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what is your strategy

kinextionskinextions Member Posts: 14 Arc User
edited September 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hello I have a TR Lv44 and I'm wondering what strategy you guys are using. I'm in a cave and I'm being attacked by 5-6 creatures at a time and I don’t know how to defeat them all, I keep dying??? I just get ganged up on.......what do you guys do? Thanks....oh and I'm a **** so I don’t understand many abbreviations so simple terms would help.
Post edited by kinextions on


  • badpanda69badpanda69 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I guess he got ganked mid post #backstab.
  • tinukedatinukeda Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    badpanda69 wrote: »
    I guess he got ganked mid post #backstab.

    Poor guy never saw it coming, hehe.

    Sounds like he needs an offense companion that can hold agro long enough for him to burn some of the mobs. Or a healer companion to help keep him alive longer. TR is definitely not the best for crowd control!
  • kinextionskinextions Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    here is my full post.............Hello I have a TR Lv44 and I'm wondering what strategy you guys are using. I'm in a cave and I'm being attacked by 5-6 creatures at a time and I don’t know how to defeat them all, I keep dying??? I just get ganged up on.......what do you guys do? Thanks....oh and I'm a **** so I don’t understand many abbreviations so simple terms would help.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    TR struggles against large groups.

    Things I have found that help (you may not be able to do them all, certainly not all at once as some depend on gear, and some not until higher levels...)

    High action point gain. Many feats support this, and then use bloodbath if you get in trouble -- doing 2 things, killing the weak and immunity for a bit so a potion comes off cooldown, or your lifesteal heals you some, or regen, or whatever..!

    Stealthy blitz opener: kills the weaker stuff and greatly helps deal with large pulls.

    Bait & switch: distracts the mobs long enough to kill a few

    Move and cloud of steel: roll away from the enemy as they do big attacks (esp the ogre/troll smash attack type things, big slow attacks that do a ton, not always a RED AREA attack; at higher levels often red area attacks are weaker than the default attacks...) anyway idea is to avoid a hit and use the moment of distance to hit them at range a few times.

    Stun -- the lowly skill that stuns your target is awesome. If you can ball up the enemy, it hits several targets! It does decent damage on TOP of the stun. Uses of stuns are many... interrupt a big attack, or stun and run to gain distance (see the above throw strategy), or stun one kill its buddy type crowd control, and more.

    High lifesteal or regen (about 1000 score in either or both at 60 is reasonable)

    Decent deflection score

    Perma stealth, cull the weak. Basically, you stay in stealth, the mobs stand there going "duh". Many threads on the build but its a gimmicky build. Still, with nothing but a few select feats (extended stealth, and stealth with gloaming cut) you can do a "lite" version of it that clears the trash....

    A decent companion. A rock/cat would be used to pump up the aforementioned stats (life steal, regen, deflect, or something...) while a cleric to heal or a tank or something would distract mobs. Anything that either heals you or keeps some of the enemy busy for a while is sufficient.

    Some combo of the above strategies should work for most things.

    Mostly working the new area in shar, blitz is 90% of my big pull strategy right now. Basically sneak up, blitz, throw daggers to kill any that are nearly dead, then engage anything that is still alive with a stun and then beat to death TR style. However, and this is important for MOST classes: change your powers to match the content. Often just swapping one power can really change the feel of an area that is giving trouble.
  • kinextionskinextions Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Thanks for the reply ......that was more than I expected.
    noroblad wrote: »
    TR struggles against large groups.

    Things I have found that help (you may not be able to do them all, certainly not all at once as some depend on gear, and some not until higher levels...)

    High action point gain. Many feats support this, and then use bloodbath if you get in trouble -- doing 2 things, killing the weak and immunity for a bit so a potion comes off cooldown, or your lifesteal heals you some, or regen, or whatever..!

    Stealthy blitz opener: kills the weaker stuff and greatly helps deal with large pulls.

    Bait & switch: distracts the mobs long enough to kill a few

    Move and cloud of steel: roll away from the enemy as they do big attacks (esp the ogre/troll smash attack type things, big slow attacks that do a ton, not always a RED AREA attack; at higher levels often red area attacks are weaker than the default attacks...) anyway idea is to avoid a hit and use the moment of distance to hit them at range a few times.

