Hello adventurers,
Question from quite newbie lvl 60

im trying to make Epic dungeons one after one to collect my first T1 set, and looks like even those first ones are problematic for random/public groups... Cloactower went fine, Cragmire needed 2 or 3 tries as group was wiped out, but Mad Dragon is real pain.
Im playing DC so generally its somehow a "squishy"class" and rarely, really rarely i see anybody from public group who care about that. Hell, usually just after entering dungeon when loading is finished i do see already someone almost dead and desperately fightng for his life because he ran alone into pack of mobs without waiting for the rest..
Yesterday i tried to run this dungeon 6th time, and it was 5th time when group was not able to defeat first boss (devil at round platform, with some kind of small ramp leading to him). Everytime is the same - group plays like 5 individuals instead a group where people cover each other, 5 separate fights what does lead to quick death of cleric and wiz (both
HAMSTER by imps), and after that death of rest is just matter of (short) time. Only once my group managed to kill that boss, but still failed in final fight with dragon.
At this forum i found opinion that good and experienced players leaved dungeons (and for sure they leaved those low levels) because changes in loot and dungeons generaly. We - rookie 60th suffer from that badly, people just DONT KNOW what to do, what more - loot is BoP now, so we have much more limited access to purple gear as prices at AH are reaching insane levels. Effect - rookie 60th's poorly geared are trying to run dungeons to get better gear as its for many of us any chance to get it.
Even if im trying to give any advices (i feel like pro because ONCE i managed to get into final fight what really does look like a epic success) to repeat this how we defeated this boss and give tip before other hard fights.. looks like nobody listen, and dont write even single word to ask more or propose anything else.
Cmon... dungeons are what i love most in this game, but now i feel really depressed. I mean.. Mad dragon is a low level epic, if public group cannot make it, what sense is in even trying a higher dungeons later ? And without dungeons i dont see sense to stay with this game either, PVE - its all what i like here.
Please, ANY advice how to finish Mad dragon dungeon ? I dont know, maybe in such situation playing cleric is a bad idea if nobody do care... maybe i should level up a GF or TR to have better chance to survive and participate in fight instead "nascar running" around platform with hope that ANYONE will help me and take down those !
HAMSTER^!! imps chasing me ?
Mad Dragon is a pretty hard dungeon. I would say it is harder than some T2 dungeons so it really is not shameful to fail. The last fight needs some teamplay otherwise i don't see much chance. So the key is, to get a group that communicates on some level.
I don't think it helps a lot to change the class. playing a cleric yourself is not bad because often i found that the cleric is key. If he fails and all heals are gone, it's a wipe. If you'd play a GF or a TR you would have the same problem. as long as the group is not playing together, you are pretty much screwed. And it will get worse in some T2 dungeons.
So, this is not much of help, but get a group of players you get along with. Join a guild, find some friends. PUGs are always risky. I had some great ones but many, many expeiences similar to yours.
To the fight itself:
Pretty much what the previous poster said, although i found that a GF is also a very good choice to take on the boss 1on1, away from the rest. The CW should control the hell out of all adds, especially in the two phases when more adds (like those healer deamons) come. DC keeps everyone alive and a GWF (better choice than a TR imho) kills adds. When all are working together and stick together a pretty easy fight, if not...wipe.
skip t1 dungeons altogether and do t2. Why?
In T1 you have a 10% chance of getting item you want from dd chest, but in t2 you have a 50% chance of getting a T1 item from dd chest and a 10% chance of getting a t2 item.
Secondly, you are more likely to be grouped with better geared and skilled players in T2.
He doesnt have a T1 set...he will be kicked the second he tries to join a T2 dungeon. PUG are nearly impossible to complete, if you love exploiting and have a full set of T2 armor your odds go up quite a bit, but other than that pray that you find a good group.
all he needs is pvp set
Mad Dragon is very hard, I tried it lots with formed PUGs and Que PUGs with a high gear score and already T2s when I was hunting for the Stalwart helm for my GF pre-nerf. The problem I found was not that it was necessarily harder than T2s, but that most well geared/skilled players were running T2s so you would get teamed up with undergeared players. Trying to run epic mad dragon with a bunch of 8K players is going to be brutally hard.
I would recommend either getting a couple of weak purples with unicorn/drake seals or getting the guantgrym pieces and skipping MD.
But gearscore is less important than teamplay. Gearscore does make up for poor teamplay though.
Queuing is always a gamble, sometimes you get a great team, other times not so much. It's all about how willing everybody is to try and talk to one another, or better yet, actually listen.
I think the dungeons are set up in such an order so you'll learn how to play with the other classes. We all know how to solo a boss during questing but we all have different ways of translating our tactics into something group-coordinated. Cloak Tower is pretty much zerg-friendly, Mad Dragon not so much.
You still might get people who only zerg when you use the Looking for Group channel, but at least you can see how well the group communicates and discuss tactics. That would be a good time to mention that you're new to that dungeon too
One thing to add though, more of a personal opinion, while gearscore isn't everything, I do object to people wearing green gear queuing for the tougher dungeons. Unless they're really good, it's almost a guaranteed wipe and they're just wasting four other people's time.
I just wished the Friend's list would be useful in actually finding friends who are looking for a group, what dungeons they want and with what class.
Thanks for your replies. I think that indeed i need to find some quild, question is if guilds accept such "casual" players
Small update - today was 7th try of Epic Mad dragon run, and 6th where my public group didnt managed to defeat first boss. Im going to leave dungeons with cleric as for now, till i find some group of descent players who know what to do and can run this dungeon as group.
PUGs are terrible, and even more so as a DC. I'd strongly suggest guild-shopping.
P.S. There are guilds for all time zones and playstyles. I'm sure you can find one that is helpful and accommodating.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I will be honest, do not expect to find parties that will fully clear T2s or fight some bosses the legit way. When you do, they will usually be new guys that don't know the tricks and you will wipe forever. Forgive my bluntness, but this is the truth in NW for now: either "experienced" runs, either big GS with amazing enchants, skill and gear to overpower monsters in a legit way... either wipes for an eternity.
Sometimes i'm really think zombies are true. Or what the brainless player behind the char are? GF tank the boss - yeah im the gf. Boss has no really threat against anything with brain. So i MUST tank him? NO! IF i can kill the adds faster, than it's better for the group. Because Mobs, especially with ranged attack/big aoe, are even worse then a boss. The Tr die, but it's my fail? Every would say NO. It was the first boss in ToS. That one with an attack, which hit front, side and back of him in a small aoe. So it doesn't matter if i tank him, if the tr are stupid enough to stand direct behind him til this attack. Not one time, two times even more! That he die because he don't avoid that aoe-hit isn't my fail. On FH on my *** was all the big mobs. But i don't die. The healer only have to heal me all the time. The other only have to pot if they fail to avoid hinmirs aoes. ^^
If I were you I'd just buy that set item and skip it and do T2 instead.
Cleric is a pretty easy class to play but very, very rare so you are much better off than some other classes. You can get into T2 /lfg groups pretty easily as long as your gs is high enough to enter dungeons. especially with it being so much harder to form groups for dungeon runs no one is (and no one really should) be that particular of the GS of the cleric, you are not very gear dependent to perform your primary function (healing), gearing up for cleric is just about increasing your survivability anyway.
9k gs unexp pug simply get trashed in T2, some can't even do mad dragon or last boss in wolf den.
It has been a nightmare since the BOP change, every old player only run with guild or group they know, so normal pug are usually made of players that are as fresh as yourself, and u will fail, 95% of the time let's say.