we're still here, just hiding:o jk, idk why you can't search for us anyways if you have questions about the tourney, type in /channel_join lemon and feel free to ask us anything:)
Common guys, we need more entries. Remember its not Guilds vs Lemonade Stand, its Guilds vs Guilds / Groups vs Groups. Everyone gets to play against everyone.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Common guys, we need more entries. Remember its not Guilds vs Lemonade Stand, its Guilds vs Guilds / Groups vs Groups. Everyone gets to play against everyone.
Y'all are the strongest guild on the server. Everyone knows it. Perhaps other guilds aren't too keen on entering a tournament they know they're going to lose? Although we don't have an official A-team, y'all have already bested some of EoA's top players in PMvPM.
Here are a couple other options:
1) Host a tournament in which LS does not participate. Charge 200k AD fee to join so you don't have to invest any prize money.
2) Have a non-tenebrous tournament. I PVP a lot, and the best, closest matches I've had are when neither team stacks tennys.
With either of these options, I suspect you'll get more turn-out.
If the belief is that people will only join the tournament to lose, then they are mistaken, teams will get to play many games, and like gctrl said, this is not all vs lemonade stand, this is everyone against everyone.
However I can maybe understand why people could be reluctant to join because of the entry fee, so from now on I will remove it from the tounement, the 1m ad prize will remain
Like I said we want to promote a pvp scene and have a nice time
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
just so imagine the ad to remove the enchants, or buy new items.... nah...
Dovahkiin Gannicus, GWF Sentinel- Enemy Team Guild
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yeah, the problem with this is that there's no way to officially confirm or deny the use of Tennys. Obviously, getting your health burned down is a giveaway, but it's not official proof. We'd have to go on an honor system and I wouldn't imagine it would end well.
Yeah, the problem with this is that there's no way to officially confirm or deny the use of Tennys. Obviously, getting your health burned down is a giveaway, but it's not official proof. We'd have to go on an honor system and I wouldn't imagine it would end well.
It's very easy to tell - you can just look at your combat log and you'll see any tene damage there.
Is there a plan to keep matches within reasonable time zones? This game is global, what happens when you are matched against a team shifted by half a day?
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Ah, so true! That could be a real possibility then. I've never hosted a tournament. Perhaps that's something for EoA in the future...?
Imo Tenebrous should be allowed, but only for GWF / GF. Especially for Sent Gwf, as they are practically reguired to have any chance of holding a point against other well geared players.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
mmmm i do not want to argue the effectiveness of tenes here but just to say for all classes except for the gwf i think tenes are really not that necessary and there a no-tene builds that can compete very well with tene ones
I highly highly doubt tenes are really the problem here
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I highly highly doubt tenes are really the problem here
Well, then you need to find out why no one is lining up for this tournament. I suspect most people believe a tournament is to find out who the best guild/team is. Everyone knows it's Lemonade Stand. Y'all have proven it time and time again. You claim that it's so guilds can play other guilds. We can already do that, as there is a PMvsPM channel, and it's very common to run into full premades simply by queuing (especially in the evenings).
Well, then you need to find out why no one is lining up for this tournament. I suspect most people believe a tournament is to find out who the best guild/team is. Everyone knows it's Lemonade Stand. Y'all have proven it time and time again. You claim that it's so guilds can play other guilds. We can already do that, as there is a PMvsPM channel, and it's very common to run into full premades simply by queuing (especially in the evenings).
Meh, thats a weak excuse, theres nothing wrong with a friendly organized competition where people win some prizes. Why you no like fun???
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Meh, thats a weak excuse, theres nothing wrong with a friendly organized competition where people win some prizes. Why you no like fun???
GCTRL, you of all people understand what it's like to be on the other side of the team you're on. It also doesn't change the fact that you called for a tournament to which only one guild responded.
Now, I love fun! Love, love, love it! Running to my instant death, however, does not fit into this category. Your A-team is undefeated, and you're wondering why people aren't lining up to be wrecked by y'all? Umm...?
If you're truly looking for a close match, a good game or a challenge, I recommend queuing up with only one or two guildies instead of a full premade. We did this often before the merge and found much harder games and very few leavers. If you're inviting people to a tournament where they are guaranteed to eventually lose, why are you wondering why no one is choosing to participate?
GCTRL, you of all people understand what it's like to be on the other side of the team you're on. It also doesn't change the fact that you called for a tournament to which only one guild responded.