    Stun -- the lowly skill that stuns your target is awesome. If you can ball up the enemy, it hits several targets! It does decent damage on TOP of the stun. Uses of stuns are many... interrupt a big attack, or stun and run to gain distance (see the above throw strategy), or stun one kill its buddy type crowd control, and more.

    High lifesteal or regen (about 1000 score in either or both at 60 is reasonable)

    Decent deflection score

    Perma stealth, cull the weak. Basically, you stay in stealth, the mobs stand there going "duh". Many threads on the build but its a gimmicky build. Still, with nothing but a few select feats (extended stealth, and stealth with gloaming cut) you can do a "lite" version of it that clears the trash....

    A decent companion. A rock/cat would be used to pump up the aforementioned stats (life steal, regen, deflect, or something...) while a cleric to heal or a tank or something would distract mobs. Anything that either heals you or keeps some of the enemy busy for a while is sufficient.

    Some combo of the above strategies should work for most things.

    Mostly working the new area in shar, blitz is 90% of my big pull strategy right now. Basically sneak up, blitz, throw daggers to kill any that are nearly dead, then engage anything that is still alive with a stun and then beat to death TR style. However, and this is important for MOST classes: change your powers to match the content. Often just swapping one power can really change the feel of an area that is giving trouble.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You're level 44 so I'm guessing you are in Skyhold. Number one, take the advice posted above to heart, it will help. Secondly, don't feel to bad, the difficulty ramps up a few notches in Skyhold. It is a make or break place for some folks. And the first solo dungeon, fighting Scalefeather, has been a brick wall for more then a few.

    As a Rogue your best advantage is mobility and stealth. Don't try to stand still trading blows. Strike and move. Focus on quick kills first. In most cases trash and adds are a bigger danger then the boss. Bosses are slow and easily dodged. Trash can swarm you, pile on you, and their damage adds up quickly. Remember hits from the back and flanks do extra damage, even being surrounded for a moment or two can drop your heath rapidly.

    Use stealth to clear the trash with at-wills or encounters that wont break stealth. With the trash gone, stun and focus on the bigger targets. Don't stand in place waiting for your stun to recharge, stun, stab-hard, then break away. Let your encounter powers recharge along with your stealth while you let them chase you. Turn and re-engage only when you have the advantage.

    Lastly, don't be afraid to team up with others. This area can be difficult, Clerics especially, can have trouble here. You might find helping each other out can do wonders.
  • kinextionskinextions Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wow...im so impressed with how others take the time out in the forums to help others out......thanks for all the advice. I do appreciate it all.....
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    You're level 44 so I'm guessing you are in Skyhold. Number one, take the advice posted above to heart, it will help. Secondly, don't feel to bad, the difficulty ramps up a few notches in Skyhold. It is a make or break place for some folks. And the first solo dungeon, fighting Scalefeather, has been a brick wall for more then a few.

    As a Rogue your best advantage is mobility and stealth. Don't try to stand still trading blows. Strike and move. Focus on quick kills first. In most cases trash and adds are a bigger danger then the boss. Bosses are slow and easily dodged. Trash can swarm you, pile on you, and their damage adds up quickly. Remember hits from the back and flanks do extra damage, even being surrounded for a moment or two can drop your heath rapidly.

    Use stealth to clear the trash with at-wills or encounters that wont break stealth. With the trash gone, stun and focus on the bigger targets. Don't stand in place waiting for your stun to recharge, stun, stab-hard, then break away. Let your encounter powers recharge along with your stealth while you let them chase you. Turn and re-engage only when you have the advantage.

    Lastly, don't be afraid to team up with others. This area can be difficult, Clerics especially, can have trouble here. You might find helping each other out can do wonders.
  • thebrimanthebriman Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    A lot of good advice in noroblad's and sockmonkey's posts. I'll just add a couple thoughts:

    44 is an awkward level for TRs. At 45 you start gaining access to powers like Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike and Impossible to Catch. These are all VERY useful abilities that should make life a little easier on you. I don't think Bait and Switch has left my toolbar since I got it.

