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Massively interview with Neverwinter Lead Producer, Andy Velasquez, about Module 2!



  • ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    case in point: i'm not even an official from the company and you can't even accept the fact that no one from the company is going to make any unauthorized statements. it's not personal. it's just business. if you can find any company that will treat you otherwise, you let me know. hell, let everyone here know.

    Well they need to get somone who can, lol They have reasons discused internally and agreed for certain issues, So why cant they just post briefly their reasons for said changes, This would render over 50% of the continously re-posted topics ever being posted again. But no, they dont say anything, so the same old threads just keep recuring and recuring and will keep doing so. in the end players will get fed up and not even bother to visit the forums any more.

    It quite funny somtimes, , most 'replys' come from the Mods, who clearly have stated in the past, their replys are their OWN opinions and have no bearance on the company at all. and as recently apparent dont have much contact at all either with the company or dev's. Case in point the Dragon shard crash the other weekend, bearing in mind this was weekend, saturday and prime time UK time, so one the busiest times of the week for the game and a reply on the forum thread concerning the Shard crash from a Mod was he had no contact or way of contact to the devs concerning the Shard crash or finding out any imformation.

    "case in point: i'm not even an official from the company and you can't even accept the fact that no one from the company is going to make any unauthorized statements"

    And as you clearly say, your not a empleyee of the company, so you can NOT state any facts, this is purely YOUR own opinion, and as such has as much meaning as anybody stating the oposite.,

    So 'my case in point' You can post in here anything you want, but it will always be your OWN opinion and unless anything is officialy posted this will remain thus
  • ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    yep. just like your post and the many others like it.

    exactly so why just keep on making posts that refute or tell people thay are wrong all the time, EVERYBODY as right to their own opinion and unless there is ever any officail reply you can not state 'facts' and say its 'business ' YOU dont work for them. you dont know how they work, so you can not comment for them.

    As for Business, this company seems to work in mysterious ways, but , that said going of their recent quarterly report from a pure business point of view they are doing that right, but whether they can keep it going is a diffenrent thing altogether and lack of interaction with the playerbase will be a major factor in that.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    exactly so why just keep on making posts that refute or tell people thay are wrong all the time, EVERYBODY as right to their own opinion and unless there is ever any officail reply you can not state 'facts' and say its 'business ' YOU dont work for them. you dont know how they work, so you can not comment for them.

    As for Business, this company seems to work in mysterious ways, but , that said going of their recent quarterly report from a pure business point of view they are doing that right, but whether they can keep it going is a diffenrent thing altogether and lack of interaction with the playerbase will be a major factor in that.

    you're right. i've never said i worked for the company. and all of my statements are based on the way most companies do business. my statements refute the unreasonable expectations of some of the contributors in these forums. i can cite example after example of why these expectations are unreasonable and you can accept them or you won't. just like you can come in here and post your unreasonable expectations as well as vitriol-laced opinions, i have just as much right to respond to them. i'm not here to change your mind. i'm here to provide an alternate way of thinking. i'm here to show people that not everyone here is full of negativity. i do not think the company is being unreasonable with how they provide information. i think the information that you expect is completely unreasonable. i know that there is no gaming company that provides information in the way that you and others like you expect it. and i beseech you to find a company that does.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Case in point the Dragon shard crash the other weekend, bearing in mind this was weekend, saturday and prime time UK time, so one the busiest times of the week for the game and a reply on the forum thread concerning the Shard crash from a Mod was he had no contact or way of contact to the devs concerning the Shard crash or finding out any imformation.

    Taken out of context. We moderators do not have 24/7 contact with the devs. Therefore, we had no way to determine what was going on with the crash. But do not assume that we do not speak to community management on a daily basis.

    Our opinions and statements are in no way indicative of the opinions or position of PWE/Cryptic on any matter. We don't speak for the company--many assume that we do. But in all respects besides forum authority, we're just players like you guys.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • keyolungkeyolung Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So it says they are surprised how much people are liking the pvp, then say all they are improving are fight mechanics for pve. Sorry if this was asked or already answered, but I am still left wondering will we be getting any pvp love?
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    keyolung wrote: »
    So it says they are surprised how much people are liking the pvp, then say all they are improving are fight mechanics for pve. Sorry if this was asked or already answered, but I am still left wondering will we be getting any pvp love?

    yes, actually. andy "theSquez" velasquez stated in a recent IRC chat that they are going to be adding more pvp and pve options but could not give any additional information than that because they are in the very early stages of development.

    ** edit:

    do you see how this works? the lead dev made a very generic statement and automatically there will be people that hold them to this as if it were some kind of promise. if, down the line, they end up changing their minds about this... what are people going to say then?
  • kusamaryogokusamaryogo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    i know that there is no gaming company that provides information in the way that you and others like you expect it. and i beseech you to find a company that does.