Now, I love fun! Love, love, love it! Running to my instant death, however, does not fit into this category. Your A-team is undefeated, and you're wondering why people aren't lining up to be wrecked by y'all? Umm...?
If you're truly looking for a close match, a good game or a challenge, I recommend queuing up with only one or two guildies instead of a full premade. We did this often before the merge and found much harder games and very few leavers. If you're inviting people to a tournament where they are guaranteed to eventually lose, why are you wondering why no one is choosing to participate?
Keep up the good gaming. Y'all are the best.
Honestly, just drop the entry fee otherwise it looks like a money grab opportunity for LS. Either that or just fork up the prize money yourselves (everyone knows you guys are loaded).
Or just set some guidelines that nullify the whole pay 2 win arguments. Max GS of say 10k, nothing past regular enchants, etc. Not sure why so many of you seem to be against that idea. You want a true test of skill? Take the Godly Gear out of the equation. Seems pretty simple to me.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
Thanks for the tough match today. Y'all play hard and have excellent tactics.
EoA would be very interested in a match against y'all where neither team has Tenebrous Enchantments. We think we could offer you much more of a challenge.
Please find either me, Cirias, or Meldannen in game if you'd be interested.
Or just set some guidelines that nullify the whole pay 2 win arguments. Max GS of say 10k, nothing past regular enchants, etc. Not sure why so many of you seem to be against that idea. You want a true test of skill? Take the Godly Gear out of the equation. Seems pretty simple to me.
GS varies depending on the class you're playing, also you want people to spend tons of money taking out enchants and buying other gear? Not to mention the fact that the gear you have is built around the build you're running, some people would have to start respeccing entirely. I think its a bit too much trouble when the GS discrepancy between guilds isnt as large as people are making it out to be.
At some point the gear/enchant/p2w arguments need to end, this game has been out for nearly half a year.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
Thanks for the tough match today. Y'all play hard and have excellent tactics.
EoA would be very interested in a match against y'all where neither team has Tenebrous Enchantments. We think we could offer you much more of a challenge.
Please find either me, Cirias, or Meldannen in game if you'd be interested.
Best, -Trace
Likewise, although we only had 1 person with Tenes today, and I think the cw we tried out only has 1 and everything else darks. So they really dont make that big of a difference unless every single person has them. Anyways, I can probably get a squad together where noone has them so I'll msg one of you guys at some point.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
Honestly, just drop the entry fee otherwise it looks like a money grab opportunity for LS. Either that or just fork up the prize money yourselves (everyone knows you guys are loaded).
I think they dropped the registration fee but Gctrl forgot to change the opening post. But either way, there doesn't seem to be enough interest. We're fine just playing against other premades and hope that with the merge other guilds will improve with recruiting new members.
But they wont because the people that argument is pointed at...have been walking around with that gear since certain exploits have happened...
We have had these players on Mindflayer too.... so not pointing fingers any one specifically.
It's gear... and tactics. LS has some amazing tactics, but their gear gives them the freedom to use those tactics. Their Tenebrous TR burned through everyone who tried to contest her at our point today, even our tanky-regen GF, in a matter of seconds. That gave them the freedom to always have one of us down, or always have two focusing her, essentially playing as if we had four or they had six, if that makes sense. This made for the rest of our team consistently fighting 1v2 or 2v3. I've fought plenty of SS, ITC, PoB TRs, but the Tenebrous was too much. I went from 100% to 10% health in two seconds one time. There's no defense against that.
Here are a few great things that I saw:
1. I was very impressed that I didn't see any armor swapping (as if they needed any more advantage). I've fought against some clearly OP teams who were not only schooling us, but continued to armor swap. I'm very glad I didn't see any exploiting.
2. They did a good job of continuing to pour people back to our point when one of them died. I'm fairly certain all five team members eventually made their way to back cap when the person back-capping fell.
3. No smack-talking, at all, and some good zones in game and tells afterward.
All in all, I was very impressed with their guild, but recognized some clear advantages they had.
It's gear... and tactics. LS has some amazing tactics, but their gear gives them the freedom to use those tactics. Their Tenebrous TR burned through everyone who tried to contest her at our point today, even our tanky-regen GF, in a matter of seconds. That gave them the freedom to always have one of us down, or always have two focusing her, essentially playing as if we had four or they had six, if that makes sense. This made for the rest of our team consistently fighting 1v2 or 2v3. I've fought plenty of SS, ITC, PoB TRs, but the Tenebrous was too much. I went from 100% to 10% health in two seconds one time. There's no defense against that.
