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Cheating In PvP



  • mryuzmryuz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 71
    edited September 2013
    zokir wrote: »
    That my friend is a well-geared TR having some fun. Not exploiting.

    actually, looking at that vid, you see the tr using deft strike multiple times but its not on his skill bar. his skill bar is consist of lashing, ITC, impact shot. or maybe im mistaken.

    oh nvm, its lurkers :P
  • zokirzokir Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    mryuz wrote: »
    actually, looking at that vid, you see the tr using deft strike multiple times but its not on his skill bar. his skill bar is consist of lashing, ITC, impact shot. or maybe im mistaken.

    After the patch, a teleport was added to lurkers assault daily. That's what is being used- not deft strike.
    Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I found a way to catch a Rogue. I saw an empty RED CIRCLE near me and shield bashed it. An enemy Rogue appeared with half their hit points. Seconds later the swarm killed him.
    macabrivs wrote: »
    Correction: They can be in stealth all the time if they want, and on top of that they can throw u dagger while in stealth.... They use their 8 daggers and wait them to recharge again and do it again.... Its almost impossible to catch them actually.

    Now imagine my frustation playing a DC without no CC to stop them at all.

    To be honest, this is the only complain i have about PvP as it is now.... permanent stealth..... Guess theirs 20k crits are not enough :/
  • mytgroomytgroo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I am not sure how it is done, but I am noticing that the timing for many effects is extended during some pvp fights. Have no idea why there should be twenty second stun locks, extra long knockdowns, etc. It is something to watch for. I think in some cases the timers are either broken or exploited. I have on occasion gone through two death cycles, thirty seconds before going back to the start point. It is a subtle thing which is happening. Do effects stack if more than one character does it at the same time-- for example two rogues do stun lock at the same time.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    herk412 wrote: »
    Perma ITC is not happening but Extended ITC is. ITC is supposed to last 5 Seconds.

    Go into an end game match and you can time some people's Immunity and Dodging's from ITC to 8 seconds +

    This is true. But you know what's so fun? Beating them anyway! Especially if they dropped hundreds on dollars on their character (which I may not know, of course).

    Then they leave the matching thinking: I cheated and I dropped so much cash on this game... And that dang F2P CW kicked my butt anyway!
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    well cheating or not but i faced a team from the guild Silent Blades yesterday it was a interresting experiance.

    The cw healed from 10 % to full in 2 sec, the tr dident take dam during the hole mini game dam logg said dam but all dam during the hole mini was reduced to 0 (no he hadent immunity up during hole match) knock down dident effect any of them even when stationary and not porting dodgeing, some encounters was used 3 times in a row with no delay etc etc. Am sure if you check out loggs after facing their team you will also find some amazing stuff =).
  • frost168frost168 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    marnival wrote: »
    well cheating or not but i faced a team from the guild Silent Blades yesterday it was a interesting experiance.

    The cw healed from 10 % to full in 2 sec, or what seemed like 2 sec, idk, I was getting roll stomped so not able to judge time correctly.
    the tr didnt take dam during the hole mini game dam logg said damaged him for 400 but all damage during the hole mini was reduced to 0. He had some insane regen that made the build nearly impossible to beat with my crappy gear and (no he hadnt immunity up during hole match) he had no need to, they were stomping us so hard and fast. knock down didnt effect any of them even when stationary and not porting dodging, as I was being cc'd and killed so fast, I couldn't get any spell off. It was very frustrating. some encounters was used 3 times in a row with no delay, that impact shot is one mean mamajamma on their rogues. I was totally in awe. etc etc. Am sure if you check out logs after facing their team you will also find some amazing stuff =). I wish I could fight like that. They have a good understanding of game mechanics and spell usage. I just mash buttons hoping someone dies.

    Fixed it for ya !!!
  • herk412herk412 Banned Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    frost168 wrote: »
    Fixed it for ya !!!

  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I don't know if it's lag or a cheat, but against some players I see "dodge" frequently when they don't actually dodge, or "block" when their shield isn't up. Once I attacked an GF from behind who was mounted and he blocked it and knocked me prone without ever dismounting and turning around. I was just left lying on the ground prone looking at his horses ***.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The cw healed from 10 % to full in 2 sec, or what seemed like 2 sec, idk, I was getting roll stomped so not able to judge time correctly.
    With 48% defence 40% deflection 35k hp and unstoppelbe up as a sent build it was no issue to live long enough to judge time correct.

    the tr didnt take dam during the hole mini game dam logg said damaged him for 400 but all damage during the hole mini was reduced to 0. He had some insane regen that made the build nearly impossible to beat with my crappy gear and (no he hadnt immunity up during hole match) he had no need to, they were stomping us so hard and fast. knock down didnt effect any of them even when stationary and not porting dodging, as I was being cc'd and killed so fast, I couldn't get any spell off.
    No he was actually alone against 4 of us during a couple of min at our base all loggs showed the same no dam taken what so ever from any attack during that time go figure.....

