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Tired of never getting into DD events looking for an EST based guild

petestarkspetestarks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User

I'm not super hardcore, but have a level 60 TR, GWF and GF. I mainly use the GF who has a stone and a ~12k GS, but I'm trying to give my TR some love. I would get a stone and better gear for my TR, but! it is near impossible to PUG and not wipe or even get into a dungeon most times.

I'm pretty flexible and not looking for a super uptight group of people. I just want a group of semi stable folks to run DD events with or a few normal epics every now and again. Nothing fancy, just looking to be able to finish something I start for once.

Anyone interested?
Post edited by petestarks on


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    missaniteemissanitee Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2013
    I have a lvl 60 TR and a lvl48TR. My 60 TR has a messed up build and cant kill much. I go up about 2-3 lvls a day and have a stone. Im a fairly stable adult lol 21 yrs +. Would u consider me? If yes does your guild have voice chat, are friendly and like to DD, Skirmish together? My in game name is Blade.
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    malphaeousmalphaeous Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 88
    edited October 2013
    both of you should check out Pacem Para Bellum here is our recruiting thread http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?504601-Pacem-Para-Bellum-%28non-exploit-guild%29&highlight=Pacem+Para+Bellum and here is our website http://pacemparabellum.webs.com/ we would be happy to have you just message an officer in game, PM me on this forum or sfill out your info on our site in the ' Join Guild " forum whatever guild you go with good luck and happy hunting :)
    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Did I mention, I do not have good intentions?
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    meangean88meangean88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hi there, I am from Order of the Raven. Order of the Raven currently has around 400 members and has their own Teamspeak server for communication. The guild runs dungeons frequently and participates in other events such as PVP and Gauntlgrym. You can check out our site at Order of the Raven. (Use chrome or firefox) Our recruitment thread can be found here. If you have any other questions, pm me on the forums or message myself or another officer in game.
    GM of Order of the Raven
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    petestarkspetestarks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Thanks for the info malphaeous, I will think about hitting you guys up.

    missanitee, I sent you friend request on your forum account. If nothing else I could help you out with your leveling stuff maybe? :)

    To avoid any confusion to people reading this. I do not currently have a guild, but I'm really thinking about starting one at this point if nothing I find really fits me. I have been in IT forever and a day which means getting things like voice servers, websites, ect setup would be a very simple thing for me assuming I had enough serious interested people to make it would the time investment.
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