jus finished...errr well got to end boss an had healer rage quit in spell after one wipe...but looked to log to see wut one shotted me...low and behold in bright yellow "Knight's Valor CRIT you for 43k physical dam" ...uhhh wut? it's a damage absorb ability should be doing no damage at all...
Yea, the power lets you take half the damage taken by the rest of the party. It can save a party at times. Other times they can murder you with it. Like if the other four members all get hit with a massive AoE for 10k each. You suddenly and instantly will take 20k in damage. And their 10k gets reduced to 5. Its not a good skill to use if the party cant keep out of the red. Like most skills this one simply cant fix stupid.
It is NOT an absorb and of course it can one-shot you. That's, the risk inherent to the value the skill provides.