    Blizzard does, and in-before-you-go-off-saying "Yeah, but you're a paying WoW player, so they treat you with care, NWO is F2P!", many NWO players are paying customers too.
    And, if the example above doesn't please you, Riot (Leage of Legends game company) has always been in touch with the player base and they release "blue posts" almost daily, about server problems, game changes and such, keeping the comunity updated.
    Here instead, they just let us know that there is a huge discount on garbage that has been overpriced since the beginning. Cool.

    So before you go on saying what you've till now, you better look around first.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't think the devs don't care about the game problems, after all we get weekly maintenances and there's always some fixes. But have you even thought that maybe, just maybe, their priorities are different from yours? you're a player, they're a gaming company, it's unreasonable to expect both your priorities to be the same.
    I will worry when they stop doing maintenances and fixes, not now.
  • ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    reiwulf wrote: »
    I don't think the devs don't care about the game problems, after all we get weekly maintenances and there's always some fixes. But have you even thought that maybe, just maybe, their priorities are different from yours? you're a player, they're a gaming company, it's unreasonable to expect both your priorities to be the same.
    I will worry when they stop doing maintenances and fixes, not now.

    Quite obviously our and their prioritys are totaly different, we are a part of and play the game for Entertainment and fun, it is a game.
    While their prioritys are it is a business and there to make money first and formost.

    Our view of maintanance is for new things or fix's to old content to keep us entertained, if there is nothing to do, there is no 'game' and nothing to 'entertain' us. Their view will be to make sure anything that is profitable and keeps monetary income flowing in is up to date and working as it should. Thye are not going to spend hours and hours on a matter if there is no return for them no matter how big or how small, Its a business and as such everything has to have a return.

    It is not a matter of being 'unreasonable' to expect our and their prioritys to be remotly the same due to it being a fact that they are not and never will be. It is however in their interest to keep players entertained and keep them playing the game with the sole intentions and hope these players will spend money on the game, it is a fine balance to keep players interested and entertained which in my opinion they have not done avery good job of up to now, hence the rapid decline in playerbase over the previous months, most clearly stating 'boredom; and 'lack of things to do' and probably one of the main reasons the lack of fix's to content some issues stretching back to open beta, but yet there is always a constant supply of new items, mounts, companions available on a near weekly basis in the Zen store, this is what is upsetting the players
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Blizzard does, and in-before-you-go-off-saying "Yeah, but you're a paying WoW player, so they treat you with care, NWO is F2P!", many NWO players are paying customers too.
    And, if the example above doesn't please you, Riot (Leage of Legends game company) has always been in touch with the player base and they release "blue posts" almost daily, about server problems, game changes and such, keeping the comunity updated.
    Here instead, they just let us know that there is a huge discount on garbage that has been overpriced since the beginning. Cool.

    So before you go on saying what you've till now, you better look around first.

    i can't speak for blizzard on the wow front because i was never a wow subscriber. but i can on the diablo front. and i can tell you this: the expectations there are just as they are here. until an official statement is released, they are just as tight lipped there as they are here. if what you mean is there are more official announcements... neverwinter has them at least once a week. what was that you said? it's not the announcement you're wanting?

    hey. it never is.

    even when information is given after a bug is fixed, there's always someone chiming in with "too little, too late" or some other nonsense. plus my statement was based on individuals with unrealistic expectations and finding a company that communicates based on unrealistic expectations. if you're saying blizzard does that, i'd greatly disagree with that statement.

    just your statement about how the only announcements that are made here are about "a huge discount on garbage that has been overpriced since the beginning" goes to show what you and others like you are focused on. not that there was a recent server upgrade which made the merge possible or the weekly patches or the state of the game announcements that have been made... nothing at how the unstoppable bug was fixed or the stealth bug or the high vizier set... you're only going to see what you want to see. you're only going to see it as you want to see it.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    reiwulf wrote: »
    I don't think the devs don't care about the game problems, after all we get weekly maintenances and there's always some fixes. But have you even thought that maybe, just maybe, their priorities are different from yours? you're a player, they're a gaming company, it's unreasonable to expect both your priorities to be the same.
    I will worry when they stop doing maintenances and fixes, not now.

    you are 100% correct. individual developers have no say in what they're working on at any given moment. their work is prioritized based on information that we will never be privy to. to expect anything else is just unrealistic.
  • icefyre66icefyre66 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ultimately, the studio wants lockboxes to have appropriate perceived value so that players don't feel bad spending money to open them -- and don't feel bad avoiding them altogether.

    With every lock box there have been what I would consider a few "clangers" things that either just aren't useful to the player or just not of value. I guess that this is countered slightly with the Bars droped in with the opening of the box - but so far there is definately the desirable result of the purple mounts or companions, but any of the common drops are effectively a slap in the face for the player.

