With the release of the epilogue, the story has come full circle. Play the entire campaign for the full story!
Note, these quests are not for those who do not like dialogue-heavy missions. You will have to find your hack and slash elsewhere.
Campaign : Rise to Power by @Hexedian
Short Code: NWS-DNY9W4W7J
Mission Type: Mostly story-based
Average Duration: 30 minutes
Amount of Combat: Moderate to high
Author tips/hints: I would encourage everyone to play the campaign in order for best enjoyment.
Prologue : The Power of Imagination
A short quest to introduce you to the actors of this unfolding story.
6 minutes, Solo Friendly
screenshotChapter 1 : The Orcish Menace
This chapter has you fight orcs and their undead minions to try to rescue the party and finally put a stop to the threat. Don't miss the secrets or you might be in trouble!
40 minutes, Solo Friendly
Chapter 2 : Which Lich Witch?
You meet with the party on a quest to stop the lich Zarifrax from overcoming the doomguides' defenses.
30 minutes, Solo Friendly
Chapter 3 : Where Power Lurks
You meet again with your friends to investigate possible kidnappings on a remote road. What you discover is a tale for the bards to tell...
40 minutes, Solo Friendly
Epilogue : Heroes Always Rise
You meet one last time with your old friends for a grand quest - to slay a dragon! Pack up those potions, boys and girls, this one promises to be a challenge!
15 minutes, Solo or Two Players
I hope the fine folks from the foundry forum find my efforts fruitful. Have fun!