I wish when you had more than one companion ( I have 3 ) that you could use them all during a quest instead of having to summon only one at a time.
I wish the companions gained new abilities as they ranked up.
I wish I could send gold and silver to my other characters.
I wish crafting materials like bag of gems and other such things were accessible in-game other than using real world money to buy zen. ( Maybe earn in pvp or something )
I wish lockbox keys were also gained through pvp.
That's it for now. I don't mind using my real world money to buy zen for things I need once in a while but not all the time, I like my money and love using it for food and stuff too.
unfortunately you can only have one summoned companion. i don't know if that will ever change, but that's the way it is now. you have three active companion slots but can upgrade that to five.
companions usually have three abilities unless it is an augment. the rank of the companion (white, green, blue, purple) is going to determine which skills are unlockable. the first skill is immediately available. i'm not sure which level the second gets unlocked (it may be along with the skins) and the third skill is unlocked at level 30. if your companion is white, green or blue, you will not have access to unlock that last skill unless you upgrade your companion. upgrading is only available once you get your companion to its max level.
gold and silver can be transferred through friends and through your guild/guild bank. also, because the shards have been merged, account-wide storage may become a reality at some point in the future.
professions materials are accessible in-game through the auction house, through skill nodes and through monster drops. astral diamonds are the currency in the auction house and can be earned through daily quests, the leadership profession, selling items on the auction house and through the salvager. you do not need to buy zen to acquire profession mats.
Note that buying Bag of Gems (and other similar items) from the auction is generally a losing proposition.
All they do is speed up your gathering of basic crafting materials. If you compare the auction price of the Bag of Gems, with the AD price of just speeding up the regular gathering tasks..... unless the auction price has dropped a lot, it's cheaper in AD to just use the speed up function.
In the end, the Bags really don't do anything you need - you can easily run the quick Gather missions one after another while questing, and now you can do the 6-8 hour big Gather missions when you log out. (edit: and this is why they're a cash-shop item - all they do is the standard f2p "trade money for convenience" deal) Only extra thing you get is a couple Residuum.... and if that's what you need, it should be cheaper to get from the auction. /shrug
syka08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Now that things are merged, bags of gems are ranging between 25 - 44k (just looking today, I haven't been tracking them at ALL), then they jump to a ridiculous 100k. Soooo yeah, depending on what you're doing (or maybe not depending) longer term cost-efficient speed ups would be purchasing green/blue/purple workers. I know I've gotten some steals (once it was pointed out to me) on artificing and weaponsmithing workers and look forward to flipping them eventually when I'm at the level 20 mark.
So... not quite exactly what you're wishing for, but keep on dreaming and maybe, maaaaaybe one day they'll at least make gem bags a reality. Because lock box keys are just too much of a money maker for the game (as they're intended to be) to be able to offer for free, I think.
That's it for now. I don't mind using my real world money to buy zen for things I need once in a while but not all the time, I like my money and love using it for food and stuff too.
I play casually, don't PvP and very rarely do Gauntlgrym, do only quest content and some daily dungeons / skirmishes during skirmish hour on weekends when I have time, only invoke and do professions 5 days a week otherwise. So far I've earned a total of about 2,000 Zen by selling stuff on the auction house, doing professions, daily quests, etc. Granted, I've been playing since late May so you can see how long it took to get there, but the point is that you can still certainly use the Zen exchange to swap AD for a decent amount of Zen without having to spend real money even if you don't have time for hardcore grinding.
You can also earn free Zen by completing surveys on this site: http://offers.perfectworld.com/ I have earned enough Zen this way to get 1 or 2 keys without spending RL money. It takes time this way, but for younger players without a job or people like me who have a family & are on a strict budget, it is attainable.
You can also earn free Zen by completing surveys on this site: http://offers.perfectworld.com/ I have earned enough Zen this way to get 1 or 2 keys without spending RL money. It takes time this way, but for younger players without a job or people like me who have a family & are on a strict budget, it is attainable.
I funded half of an illure stone with this . The other half game from AD-Zen exchange. Can be a good way to kill some time for sure.
contents to be decided
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited October 2013
There are dailies that award ADs for competing in PvP matches, (from Rhix and Neverember at 60), so indirectly you can get keys by participating in PvP. Due to there being bots that farm Glory, I doubt a direct method of buying keys with Glory will be added.
As for sending gold to your alts or other characters - the best route to go for this is to either use the guild bank to deposit gold and withdraw it on an alt, or to send those treasure items that sometimes drop, (IIRC they stack).
In general, since you can earn ADs in-game, and since you can convert those ADs to Zen, *anything* that you can get with either currency is available "in game"... it just may take a little more work.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Also, if you try to buy zen for cheaper than you know it will sell (So, 300 AD each or something, currently) you can use that to transfer AD among your characters - the character you cancel the sale on can claim the AD.
companions usually have three abilities unless it is an augment. the rank of the companion (white, green, blue, purple) is going to determine which skills are unlockable. the first skill is immediately available. i'm not sure which level the second gets unlocked (it may be along with the skins) and the third skill is unlocked at level 30. if your companion is white, green or blue, you will not have access to unlock that last skill unless you upgrade your companion. upgrading is only available once you get your companion to its max level.
gold and silver can be transferred through friends and through your guild/guild bank. also, because the shards have been merged, account-wide storage may become a reality at some point in the future.
professions materials are accessible in-game through the auction house, through skill nodes and through monster drops. astral diamonds are the currency in the auction house and can be earned through daily quests, the leadership profession, selling items on the auction house and through the salvager. you do not need to buy zen to acquire profession mats.
i hope that helps a little. see you in-game!
All they do is speed up your gathering of basic crafting materials. If you compare the auction price of the Bag of Gems, with the AD price of just speeding up the regular gathering tasks..... unless the auction price has dropped a lot, it's cheaper in AD to just use the speed up function.
In the end, the Bags really don't do anything you need - you can easily run the quick Gather missions one after another while questing, and now you can do the 6-8 hour big Gather missions when you log out. (edit: and this is why they're a cash-shop item - all they do is the standard f2p "trade money for convenience" deal) Only extra thing you get is a couple Residuum.... and if that's what you need, it should be cheaper to get from the auction. /shrug
So... not quite exactly what you're wishing for, but keep on dreaming and maybe, maaaaaybe one day they'll at least make gem bags a reality. Because lock box keys are just too much of a money maker for the game (as they're intended to be) to be able to offer for free, I think.
I play casually, don't PvP and very rarely do Gauntlgrym, do only quest content and some daily dungeons / skirmishes during skirmish hour on weekends when I have time, only invoke and do professions 5 days a week otherwise. So far I've earned a total of about 2,000 Zen by selling stuff on the auction house, doing professions, daily quests, etc. Granted, I've been playing since late May so you can see how long it took to get there, but the point is that you can still certainly use the Zen exchange to swap AD for a decent amount of Zen without having to spend real money even if you don't have time for hardcore grinding.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
Characters: Raevyn Martok, Xiomara Silverstar, & Xandria Ma'Litoff
Characters: Avigayle Silveroak, & Jinx Brimstone
I am Xan. Xan I am.
I funded half of an illure stone with this
As for sending gold to your alts or other characters - the best route to go for this is to either use the guild bank to deposit gold and withdraw it on an alt, or to send those treasure items that sometimes drop, (IIRC they stack).
In general, since you can earn ADs in-game, and since you can convert those ADs to Zen, *anything* that you can get with either currency is available "in game"... it just may take a little more work.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums