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Stop the exploits!!

donmancinidonmancini Member Posts: 44
edited October 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I was wondering is there any chance Cryptic will fix the exploits in the game?? There are so many of them and patch after patch nothing is done. Whenever you see a topic like that no one from the company or foroum moderators or w/e answering. I like the game very much but couse of the exploits i play lesss and less, game becomes boring. For ex in DD you cant find a party that goes legit all say you must be expirienced and this means in this game not knowing how to bossfight for e.x but how to jump walls and run through to last boss or w/e. No one is fighting and its so boring. In every patch they add new items to zen store not fixing the real problems that game has. Ofc its all about the money i understand that but for every item you put in zen store fix 1 tiny exploit every time, maybe in a year you will fix them all at least will be a progress!! Its a shame such a pretty and nicely done game will die fast couse of hundrets of the exlploits!Srsly dont they (Cryptic) care??? FIX THE STUPID EXPLOITS!!!


  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Exploits get fixed every week. It may not be the one you know about or are watching but they are fixed.
    Numerous exploits were fixed just in last week's patch which in Temple of the Spider and Castle Never as well as other dungeons.

    As for addign items to the Zen Store...
    The people who make that content are not the same people who fix problems.

    Essencially you are complaining the artists are painting rather than debugging the software. That's not their job and they wouldn't be good at it even if they were told to do it. :p

    In any case I'm all for feedback but there's enough topics of this matter. Feel free to post in one of the existing ones. Thread Closed. :)
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