    Also, you are at about the level where I found I had to shift my approach to my TR. Prior to this, I could approach fights with a "combat rogue" mentality -- charge in, kill things fast enough that they didn't hurt me too much, use dodge to avoid damage and use stealth mostly just as a way of getting out of bad situations. At the level you're at, stealth becomes far more integral in your strategy, or at least it did for me. As sockmonkey said, use your stealth to clear out the minions before moving on to the bigger guys.

    A good companion can help a lot. I used the wererat at that level -- with 2 aoe abilities, she can grab agro on the whole room (which can be a problem in its own right, but I don't recall it ever causing too much grief). She's not a true tank so she'll die pretty quickly if left under fire, but the few moments she draws attention away from you can be crucial. Besides, as a TR you can always pop stealth and rez her. My usual strategy at that level was run toward the mobs until they agro'd, then immediately pop stealth. At that point, the mobs would charge my companion, allowing me to pick them off one by one. Once my companion was dead, I'd pop stealth again and rez her. Rinse, repeat. Healers also are good at drawing agro away from you as well, though if all you have is the level 15 version, she tends to die very quickly.
  • kinextionskinextions Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Again....all great advice and thank you for taking the time out to help me....

    thebriman wrote: »
    A lot of good advice in noroblad's and sockmonkey's posts. I'll just add a couple thoughts:

    44 is an awkward level for TRs. At 45 you start gaining access to powers like Bait and Switch, Shadow Strike and Impossible to Catch. These are all VERY useful abilities that should make life a little easier on you. I don't think Bait and Switch has left my toolbar since I got it.

    Also, you are at about the level where I found I had to shift my approach to my TR. Prior to this, I could approach fights with a "combat rogue" mentality -- charge in, kill things fast enough that they didn't hurt me too much, use dodge to avoid damage and use stealth mostly just as a way of getting out of bad situations. At the level you're at, stealth becomes far more integral in your strategy, or at least it did for me. As sockmonkey said, use your stealth to clear out the minions before moving on to the bigger guys.

    A good companion can help a lot. I used the wererat at that level -- with 2 aoe abilities, she can grab agro on the whole room (which can be a problem in its own right, but I don't recall it ever causing too much grief). She's not a true tank so she'll die pretty quickly if left under fire, but the few moments she draws attention away from you can be crucial. Besides, as a TR you can always pop stealth and rez her. My usual strategy at that level was run toward the mobs until they agro'd, then immediately pop stealth. At that point, the mobs would charge my companion, allowing me to pick them off one by one. Once my companion was dead, I'd pop stealth again and rez her. Rinse, repeat. Healers also are good at drawing agro away from you as well, though if all you have is the level 15 version, she tends to die very quickly.
  • usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    cant remember what level you get access to smoke bomb, but it's a must have and will make life much easier.
  • kwequakwequa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Stun, bait and switch,..always get a target down..don't scatter attacks. Run away if you have to. I used a cleric pet at that lvl. Get her good lvl 60 gear. She can wear lvl 60 gear at any lvl.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    cant remember what level you get access to smoke bomb, but it's a must have and will make life much easier.

    Its the last tier of the tree I think, or next to last. Soon he should be able to put a point in it. I disagree that any skill is a must have, but like the others discussed, its one more strategy to try.
  • jiglesjigles Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yeap like others said i would suggest Blitz... then bait and switch... then run a bit in circles and trow some daggz.. that work till ur 60 i think :)
    Collision - LVL 60 TR ○○○ ENYO - LVL 60 CW
  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What I do when surrounded by enemies is use my PvE permastealth, and then kill them all at my leisure while they stand around trying to figure out where I am.

    It isn't so much a gimmicky build, as suggested by moroblad, but it is a build that works best in very specific circumstances, that of playing solo or with a team of permastealth TRs. This is due to most of the advantages of permastealth in PvE being removed as soon as one visible player is part of the group.

    You can switch your powers around, and even gear, to play better with others by using a more DPS set up, but you won't be as good as a Rogue built to do DPS as opposed to maximizing stealth.

    Also, permastealth builds are based on PvP sets, so if you don't like PvP you should probably not try for this build as so far as I know you can no longer buy these sets in the auction house, which used to allow one to get them without doing PvP.
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