HI all,
I started playing NWO with some friends and atm all of them are leaving the game cause here's too much bad things (above all in pvp). I think that they're in the wrong side but today I see that even player like Troodee are leaving for the same reasons. So tell me: what do you think about this game future? I post here cause I see that in this section here's alot of players that think before post

Let me see what you think about this game future: bright or dark? And why?
Thanks in advance
/sarcasm off
In the long term however, I'd expect the community to consist of roughly part time "casual" players. As long as content is released bi-annually (like many of PWE games get), there will be a descent base of people to play with, just not at "Blizzard" levels (see what I did there?).
If you have some friends, the game can be really REALLY fun, with the right class, set and items... btw the population it' ok atm, for the future?! BUT WHO CARES!!! When you and your friends are tired of the game, simply go away... it's free remember ;-)
People will easily burn themselves out if they aggressively play at a full-time pace. Those people considered the game's Open Beta launch as the game's actual launch date. By the time that I actually signed up about 1 week about the official Live release, people had already left due to game burn out. Many others were proclaiming in zone chat that they only wanted experienced players with a minimum (X) Gear Score. They did all of this to themselves within a couple of months of gameplay.
Yes, people will be constantly leaving Neverwinter. They expected this game to be something that it's not, which leaves them frustrated and disappointed. Within the coming months, I'm anticipating a number of people leaving due to "class balancing" nerfs and boredom from not having enough new content. But having said that, the population will stabilize. Both STO and CO have their own stable player bases, even if they aren't as large as a more traditional MMO. I'd expect Neverwinter to eventually reach that point as well.
I want to clarify that I love this game and I love to play dungeons even if I did them 238572 times but I see that all of my friends quit due the lack of pve/pvp end content. After you get the T2 armor that you want the game seems to be finished:
- PvP: afkers, leavers, unbalanced team queue, 1 mode only.
- PvE: after taking a good mount, t2 armor/weapon and a pet you're ok
I repeat that even with these problems I love the game but I feel strange that all of other friends feel so bad with NWO end-game.
I hope in module 2: playing a MMORPG without friends it's a bit annoying :P