Which mount would you choose? White Tiger or Howler? Why?
I'm still confused as to which I should buy as my first mount from the zen market. Your opinions are highly appreciated. I ask this because I might regret buying one of either because of their bugs and all, which I am not familiar at all. Thanks guys!
unless you don't like the look, then fair warning about the howler. It... Well has an annoying howl when it's summoned, you get use to it over time..
0:41 howl
On the other hand, they look cool, but white tigers look better.
Among the 2 I'd go with the tiger anyway, but the idea of saving cash with the horse is good too ;-)
You can claim the mount in the Zen Store on all your characters. That's just the mounts though, not the companions. Save the kesh, I'm telling you. Get the Stormrider and The Ioun Stone then forget about the Zen Store. Unless you really love the look of the Howler or the Tiger.
The problem is I have many characters and buying Ioun Stone for each one would be too expensive. I'll wait for all of them to be lv60 (now they're around 40) to decide which one is my favourite... too bad companions don't work as mounts :-/