    I'm not a big fan of lockboxes at all. The way they are currently itemised you are earning yourself a chance at one of the rare items, and a much higher chance at disappointment. Maybe you shouldn't get purple items with every box you open - but you should be happy with what you have earned - not for example getting enchantments of a lower level than you would find in a single player quest.
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is only your opinion, if this reply was anything along the lines of how the company was feeling towards certain situations or issues, then why dont they say this, any answere would be better than NOTHING at all.

    I think it if you actually read most posts no one is asking for exact and official statments or comitments, most , if not all are mainly just asking to be acknowledged...

    Total silence does more damage than anything. If some posters come to the forums with feelings of being 'cheated or misled' it is only the companys fault for constantly ignoring and keeping in the dark their player base.

    Constant changes in the game dont help without reasons why, players contstantly ask why this change was made or why that nerf was done, hoping for a reasoning behind what some feel was a unnecessary change. Unless the player base knows or can understand a reason , they will always go against it.

    I am sorry but no matter how much suger and icing you want to put on it the player base in this game are treat like mushrooms " kept in the dark and fed B******T" And at the end of the day a 'game' , any game will only keep going if it has a playerbase, the game would not exist without having players and somtimes that needs to be acknowledged...

    Here's the three step program as to why issues are rarely acknowledged by the devs other than the CM's "Thanks for the Feedback" messages.

    1. Dev posts that he'll look into the issue.
    2. People interpret that as it'll be fixed/changed soon.
    3. Rage as weeks and maybe months go past without the issue being fixed.
  • yourtormentyourtorment Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    yep. welcome to the wonderful world of online gaming.

    and no... it doesn't say anything considering that forum dwellers represent less than 10% of a game's population. not to mention it's a proven fact that disgruntled customers are more times likely to share their experience with others compared to happy customers.

    having worked in customer service, when someone comes to you with a problem, my likelihood of wanting to help them is greatly determined by their attitude. call it lack of sugar, but i call it disrespect. i get it... people are upset over something. but acting like a petulant child isn't the way to go about it. people that get transferred over and over and over and over again on a support call usually call up with a chip on their shoulder.

    In the end, none of it is the customers fault. The issues lie with the provider.

    The things that they swept under the rug and ninja fixed in this game without rollbacks or bans... MASSIVE.

    Do you know why the market has a flood of cheap perfect enchants? A perfect runs about 8.5 million ALONE in Coals...

    Then why are perfect vorpals selling for 7.6 mil? Because alittle while back there was supposedly a bug allowing people to get a 95% chance of success with no wards present. They constantly push to nerf and remove methods for making legit AD in game.

    Their pvp is GG and Domination. I am in pvp 80% of my day online.

    GG shoulda been open world PVP, all day long, end of story. With objectives, and rewards. Alongside their event portions.

    New types of 5v5 need to be in place.

    They need to allow player foundries to be pvp maps. Rewards or not, they would be used.

    1v1 or duel style pvp.. Needed
    a /pvp on fulltime pvp flag, Needed.

    10v10, more 5v5, 2v2 Needed

    They cant create content fast enough to keep endgame at bay for most forever. PVP is something thats replayed endlessly, give some variety with reasons to choose different types
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In the end, none of it is the customers fault. The issues lie with the provider.

    The things that they swept under the rug and ninja fixed in this game without rollbacks or bans... MASSIVE.

    Do you know why the market has a flood of cheap perfect enchants? A perfect runs about 8.5 million ALONE in Coals...

    Then why are perfect vorpals selling for 7.6 mil? Because alittle while back there was supposedly a bug allowing people to get a 95% chance of success with no wards present. They constantly push to nerf and remove methods for making legit AD in game.

    Their pvp is GG and Domination. I am in pvp 80% of my day online.

    GG shoulda been open world PVP, all day long, end of story. With objectives, and rewards. Alongside their event portions.

    New types of 5v5 need to be in place.

    They need to allow player foundries to be pvp maps. Rewards or not, they would be used.

    1v1 or duel style pvp.. Needed
    a /pvp on fulltime pvp flag, Needed.

