I use the mail to transfer items between the characters on my account and the other day while routinely transferring items as usual it suddenly stops working. Now when I drop items and try to send them to my
@account (or a character name, neither works) the message clears as normal as if sent but the items remain in my inventory and no message is sent...
This was two days ago, I've submitted two bug reports in-game (which seem to have never been submitted) and after talking to many people nobody has ever seen this problem before.
This is seriously game-breaking for me as all of my characters inventory's are completely isolated unless I trust some random person to transfer items for me (not happening). I'd like some information about what might be done about this because every day it's something new with this dam game...
I've had this since beta (Star Trek Online, February 2010) and have never, ever seen it work. Oh, that includes Neverwinter also.)
Please shout from the rooftops if Cryptic *ever* fixes this.
(Note: This limit does not seem to apply to incoming AH mail but AH mail does count towards the limit)
My suggestion would be to at least notify the player their mailbox is full, provide a counter to know the volume and perhaps include a selection method for deletion.