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Why PVP will be full of control wizards eventually

novusadversusnovusadversus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited November 2013 in PvE Discussion
Lvl 60 Guardian Fighter here, GS of aprx 1100...

After enough matches of PVP I feel I have become quite a successful prognosticator as to the outcome, and the correlation between what classes are playing and the winning team is very strong. It appears to me as if the value of each class can be determined almost like the relative value of chess pieces:

Control Wizard - 8 (Queen)
Trickster Rogue/Devoted Cleric - 5 (Rook)
Great Weapon Fighter - 3 (Knight/Bishop)
Guardian Fighter - 1 (Pawn)

CW - 8 because of vast range and ability to totally nullify enemies attacks and movement at a safe distance

TR and DC - TR is 5 because of the stun cloud, which nullifies attacks but not movement, DC is 5 for obvious curative skills

GWF - 3 due to raw power, movement speed, yet not much defence

GF - 1 because this class is totally underpowered and gets completely owned by every other class in the game. The shield bar will be gone within seconds against any other class, and the GF doesn't have any powerful long-ranged attacks (at least a GWF can close the gap more easily)

Using those values, if your team has a lower total value than the enemy team, you have lost, end of story. A team with a CW will always beat a team without one, a team with two CWs will always beat a team with 1 CW, and if you are on a team with only GFs, GWFs and TRs, you are nothing but fodder for enemy CWs, so get used to dying

In PVPs I regularly see CW's at the top of the list post-match; most kills, least deaths, generally a sign of OPness.

For these reasons I believe what will be seen (and what I have already noticed) on PVP is a gradual reduction and then total lack of first the GF, then the GWF, then TR and DC in that order until eventually the only players even remotely capable of playing PVP properly will have to be CWs.

Anyone concur? Anyone disagree? Anyone wish to debate the inherent value of each class?
Post edited by novusadversus on


  • keltz0rkeltz0r Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2013
    Nice troll...
    No longer playing NW
  • izatarizatar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    keltz0r wrote: »
    Nice troll...
    Yeah, exactly backwards
  • novusadversusnovusadversus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Wait, backwards? You think the GF is the best and then CW the worst then I take it?
    You seriously think the ability to choke hold an enemy from 80 metres, stopping them moving and attacking, is worse than slashing with a sword?
    You think dropping smoke bombs to nullify enemy attacks for 10 seconds is worse than... slashing with a sword?
    You think curing and buffing yourself and your allies is worse than.... you guessed it..... slashing with a sword?
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Slash harder with your sword. I've seen my GF crit for 20k with knight challenge and a single griffon's charge(of which I have 3 and also have lunge...which I've seen crit for 14-16k without KC).
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • tenshi36tenshi36 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i have a 60 of each class, and i STRONGLY disagree here about GF.

    between threatening rush and lunge theyre waaaaay more mobile than gwf.

    between the shield bash and bull rush with trample the fallen feat theyare great at CC and damage.
  • novusadversusnovusadversus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Haha, good one, so by that you mean hold down the mouse button harder, or click more ferociously? Nah, I am just ****, I have no idea what skills I should be using in PVP. Its just crazy how many times I am choke-held, stun-clouded, ripped to bits before I can even reach an enemy to attack, I reckon I have a kill to death ratio of about 1:10.
  • dgfdsdgsgh3dgfdsdgsgh3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Haha, good one, so by that you mean hold down the mouse button harder, or click more ferociously? Nah, I am just ****, I have no idea what skills I should be using in PVP. Its just crazy how many times I am choke-held, stun-clouded, ripped to bits before I can even reach an enemy to attack, I reckon I have a kill to death ratio of about 1:10.

    Well this is your problem.

    GFs who know what they are doing and are geared for it make airborne minced meat of everyone, totally dominating PvP.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Are you sure you have a GS of 1100 as stated in the first post? Even if it's 11000, it is still low especially for a GF - if you meet some Perfect Vorpal PvP Oppressor CW, sure he will shred you to bits. What's wrong in this? Geared person meets ungeared person, who do you think is going to win?

    As for your estimations, they're quite off. CWs die the most BY FAR in any serious match and they're hunted down and focused the moment they step on the dancefloor :) Even very good, geared and tanky CWs have extremely limited survivability and they're the favorite food for all other classes besides poor DCs.

    Your issues, if you're not trolling, probably come from not knowing your class mechanics, PvP strategies, not having enough gear and a specific PvP build and so on. If you care so much about PvP, go read your class forums and learn how to perma-prone CWs in some wall and crit for 20K, then farm or buy what gear is needed.

    Good luck.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Like others have said, you have it entirely the wrong way around.

    0. If you ignore and let a CW farm you from the back in pugs, then what did you expect? For a GF, the only way to not be farmed is massive, instant and constant pressure on CWs. Like TRs, they are your bread and butter kills in pug PvP and you will come to LOVE seeing them!

    1. There's a reason why CW's are often not taken in high level PvP, i.e. premades-vs-premades, despite being the 2nd most popular class. They are often just are not worth the slot compared to the alternatives, mainly because they die too fast before they can have any impact. If you want a "gun", why take a ladies gun when you can have an AK rifle, like a TR!

    2. In close quarters, GF's are extremely dangerous due to their CC (which can often be chained), burst damage, ability to gain AP from Guarding, high close-quarter mobility and synergy with healing. Their survivability is second only to GWF with equivalent gear.

    3. This post, and especially your GS, just illustrates your extreme lack of experience with the PvP game.

    Further, with the upcoming changes in the next Module, Shadowmantle, melee will get even stronger from many different aspects (especially the GWF), while CW will not only get relatively weaker due to some of the same aspects, e.g. the new Soulforged, but there is a high risk their will be some substantial nerfs to them in order to balance their new fairly weak Paragon as well as make other classes more attractive in group PvE.

    So, please, just go learn your class and play a LOT more, before commenting again about the state of the PvP game.
  • baddobb1baddobb1 Member Posts: 123 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Ha ha best troll ever from a GF.

    Learn to perma knockback more!
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah...troll thread. This will not end well. So I'm gonna go ahead and put it out of its misery.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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