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Key bindings buged or not ?

bowdidlybowdidly Member Posts: 261 Bounty Hunter
edited September 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
I loged today after a absence of around 4/5 weeks to have a look around and see what or if anything had changed and instantly noticed on my CW my teleport was not working, i have it bound to middle mouse wheel press. i checked in settings and it was still bound correctly and even reset it, but it still does not work.
I then loged my TR and also my DC, both also have their special ability as in roll and teleport bound to middle mouse button and both also do not work, checking settings again both are still bound.

Same with a few other abilitys, on my CW i have theh default Tab button bound to a different bind, which also now does not work, and checking settings it is also still bound the key i use. There is also quite a few others i have custom bound which now do not work at all, although in the settings they are still bound.

Al these binds have have had since Beta weekends and open beta without any problems at all from any of them, so is this a recent bug or is this 'working as intended' now ?

Is this a bug ? i have my buttons custom bound to specific keys for my own gamplay as these are buttons i use in diferent MMO's for similar abilitys so obviously having them bound this way is my now natural way of playing the game. But now i find the game imposible to play,

Do I now have to completly relearn my gameplay with default key binds, if this is the case then it would be goodbye from me and its seems pretty stupid to have a key binding option in the game that does not bind the keys you wish

To add, it is not my mouse or my keyboard, have exactly the same issues on another totaly different computer system and on my lap top too
Post edited by bowdidly on


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    ameranth342ameranth342 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Same problem here, seems to have started with Module 1, every time I loged after module patch there was always one bind that was not working or was intermitantly working but now nearly all my custom key binds just dont work at all. open settings up and all are still bound correctly, even re-bound them but still do not work, unable to play now.

    I have spent some money on this game along the way too, i dont mind it i guess keeps the game going but it seems that most things which are player related just dont get fixed , only things which affect AD income etc etc seem to be kept on top of.

    Any ways i do not mind spending money on my own entertainment and i do have money to spend but if i can not play a game because of prblems in the game, and through no fault of my own, then i just can not play, even if i want too, Get this problem fixxed or its time for me to move on, no point staying if i can not play

    Realy great game when people want to play but can not due to game bugs..
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    hetz000hetz000 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I noticed that if i run game trough arc keybinds dont work, but if i run trough normal launcher they work.
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