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Elven Battle Enchantment

lifesimageslifesimages Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
So we queued up with 10 guildies for PvP to practive 1v1's. (There should really be a duel arena type option for this! Everybody misses dueling!)

We made some discoveries with the Elven Battle enchantment. First of all, the tooltip is confusing. 50/100/150/200% more resistant to effects? What?! wouldn't 100% mean you're immune to everything? Or 100% means double your current immunity... which is what?! lol

We found out it works on skills nobody uses! It reduces durations of

Knee Breaker (nobody uses)
Not so Fast (Nobody but nooby GWF's use. IBS / Roar || Restoring / Takedown seems much more versatile)
Chains of Blazing Light (a handful of DC's use)
*Divine* Break the Spirit (Not many DC's use)
Forgemaster's Flame (a handful of DC's use, mostly for heal).

It does NOT reduce choke/icy rays/prone duration. Technically, all 3 of those would count as an "immobilize" because you can't move, ESPECIALLY Icy Rays.

I love how this would basically be a BiS enchant for DC's, but it really only works on DC's skills... lol

I only ever really die to chain CC. (one thing I'm looking forward to in games like Wildstar, the ability to use 'x' amount of 'y' to break CC). And Elven Battle's description is vague, but it should include all CC.. based on the tooltip, but no, it only works on a handful of skills mostly nobody uses.

Kind of a bummer, because the enchant looks incredibly <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, the best of all the armor enchants currently IMO.
Post edited by lifesimages on


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    craeh1craeh1 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    being untouchable with CCs it would say "100% resistant to effects" or something simllar.
    "X% more ressistant" means the number itself + X% of that number - the difference is just a little bit, with a much bigger meaning.
    How shall someone be 200% ressistant to <whatever>?^^

    Theres somewhere a thread handling that elven battle ench already... with same result - it encounters just a few, mostly unused, CCs.
    If it gets fixed, I guess it will turn BiS kinda instantly for some classes...
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    fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Unless they changed it, my Lesser Elven Battle definitely worked against Entangling Force for me while on my GF. It was the single most noticeable thing about it.

    That said, shortly thereafter, the enhancement did not seem to work at all and I haven't used it since.
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    khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You have a certain natural residence to CC effects. Some races are more resistant then other. For example Halflings and some Elves (can't remember which) are 10% more resistant to CC.
    These enchantment increase the CC resistance you already have by a certain amount. Let's say you have a 20% natural resistance to CC effects, if you get an enchantment that increases you resistance by 100%, you're going to have a 40% total resistance to CC effects. Practically a 100% enchantment doubles your CC resistance and a 200% enchantment triples it.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
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    bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My math could be wrong, but basically it works like this: You get your actual duration from 1/1+resist %. So, a 50% resist would be 1/1.5 and that would give you the final duration of the effect.
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