    It was very frustrating. some encounters was used 3 times in a row with no delay, that impact shot is one mean mamajamma on their rogues. I was totally in awe. etc etc. Am sure if you check out logs after facing their team you will also find some amazing stuff =). I wish I could fight like that. They have a good understanding of game mechanics and spell usage. I just mash buttons hoping someone dies.

    They sure have a good understanding how to heal faster then game mechanics possible can allow, resist dam in a way not possible by current game mechanics etc etc. Nice try but i fixed it for ya plenty of players are seeing this more and more so go and tell your santa storrys to someone that belives you..
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I am glad that i am not the only one seeing the real issue here.

    Some times the lag can be unbearable for sure.And the other team takes advantage of it.

    There are lot's of ways to cheat in this game it appears.And it is kinda ruining the PvP matches the matches all so say that we are egual but it is completely an uneven match when you are lower levels.The Game says you are fighting at like for say level 39 level you are if you are level 39 but if you are level 31 you are unmatched with some body that is 8 more levels higher then you.

    This gives them more of an advantage be cause of being 8 levels higher.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    marnival wrote: »
    The cw healed from 10 % to full in 2 sec, or what seemed like 2 sec, idk, I was getting roll stomped so not able to judge time correctly.
    With 48% defence 40% deflection 35k hp and unstoppelbe up as a sent build it was no issue to live long enough to judge time correct.

    the tr didnt take dam during the hole mini game dam logg said damaged him for 400 but all damage during the hole mini was reduced to 0. He had some insane regen that made the build nearly impossible to beat with my crappy gear and (no he hadnt immunity up during hole match) he had no need to, they were stomping us so hard and fast. knock down didnt effect any of them even when stationary and not porting dodging, as I was being cc'd and killed so fast, I couldn't get any spell off.
    No he was actually alone against 4 of us during a couple of min at our base all loggs showed the same no dam taken what so ever from any attack during that time go figure.....

    It was very frustrating. some encounters was used 3 times in a row with no delay, that impact shot is one mean mamajamma on their rogues. I was totally in awe. etc etc. Am sure if you check out logs after facing their team you will also find some amazing stuff =). I wish I could fight like that. They have a good understanding of game mechanics and spell usage. I just mash buttons hoping someone dies.

    They sure have a good understanding how to heal faster then game mechanics possible can allow, resist dam in a way not possible by current game mechanics etc etc. Nice try but i fixed it for ya plenty of players are seeing this more and more so go and tell your santa storrys to someone that belives you..

    I've personally witnessed all of these. On three separate instances, a GF and two CW's have done a full heal with no teammates around. In pvp, where pots are only so good. With two more teammates, we killed the GF and one of the CW's, and the other escaped to die later.

    I was on the team of a TR who took absolutely no damage. The problem with it, is that it was a 5v4 guild premade, with the fifth player on my team a pickup from the a well known pvp guild on Beholder. A well known cat who supposedly rocks arena. After some complaints on TS, I went to check out his gear. TR, 700 defense, 700 deflect, no enchants over 7, greater PF, lesser soul forge, Tene's in four slots. And I watched for five minutes as he ran around the flag fighting three of my guild mates (not me, as I sat on the side) and took not a single point of damage. Two seconds of hunting on google tells you exactly how that is possible. And it wasn't ITC or stealth, because those are both very easy to spot.

    Funny thing is, we've run into multiple TR's capable of doing such an awesome job. When you announce in zone chat that your recording the game for youtube (as my guild does occasionally), all of a sudden they start dying. Or quit the game.

    It's easy to discount any player who whispers the words 'hack' in order to get their nemesis class nerfed. I do it to. I feel very strongly about the balance in this game, and don't single out one class or another for being broken unless I know it is. Like unstoppable in beta for GWF.

    But these hacks are there, and they will eventually be shut down. Because we are recording and paying attention.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To tell you the truth i have had some really good matches with my rogue there where a total of 4 matches where i had 0 deaths 16 kills about 30 assist.It is rarely seen that some body that does not cheat get's 0 deaths in a match.

    Most players normal get up to 5 threw 10 depending on how good or bad the other team is.

    I have learned to dodge and attack with my rogue really well.It is not that hard to learn it.