Here are a few great things that I saw:
1. I was very impressed that I didn't see any armor swapping (as if they needed any more advantage). I've fought against some clearly OP teams who were not only schooling us, but continued to armor swap. I'm very glad I didn't see any exploiting.
2. They did a good job of continuing to pour people back to our point when one of them died. I'm fairly certain all five team members eventually made their way to back cap when the person back-capping fell.
3. No smack-talking, at all, and some good zones in game and tells afterward.
All in all, I was very impressed with their guild, but recognized some clear advantages they had.
Here is an idea. Since the tene is not overpowered as stated by many of the host guild. Have the tournament and allow tene's for the other teams but not your guild. This would be the best way to prove your point. I know many interested individuals.
Here is an idea. Since the tene is not overpowered as stated by many of the host guild. Have the tournament and allow tene's for the other teams but not your guild. This would be the best way to prove your point. I know many interested individuals.
Lulz. Hate to beat a dead 110% movespeed mount, but I have to agree with this sentiment. All I hear from these fully geared out Guilds is that gear doesn't matter, or Tenes aren't OP, yet none of them seem to be willing to play on a level playing field.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Lulz. Hate to beat a dead 110% movespeed mount, but I have to agree with this sentiment. All I hear from these fully geared out Guilds is that gear doesn't matter, or Tenes aren't OP, yet none of them seem to be willing to play on a level playing field.
They have leveled the playing field on the test shard. Everyone did have the same gear, so I will give LS that. The only advantage is that LS was used to playing with that kind of gear and built their characters around them. Others had to work their builds around whatever enchants they had or could afford.
I would like to see this, however. LS no Tennys fighting a team with them. I doubt they'll take the challenge, but it'd be good to see.
They have leveled the playing field on the test shard. Everyone did have the same gear, so I will give LS that. The only advantage is that LS was used to playing with that kind of gear and built their characters around them. Others had to work their builds around whatever enchants they had or could afford.
I would like to see this, however. LS no Tennys fighting a team with them. I doubt they'll take the challenge, but it'd be good to see.
Then pay for all our disenchants and we have a deal. ^^. I'll play you guys any day .
You seem to have a personal vendetta against our guild. And I believe you have said multiple times that tene takes away skill. So saying that people needed time to practice with it makes no sense since it literally just procs when you use encounters and autos.
And I would also appreciate if you would stop using passive aggressive statements about our guild. It is very annoying.
Lemonade Stand has to deal with this on the daily. How would you feel if we put down your guild 24/7?
I dropped my Tene's a couple months ago and switched to r9 darks. I do miss killing people while they are soulforged though. I'm new to LS but will be trying to put a team together or join one for this event.
I dropped my Tene's a couple months ago and switched to r9 darks. I do miss killing people while they are soulforged though. I'm new to LS but will be trying to put a team together or join one for this event.
Oh god it's you. Formerly in Prototype? I've died to you so many times. GG.
anyways if you have questions about the tourney, type in /channel_join lemon and feel free to ask us anything:)
Y'all are the strongest guild on the server. Everyone knows it. Perhaps other guilds aren't too keen on entering a tournament they know they're going to lose? Although we don't have an official A-team, y'all have already bested some of EoA's top players in PMvPM.
Here are a couple other options:
1) Host a tournament in which LS does not participate. Charge 200k AD fee to join so you don't have to invest any prize money.
2) Have a non-tenebrous tournament. I PVP a lot, and the best, closest matches I've had are when neither team stacks tennys.
With either of these options, I suspect you'll get more turn-out.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
However I can maybe understand why people could be reluctant to join because of the entry fee, so from now on I will remove it from the tounement, the 1m ad prize will remain
Like I said we want to promote a pvp scene and have a nice time
Amazing idea..
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never ...ing lose"
Yeah, the problem with this is that there's no way to officially confirm or deny the use of Tennys. Obviously, getting your health burned down is a giveaway, but it's not official proof. We'd have to go on an honor system and I wouldn't imagine it would end well.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
It's very easy to tell - you can just look at your combat log and you'll see any tene damage there.
Ah, so true! That could be a real possibility then. I've never hosted a tournament. Perhaps that's something for EoA in the future...?
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Imo Tenebrous should be allowed, but only for GWF / GF. Especially for Sent Gwf, as they are practically reguired to have any chance of holding a point against other well geared players.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
I highly highly doubt tenes are really the problem here
Well, then you need to find out why no one is lining up for this tournament.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Meh, thats a weak excuse, theres nothing wrong with a friendly organized competition where people win some prizes. Why you no like fun???