    10v10, more 5v5, 2v2 Needed

    They cant create content fast enough to keep endgame at bay for most forever. PVP is something thats replayed endlessly, give some variety with reasons to choose different types

    oh yes... the customer is always right. therefore the company must be wrong or at fault?

    the term "the customer is always right" is an attitude on the customer service level. it is not that the company is assuming fault for anything. not every company adopts this attitude. and every company handles their issues on a case-by-case basis. you can't make a blanket assumption that customers are never at fault and therefore the issues lie with the service provider. customers have to agree to the terms of service first and foremost. if a customer does not agree with the terms, then there is no customer/provider relationship. and if a customer doesn't abide by the terms, then the customer is definitely at fault.

    your mention of ninja fixes or things that were swept under the rug... those things are written in the terms of service meaning that you agreed to those terms. the provider has the right to make changes with or without acknowledgement to the customer. and this isn't even special case questionable scripting in the TOS... this is pretty standard across the board. the same with what decisions they make concerning exploiters, etc... all of that is internal and on a case-by-case basis. and they're not going to publicly discuss individual cases as it is between the individual customer and the provider.

    i don't even know that half of the things that you're talking about are true and from the way you describe them, i'm not so sure that you do either. "supposedly there was a bug"... do you have anything that you can point to that would prove that these claims are factual?

    as for the pvp things... i'm going to make the assumption that you have never been in the foundry editor or if you have, you never dove into actually making a map. the assets that exist in the editor would not be pvp map friendly. if you look at the existing pvp maps, it's all essentially a single room with stairs and bridges with three caps and two spawn areas. the foundry map creation assets consist of different sized rooms, hallways, etc. rooms with stairs and balconies are all pre-made. of course there are tons of assets to decorate these places, but as far as making pvp domination areas, there's not a lot of possibilities there. everything would end up being flat with long runs between caps. that's not to say that foundry pvp maps couldn't be a possibility in the future, but right now it's really not.

    add on the fact that this game just went live in june of this year. module 1 was released in august and module 2 is on its way. it is pretty obvious that the main focus thus far has been with pve expansion. while that may not make you and other people that are more pvp focused happy, this game is, first and foremost, an MMORPG focused on D&D lore. D&D is not about pvp. it never has been. while it's great that pvp can be incorporated into this game to attract other types of players, it's clearly not the main focus. that's not to say that pvp isn't important or that pvp won't get additional modes and maps. i'm pretty sure it will. but having the attitude of "it better happen soon or you're going to lose all this business..." is not realistic. i'm pretty sure that both cryptic and pwe have been in business long enough to know how all of that works. i don't think that any company that doesn't have a solid business plan can feasibly stay in business for any length of time. if investors do not get a return on their investments, guess what happens? they stop investing.
  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    He's right, about the no-ward fusing. The result today is rich exploiters and cheap perfects.

  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    New classes are nice, but I can't say that I am "excited" about them, especially since we still don't know what they are going to be.

    Bug fixes and all that are not something that should require a module to take place. I won't count those.

    I guess the foundry upgrades will be good, but I have not used the foundry myself, so it won't be anything that I notice, and may not be anything that directly impacts me in terms of designing an adventure.

    Did I miss anything?

    I'm not trying to be super-negative here, but you are just giving some vague ideas and ask us what we are most excited about. Give me some specifics and I can specifically tell you what I am excited about.

    Ultimately, the studio wants lockboxes to have appropriate perceived value so that players don't feel bad spending money to open them -- and don't feel bad avoiding them altogether.

    This is ideal.

    I understand that there needs to be a big prize or two and that they need to be rare, but in CO the lockboxes are terrible. There are 2-4 lock boxes that are great, and then 4~ much more common boxes that are pretty much trash.
    If you hit, you hit big, if you don't, then you pretty much wasted the dollar.

    I don't know what all some of the things in these lockboxes are, so it's difficult to say exactly what, if any adjustments, I think would be good, but if you follow through on this then hopefully I won't feel the need to add anything.

    It's just about bringing the low-end lockboxes up to a point where people won't feel that they wasted their dollar if they use a key on one, even if that means taking a little away from the top-end lockboxes.

    They don't all have to be great, there just shouldn't be any that absolutely suck.
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    New classes are nice, but I can't say that I am "excited" about them, especially since we still don't know what they are going to be.

    Guess you missed the other topic. The new class is the Hunter Ranger

  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    rhoric wrote: »

    I did.

    Just saw it.
    That doesn't change that this article says nothing about it, though.

    Yay. I hope.

    I'll have to see how I get along with the mechanics, but Ranger is one of the classes that I was most looking forward to trying out in this game.

    I'll hope that I can manage to play one competently, and if not, then I guess I go into "waiting for a paladin" mode.

    There are other classes that I would be interested in trying out, but paladin is at the top of that list. It really just comes down to what class do I feel comfortable playing.
    Right now I have been killing time with a rogue. I want them to get more classes out faster so that I (and others) can go from "waiting for the class that I really want to play" into "playing the class that they really want to play".

    Even if I end up hating this class, at least I will know.
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Because this article came out back in Sept.
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I did.

    Just saw it.
    That doesn't change that this article says nothing about it, though.

    The article does give some details on how the class would work. Furthermore there was a live stream today where Sominator played the ranger for a bit.
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