So many complain about her classes have so many bugs, but the GF class too!
Aggravating strike don't proc any weapon enhancement(i tested it only with fire, but still other posted that they tested it too with other and they still don't proc on this skill). Error 1
Aggravating strike don't proc a stack of Iron Guard(last Feat of protector tree skill). Error 2
Shield Slam don't proc any weapon enhancement(i tested it only with fire, but still other posted that they tested it too with other and they still don't proc on this skill). Error 3
Shield Slam don't proc a stack of Iron Guard(last Feat of protector tree skill). Error 4
Griffon's Wrath have every time CD of 15s. Feat Fight On don't reduce it(i skilled that). Recovery stat don't reduce it(should it but it don't...). Intelligence stat don't reduce it. Error 5
Terrifying Impact don't do damage to mobs, which get black holed with Arcane Singularity. Only cc-immun mobs(like Icegolems or Bosses) get hurt then. Error 6
Anvil of Doom bug out on mobs, if you stand to high to them.(Terrain bug?) To understand this issue i take two pictures:
The first show activating Anvil of Doom + the combatlog against the redcap.
The second show that Anvil of Doom CD run + NO damage on Redcap and NO HP-bar reduce of him! How this can be?
Error 7!
Sometimes Mark break without taken hit or duration of 20s run out. It's maybe skill or debuff dependent that this occur. Error 8
Sometimes only Skill animation of Threating Rush happen but no marking and maybe no damage apply on the mob. Error 9
Indomitable Strength sometimes drain all AP, skill animation and sound happen, but the target don't get CC AND don't get hurt. Error 10 (Only seen in PvP and at no time in PvE)
Indomitable Strength can sometimes occur that target get first hit and then he can do anything because not CCed, what sometimes result in unstoppable activation/dodge use or simple use any other skill until second hit. Error 11
The errors 1-7 should be easily reproducible. The error 8-11 need a video record of it because it's really difficult to reproducible or? But then i need an address to share the video.
Don't forget, that the Guard have problems too!
So the GF class have a lot of bugs, that need to hunt arr!
Oh one ask: It's normal that the At-wills use less 100% of the weapon damage?! On PTS i have 500-578 for my cleave R3 with a 513-627 damage weapon...
All I can say is that if you're an actual tank spec GF, save yourself some AD and don't bother enchanting your weapon.
Also a known bug since Open Beta - all skills that have multiple casts (Griffon Strike, Healing Word) do not benefit from recovery at all.
maybe it is our fault. We ALL should stop to play GFs instead of continue to play that collection of bugs.
We also have one set less than other classes (once a time we had something called stalwart... now we have a garbage bag called stalwart)