I have been playing the 60 game for a while now and the item distribution system as well as the many filler drops really feels out of balance.
First off Dungeon Delve happens way too infrequently at 3 times daily I believe. Within this time frame is the only worthwhile time to even step foot within dungeons excluding MC/CN. Once an item you need during DD drops there is no incentive to run the dungeon again. This in turn makes it a very inhospitable climate when attempting to gain steady progressive groups and people.
DD chests should always be active with a boost to the % during the actual delves window. This way there is more incentive and more reward for the possible lengthy time we put into them. In addition trash drops should not be enchant 4 they should at least be bumped up to 5 and 6 and so should the nodes and chests along the way. Nodes in dungeons should also be repeat harvestable just like chests so we don't need to slide or dash or jump right after a fight to jump on a node and it also is worthwhile to find and harvest the nodes for the entire group. It is an epic dungeon and the trash is dropping the same as a normal 60 range dungeon or 45+ open world area. It ends up being more lucrative to map jump and farm nodes for enchants which is the next item or gear augment that is worth anything. Each boss due to the fact Cryptic has no group replace option and sometimes we only down 2/3 or less in a pug should have a chest. In that chest could be a possible epic but more importantly a level 5/6 enchant. We need more worthy item drops to pay costs for kits and potions if we are in a challenging group and this does not happen at all naturally. Also the salvage station should return an option to convert those junk epics into enchants outright instead of double layer Ad then to Ah. Some of us don't want to game the Ah for upgrades. It would also be great if you could take a duplicate piece of armor from a set you want and break it down into components and when you have x amount of components could recombine into another piece of armor using professions. This also makes the profession system worthy which it is not now.
Overall Dungeons are just extreme on one end of a curve or the other as far as itemization. They are not at all balanced to allow for gains beyond getting a DD chest and this makes consistent and steady runs fairly illogical to even try and pursue unless it is DD. And then during a run it is more time efficient to hug walls and avoid as much trash as possible and also not open areas with kits or harvest nodes because it is all junk with perhaps a blue in there for selling if you get lucky.
This kind of design fosters and ultimately supports exploit runs and a non community oriented feeling between players because there is not enough incentive or reward during the progress towards an end boss chest. The diversity in dungeons is severely lacking and so is incentive/reward. Boost this up with a more balanced reward system and the longevity of active players will increase and so will the back and forth support of running dungeons outside of DD to help one another gain and be rewarded.