    But like i have said i have seen some very odd things happen in pvp.One odd thing i have seen is the GF shield issue where the only way to kill one is from be hind.Some times it seems that they are all most unbeatable i have seen a couple sit there and drop there shield and still take no damage.

    I have a Rogue,Great weapons Fighter,Control Wizard,And a Guardian fighter.And some of the stuff i have seen in matches don't add up to my chars even though i have at lest 10,000 gear score and all of them are setup correctly.

    Wither it is using an Ex polite or Using some 3rd party program it is violating the Rules.

    It can be done though taking 0 deaths in a heavy match is hard to do.I have done it 4 times with my rogue and 2 times with my GWF.And this is playing a game with out any kinda cheating what so ever.

    And all of my Chars have tons of life steal.

    I play each mmo by the rules.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • revocainerevocaine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 58
    edited September 2013
    frost168 wrote: »
    Fixed it for ya !!!

    Somebody call a firetruck..
  • b3rz3rk3db3rz3rk3d Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Aaaahahahaha! Sorry but that "this promacy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>" comment was too funny! Leave it to a fellow american to show off their absolute ignorance about anything existing outside of this country. Dude, if u thought the promacy hack was bad, wait till you see the hilfe hack. LOL!
    One odd thing i have seen is the GF shield issue where the only way to kill one is from be hind.Some times it seems that they are all most unbeatable i have seen a couple sit there and drop there shield and still take no damage.

    ....umm you mean the hack where they press shift to block attacks so you have to run around the back and not aimlessly swing into their shield? I hate that hack...

    Sorry man but it seems that you are just clearly uninformed and I will probably be automatically disregarding anything you have to say in the future.

    Oh and your characters have a lot of lifesteal and you're still getting stomped?? Hmm maybe lifesteal isn't THAT great... regeneration has trumped lifesteal in eveey build I've made, and I think most people would agree.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Calling me ignorant.

    First off i did not know that the Word help Pomacy was Polish.I though it was a skill or some thing.

    And Second
    I am more clearly informed then you think.I have been playing MMOs for over 10 years and can tell when some thing is out of balance.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Once I did 20k Crit with IK (target was seriously debuffed though) with half T1&T2 gear.
    BTW My only problem with PvP is lack of other game modes&maps/bots/lags/TRs with perma stealth, I seriously didn't saw anything that could be a cheat.
    Maybe aside from auto aiming without holding ctrl (can't say for sure but few times I was targetted even after quick dodge or behind wall while running away)
  • espadaboltespadabolt Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Have you guys ever thought that you just suck and finding an excuse why other people are better than you? And the perma stealth build does no damage at all that's just embarising if you die by it.
  • drsconedrscone Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    espadabolt wrote: »
    Have you guys ever thought that you just suck and finding an excuse why other people are better than you? And the perma stealth build does no damage at all that's just embarising if you die by it.

    The problem with the thread is that there is some evidence of that - misunderstandings of some game mechanics. However that doesn't mean that there aren't hacks out there. Most online games suffer from them. The issue is, what is the ratio of actual cheats to perceived cheats? In game it's very hard to spot a cheat from good play or good gear.

    I ran into a TR yesterday with a perma stealth build and greater plague fire. I crumpled like wet cardboard around him. Luckily my team mates sucked so when I did flush him out he wasn't jumped on and squished. Hey ho. Properly luckily however his team sucked even more and we won by simply ignoring him in the end. Yay us.
    Tele Savalas, Dwarf Thaumaturge CW
    Putting the Buff into Debuff since 2013 \o/ (Does that even make sense)?
  • willprescottwillprescott Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If you think a permastealthed tr doesn't do much damage, you must be watching some other game. TR's can almost dish out the most damage in pvp, permastealth or not. Or does nobody look at stats at all? They can constantly crit, and especially with teneb enchants stacked, put out more damage than a gf has in life. I've seen gf's with 35k hp get one shot by tr's, while having almost 5k def.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    xcom43 wrote: »
    Calling me ignorant.

    First off i did not know that the Word help Pomacy was Polish.I though it was a skill or some thing.

    And Second
    I am more clearly informed then you think.I have been playing MMOs for over 10 years and can tell when some thing is out of balance.

    Yet you still come here with the old "I can't do this much damage so it must be cheating!" line huh?
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I have yet to see a cheat or a hack that lets you do more damage. So to me, when someone complains that they got hit too hard, I generally ignore it.

