Hi, I'm new here

1. Are there any active fansites for this game? My friend was thinking about creating one but he was looking around trying to find out if there were any existing active fansites. "Active" meaning users posting on the forums a lot.
2. Does this game have a lot of guild interaction and activity? A lot of games have a guild/clan feature but the activity is so dead while other games have so much interaction when it comes to guild activities. Is it easy to create a guild, get people to join, and promote your guild?
2. That depends on the guild. The guild I am in is very active but others are dead/dying. But that's the norm for MMO's, isn't it?
If you have Guild Leaders and Members who care about the game, are active and enjoy each others company you should have no problem finding things to do together (most keenly after level 60)
Are there a lot of guild activity in Neverwinter? Events like "Top Guild" or stuff like that in the community?
Not at the moment although there has been indications towards Guild V. Guild PvP
I spend a lot of time there on my second screen ;p