GCTRL, you of all people understand what it's like to be on the other side of the team you're on. It also doesn't change the fact that you called for a tournament to which only one guild responded.
Now, I love fun! Love, love, love it! Running to my instant death, however, does not fit into this category. Your A-team is undefeated, and you're wondering why people aren't lining up to be wrecked by y'all? Umm...?
If you're truly looking for a close match, a good game or a challenge, I recommend queuing up with only one or two guildies instead of a full premade. We did this often before the merge and found much harder games and very few leavers. If you're inviting people to a tournament where they are guaranteed to eventually lose, why are you wondering why no one is choosing to participate?
Keep up the good gaming. Y'all are the best.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Honestly, just drop the entry fee otherwise it looks like a money grab opportunity for LS. Either that or just fork up the prize money yourselves (everyone knows you guys are loaded).
Thanks for the tough match today. Y'all play hard and have excellent tactics.
EoA would be very interested in a match against y'all where neither team has Tenebrous Enchantments. We think we could offer you much more of a challenge.
Please find either me, Cirias, or Meldannen in game if you'd be interested.
Best, -Trace
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
GS varies depending on the class you're playing, also you want people to spend tons of money taking out enchants and buying other gear? Not to mention the fact that the gear you have is built around the build you're running, some people would have to start respeccing entirely. I think its a bit too much trouble when the GS discrepancy between guilds isnt as large as people are making it out to be.
At some point the gear/enchant/p2w arguments need to end, this game has been out for nearly half a year.
Likewise, although we only had 1 person with Tenes today, and I think the cw we tried out only has 1 and everything else darks. So they really dont make that big of a difference unless every single person has them. Anyways, I can probably get a squad together where noone has them so I'll msg one of you guys at some point.
I think they dropped the registration fee but Gctrl forgot to change the opening post. But either way, there doesn't seem to be enough interest. We're fine just playing against other premades and hope that with the merge other guilds will improve with recruiting new members.
But they wont because the people that argument is pointed at...have been walking around with that gear since certain exploits have happened...
We have had these players on Mindflayer too.... so not pointing fingers any one specifically.
It's gear... and tactics. LS has some amazing tactics, but their gear gives them the freedom to use those tactics. Their Tenebrous TR burned through everyone who tried to contest her at our point today, even our tanky-regen GF, in a matter of seconds. That gave them the freedom to always have one of us down, or always have two focusing her, essentially playing as if we had four or they had six, if that makes sense. This made for the rest of our team consistently fighting 1v2 or 2v3. I've fought plenty of SS, ITC, PoB TRs, but the Tenebrous was too much. I went from 100% to 10% health in two seconds one time. There's no defense against that.
Here are a few great things that I saw:
1. I was very impressed that I didn't see any armor swapping (as if they needed any more advantage). I've fought against some clearly OP teams who were not only schooling us, but continued to armor swap. I'm very glad I didn't see any exploiting.
2. They did a good job of continuing to pour people back to our point when one of them died. I'm fairly certain all five team members eventually made their way to back cap when the person back-capping fell.
3. No smack-talking, at all, and some good zones in game and tells afterward.
All in all, I was very impressed with their guild, but recognized some clear advantages they had.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I landed all the duelist fury ^^
Lulz. Hate to beat a dead 110% movespeed mount, but I have to agree with this sentiment. All I hear from these fully geared out Guilds is that gear doesn't matter, or Tenes aren't OP, yet none of them seem to be willing to play on a level playing field.
They have leveled the playing field on the test shard. Everyone did have the same gear, so I will give LS that. The only advantage is that LS was used to playing with that kind of gear and built their characters around them. Others had to work their builds around whatever enchants they had or could afford.
I would like to see this, however. LS no Tennys fighting a team with them. I doubt they'll take the challenge, but it'd be good to see.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Then pay for all our disenchants and we have a deal. ^^. I'll play you guys any day
You seem to have a personal vendetta against our guild. And I believe you have said multiple times that tene takes away skill. So saying that people needed time to practice with it makes no sense since it literally just procs when you use encounters and autos.
And I would also appreciate if you would stop using passive aggressive statements about our guild. It is very annoying.
Lemonade Stand has to deal with this on the daily. How would you feel if we put down your guild 24/7?
Oh god it's you. Formerly in Prototype? I've died to you so many times. GG.