    But a good player knows that there are only a few ways to become immune to damage, and that they are all relatively short lived. And there's only a few ways to heal damage, and they have varying degrees of effectiveness. So when you see something fishy along these lines ... a good player starts to pay attention.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    I've been around PvP matches where I heard some ridiculous comments, about a certain GWF using hacks to see stealthed rogues. After taking some time to make fun of the guy telling that, he insisted that 'the guy knows where I am before I am there'. I guess he was one of the ignorant lot that wouldn't mind sharing his 'findings' publicly.

    Anyway, it's an MMO forum so...what the hell...these things are common.

    On topic: The only thing that got me really curious was running to more than 3 different rogues during the same day, that seemed to somehow keep their Impossible to Catch for much much longer than they should. I am not sure if it was a 'hack' of some sort, but I am sure that I can't figure out how a full health rogue would glow black and be immune for almost 15 seconds.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I've been around PvP matches where I heard some ridiculous comments, about a certain GWF using hacks to see stealthed rogues. After taking some time to make fun of the guy telling that, he insisted that 'the guy knows where I am before I am there'. I guess he was one of the ignorant lot that wouldn't mind sharing his 'findings' publicly.

    Anyway, it's an MMO forum so...what the hell...these things are common.

    On topic: The only thing that got me really curious was running to more than 3 different rogues during the same day, that seemed to somehow keep their Impossible to Catch for much much longer than they should. I am not sure if it was a 'hack' of some sort, but I am sure that I can't figure out how a full health rogue would glow black and be immune for almost 15 seconds.

    It may very well be that the first was ITC, and the second was soulforged enchant.
    Did you check their HP?

    BTW, it stil lbugs me how much stuff the devs put into the TR class. On a PvP point, to me they are by far the most advantaged class. Even more than GWF sentinels. I stumbled into this video too:


    and looking at 24:34, i watched the GWF sentinel being easily handled by the TR. Talking about top gear and experienced payers, so i assume that's how classes work at the highest level.
    The GWF is at it's best: 50% hp left, regeneration heling at max, and unstoppable. The rogue can easily evade, go ITC invulnerable, go stealth, evade again, attack from range, then DPS from stealth to bring it down. What can the GWF do? Run around, go Unstoppable (but the rogue can just get away and stealth till it runs out, while when the rogue is ITC, if you run away, he still can hit from range).

    It's not like they are tanky themselves. But the combo of ITC invulnerability, stealth, evade immune, attack from range, attack from stealth, put together gives them the best tanking capability and DPS capability in PvP.
    Still have to find someone who can tell a clear counter for top tier TRs in PvP. And seeing a top tier sentinel from a top tier guild, getting destroyed in 1v1 thanks to all these abilities the devs stuffed into them, just makes me think that there's no clear counter.

    May be (just may be) the only build to counter them could be sentinel full defense plus briartwine to reveal them, and roar to knock them from distance then rush, takedown and IBS. Still, they could go ITC and roll away after your first wave of encounters (as a full sentinel, you can't bring them down in 1 rotation). At best, you can just avoid getting killed.
  • hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    pando83 wrote: »
    It may very well be that the first was ITC, and the second was soulforged enchant.
    Did you check their HP?

    Yep. This is why I refer to a 'full health rogue' in my post.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    pando83 wrote: »
    It may very well be that the first was ITC, and the second was soulforged enchant.
    Did you check their HP?

    BTW, it stil lbugs me how much stuff the devs put into the TR class. On a PvP point, to me they are by far the most advantaged class. Even more than GWF sentinels. I stumbled into this video too:


    and looking at 24:34, i watched the GWF sentinel being easily handled by the TR. Talking about top gear and experienced payers, so i assume that's how classes work at the highest level.
    The GWF is at it's best: 50% hp left, regeneration heling at max, and unstoppable. The rogue can easily evade, go ITC invulnerable, go stealth, evade again, attack from range, then DPS from stealth to bring it down. What can the GWF do? Run around, go Unstoppable (but the rogue can just get away and stealth till it runs out, while when the rogue is ITC, if you run away, he still can hit from range).

    It's not like they are tanky themselves. But the combo of ITC invulnerability, stealth, evade immune, attack from range, attack from stealth, put together gives them the best tanking capability and DPS capability in PvP.
    Still have to find someone who can tell a clear counter for top tier TRs in PvP. And seeing a top tier sentinel from a top tier guild, getting destroyed in 1v1 thanks to all these abilities the devs stuffed into them, just makes me think that there's no clear counter.

    May be (just may be) the only build to counter them could be sentinel full defense plus briartwine to reveal them, and roar to knock them from distance then rush, takedown and IBS. Still, they could go ITC and roll away after your first wave of encounters (as a full sentinel, you can't bring them down in 1 rotation). At best, you can just avoid getting killed.

