Upon reading the future changes coming in Module 2 I am excited. Hopefully we are getting a respec free as well.
In the discussion of the changes I am not seeing anything explicit though about dungeons or queues besides the vote kick system.
The predominate form of activity in an MMO is Dungeon or PVP. The current Dungeon design is... well it is simply broken. The obvious and innumerably discussed infinite add spawn weights encounters towards ridiculous unless you have a very specific built CW in the party. The weight upon CWs in Dungeons is ridiculous as it stands now.
Infinite add spawns are not difficulty they are in fact a cheap way to not design a boss encounter fully relying on infinite triggers to appear as a challenge. As it is boss fights are totally predictable and require nothing but add control (kiting and singularity which back in the day kiting was actual considered exploitative) Boss starts fight boss until % layer of add spawns, round up adds, fight boss until % next layer of adds spawn, round up adds, fight boss until dead. During this often there are the ridiculous infinite adds that trigger every x amount of time usually seconds. The x amount of time spawns those are the ones that are a joke and forcibly require specific classes and specifically built classes at that to deal with them properly.
Dungeons should be 5 man content that is pug friendly and doable within a moderate time frame with moderate to skilled players. These are not raids and should not require raid state of mind to achieve them nor should they be weighted in such a way that one specific class carries the party almost through the entire dungeon and is all but indispensable on all the bosses.
Second issue with Dungeons which is just blaring and ridiculous is the queue system. No replace for people who bail out early after a wipe. Single vote kick authority resting with whoever arbitrarily gets picked as leader and numerous bugs that do not queue people properly into dungeons. I am unsure how a game gets released with this kind of queue but it is what it is. I am hoping that it is seriously addressed in Module 2.
Another very serious problem with Dungeons is the loot distribution. As of now all Boss drops are salvage HAMSTER or possibly AH trash. Literally dungeons outside of the DD window are for the AH or the trash. Not only does this give incentive to skipping them it also doesn't give much incentive to even play the game outside of the DD window. The DD window needs to be expanded or just removed and the chest needs to be active each run with some changes to the % chance of loot.
Those 3 things albeit discussed numerous times before really need to be addressed for the longevity of the game. A new class will be awesome until you have burned through the non challenging linear content and are sitting on your *** in the enclave during DD waiting for a queue only to be bugged and then to run dungeons that often are not completed due to players dropping and no option to replace or difficulty curve due to a bad party composition etc etc.. These issues with the Dungeons and queue are base and fundamental issues they are not simply side bugs. Dungeons are the meat pf PVE end game and queues are the entry gate into those dungeons. They are both either bugged or really poorly designed.
The Kick-System is being fixed, so that is a positive. Otherwise I agree with your statement. I would just add that some the dungeons really showed some creativity in design. Some of them with the puzzles, hidden rooms, and hidden chests showed real promise. Then somewhere along the line the later dungeons seemed to have lost that thread and turned into gauntlet runs.
nearlydiamondMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 105Bounty Hunter