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Highest Pvp Icy Rays I have seen?



  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1) EF, -450 to Def
    2) RoE -15% (along with -17% ArP) brings Sent to 0%
    3) Repel, another -450 Def
    4) If I'm lucky, MMissle debuffs for another -15%, bringing the Sent into negatives of mitigation.
    5) Since I'm node fighting, Reapers Touch feat comes into play, along with Tempest Magic if I can burn down my opponent, making my Magic Missiles do some nasty damage.
    6) If my Daily comes up, I pop Oppressive Force, adding another four stacks of debuff.

    Well, everything is right, but i'll clarify some numbers, just in case ;)
    Damage resistase is a thing, given by summ of your AC, defense resistanse bonus and (probably) some buffs, like that Astral Shield or smth. Lets say, given sent has 2% dmg.res buff from some weired feat or class feature, 28 AC, which means 9% dmg. res. and 21% bonus from defense (which means he has around 1200 defense rating).
    ArP ignores just those resistances, which present on target. If it has 0 or <0, it does nothing.

    1) EF -450 defense ---> 21% def. bonus becomes 15.7%, total resistanse is now 26.7%. With 17% ArP u "feel" just 9.7%, obviously.
    2) RoE -15% - it affects total resistanse immediately, which means 26.7% - 15% = 11.7%. With ArP u feel like its 0%.
    3) Repel - another -450 def, means 15.7% def. bonus becomes 7.8%, total resistanse is now: 3.8%. With ArP u still feel 0%, ofc.
    4) And if u lucky to debuff him with MMissle, here comes the part, when your ArP does nothing, since he's at -11.2% damage resistanse.
    5) ...
    6) And here comes the fu**ing magic, which i dont quite understand. According to this:
    https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3dqpvhuavj { formula is 49.99*x/(1643.6+x) }
    If you drop target to -1636 defense, its damage resistnse will drop to almost-minus-infinity, resulting in almost-infinity damage. There is a singularity, yeah. (not an arcane though - mathematical xD). And, maaan, its weired as f**k.
    I assume (again, if formula OK) Cryptics just artificially cut off that minus infinity (as well as plus, ofc) part and it caps somewhere around -200-500%, or else u know what happens in those cases:

    I really, really want a Perfect Vorpal. If I can take out a regen Sent from time to time with my Greater, all the quicker with the better enchant.
    It's not like a Perfect Vorpal makes a HUGE difference compared to Greater, especially if u already have crit severity from rene. feat, or/and have low crit chance (or, God save u, dont have EotS). With 50% crit chance its 3.8% damage increase overall, with less than 50%, obviously, its even less.
    I mean, ofc. i wont make any objections, if Santa gift me Perfect Vorpal for free on Christmas, but spend 10 mil. for it? Not sure...
    Note: 500 bonus power gives you around 3.5-3.8% - depends on your encounters (mostly), current gear (less)
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    astronax wrote: »
    Well, everything is right, but i'll clarify some numbers, just in case ;)

    Thanks for all the help with the math, astronax. I only have a general idea of how the number crunching works.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • astronaxastronax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for all the help with the math, astronax. I only have a general idea of how the number crunching works.

    You always welcome, bro ;)
  • seraphidseraphid Member Posts: 158 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    AKA, Moneyshot.

    nerf rich people
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