    Nice nerf the TRs QQ post. Keep up the good work. Have a nice day.:)

    Players like the one who made the quoted post will still be complaining if there was only one class in the game.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • herk412herk412 Banned Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Had a pvp match against a well known Mindflayer rogue last night.

    Mind you, i'm no soft target and can lay out damage and I also can spot an exploiter from a mile away.

    Next time I go into a match vs this person I will have Fraps running. I finished 16/7..they finished 19 and 0 and on at least 4 occasions I went head to head vs them...

    Impact Shot = 0 Damage ... He did not have ITC up
    Cloud of Steels = 0 Damage..same no ITC
    Wicked Reminder = 0 Damage , no debuff on the rogue
    Path of the Blade = 0 Damage, used it twice while he was in the area
    Courage Breaker did not even slow him even thiugh he did end up with the dark "flies" effect surrounding him.

    Yeah...definelty a hack out there being used...as judging from these posts apparently other classes can benefit from it as well.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    herk412 wrote: »
    Had a pvp match against a well known Mindflayer rogue last night.

    Mind you, i'm no soft target and can lay out damage and I also can spot an exploiter from a mile away.

    Next time I go into a match vs this person I will have Fraps running. I finished 16/7..they finished 19 and 0 and on at least 4 occasions I went head to head vs them...

    Impact Shot = 0 Damage ... He did not have ITC up
    Cloud of Steels = 0 Damage..same no ITC
    Wicked Reminder = 0 Damage , no debuff on the rogue
    Path of the Blade = 0 Damage, used it twice while he was in the area
    Courage Breaker did not even slow him even thiugh he did end up with the dark "flies" effect surrounding him.

    Yeah...definelty a hack out there being used...as judging from these posts apparently other classes can benefit from it as well.

    Wait wait wait... So is Impact shot, wicked reminder, path of the blade, and courage breaker your usual setup for PvP? I'm not going to judge as you may have just been testing different skills to see if he was exploiting, but. . . LOL if that is your real loadout =P
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kingculex wrote: »
    Nice nerf the TRs QQ post. Keep up the good work. Have a nice day.:)

    Players like the one who made the quoted post will still be complaining if there was only one class in the game.

    I didn't even wrote the word "nerf". Yet you guys Always jump on the defensive. You say i just complain. Yet, i made apost discussing strategies, and wrote one myself, and brought up some issues, and you replied with a complaining. Who's the one complaining here?

    Now, try something different: if you don't want a nerf, just try and explain how that stuff can be countered.
    Cause all i read is people afraid of getting a nerf and lose power, or just writing "learn2play".

    Now, we've a sentinel top tier GWF, and a top tier TR. The TR superiority is shown in the video. Which case is it:

    the Lemonade Stand GWF needs to L2P and got owned cause he didn't play it properly
    the TR got such gear he overgeared the Lemonade Stand GWF

    You don't even want people to discuss those issues? Well, then explain to us poor players and to the devs why it's just a L2P issue.
    I write this cause when i asked for some advice on vs TRs in PvP, the answers were:

    Slot roar and try to figure out where the TR is looking at the knives he's throwing
    Go sentinel and just tank
    Try to understand where they are and get them

    All quite vague. The sentinel in the video ended up dead without much of a chance to fight. And he did the above. You could discuss strategies instead of complaining every time someone discuss about your class.
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    herk412 wrote: »
    Had a pvp match against a well known Mindflayer rogue last night.

    Mind you, i'm no soft target and can lay out damage and I also can spot an exploiter from a mile away.

    Next time I go into a match vs this person I will have Fraps running. I finished 16/7..they finished 19 and 0 and on at least 4 occasions I went head to head vs them...

    Impact Shot = 0 Damage ... He did not have ITC up
    Cloud of Steels = 0 Damage..same no ITC
    Wicked Reminder = 0 Damage , no debuff on the rogue
    Path of the Blade = 0 Damage, used it twice while he was in the area
    Courage Breaker did not even slow him even thiugh he did end up with the dark "flies" effect surrounding him.

    Yeah...definelty a hack out there being used...as judging from these posts apparently other classes can benefit from it as well.

    Exactly, most hacks will work with any class. Please record the match also so you can nail the exploiter and report them with proof. The devs designed the game to handle health/stamina on the client end and not the server end so it can be hacked. The devs did include protection against 32bit memory hacking but failed to include protection against 64bit memory hacking. *Shrug*

    Players also need to know the difference between cheating and regular game mechanics.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
This discussion has been closed.