everything is faster than leadership. But yeah I hate levelling up them all, the short ones are annoying coz they require attention to efficiently rank up which is kind of difficult if you have a life (luckily I don't atm ) yet is still boring, whilst leadership takes forever to rank up but has more click and forget tasks which I like.
because weaponsmithing is slightly different than armor smithing.
Just like alchemy is different among all of them.
Alchemy was a bit weird, was the last profession I started. At start it took a bit long time, since I made most of items needed for experimentation myself. Then I just noticed that you get that stuff for 10-30AD each from AH. So after lvl10 it was lvl per day atleast (at the end raising level takes loads of time).
And I've heard that people are frustrated of not getting items from experiments. I think I didn't do over 10 experiments in any lvl. And to that, its 10mins per experiment, so it's amazingly fast.
Everything is faster then leadership however leadership is the only one worth doing ( I have them all at lvl 20 and full sets of purples on everything. Huge waste of AD!! Stick with leadership forget the rest is my advice)
It's still off. Even platesmithing is equivalent to Leatherworking, why should weaponsmithing take longer?
Just like alchemy is different among all of them.
weaponsmithing was far faster for me than leadership. it was also faster than alchemy. i only did gathering or refining for the entire 20 levels, not a single residuum needed. experience gain for this profession is fine.
Everything is faster than leadership. But yeah I hate levelling up them all, the short ones are annoying coz they require attention to efficiently rank up which is kind of difficult if you have a life (luckily I don't atm
Alchemy was a bit weird, was the last profession I started. At start it took a bit long time, since I made most of items needed for experimentation myself. Then I just noticed that you get that stuff for 10-30AD each from AH. So after lvl10 it was lvl per day atleast (at the end raising level takes loads of time).
And I've heard that people are frustrated of not getting items from experiments. I think I didn't do over 10 experiments in any lvl. And to that, its 10mins per experiment, so it's amazingly fast.
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