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Opinion for my cleric PVE+PVP

nevets6169nevets6169 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited September 2013 in The Temple
well, i decided to respec my DC using the free respec
but i have some doubts on stat and feat

my toon is human, currently 24str, 18wis, 18cha, 12con, 12dex, 12int (+1 to str and cha every 10 level)
doing fine with PVE at the moment, with
3191 crit
2833 recovery
4159 power
1388 def
0 regen and deflect

i want to be more tanky and higher survivability in PVP, and yet dun effect my heal in PVE
I'm more PVE focus rather then PVP

after reading GCTRL post
I'm thinking to put +1 stat point to con and dex for higher hp and deflect
then my stat will be 20str, 18wis, 14cha, 16con, 16dex, 12int
I dunno wether this stat allocation will help me to have higher survivability?

what will be the recommended def/recovery/crit/deflect and regen to be viable?
Post edited by nevets6169 on


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    clearlyavirginclearlyavirgin Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 163 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    GCTRL's build is nice and all but in his video he had trouble keeping his divinity up.

    Luckily for me, that's not an issue.
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    You could also just buy a set of +regen +def blues and use that as your PvP armour.
    Yes, it lowers your healing output on paper, but with decent regen ticking, you die far, far less often, thus your actual heal output increases, because you're not spending 70% of your time eating dirt.
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    nallifnallif Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    You could also just buy a set of +regen +def blues and use that as your PvP armour.
    Yes, it lowers your healing output on paper, but with decent regen ticking, you die far, far less often, thus your actual heal output increases, because you're not spending 70% of your time eating dirt.

    I second this. I am fully PvE spec, but I have regen, hit points, defense, and deflection gear for PvP. I am not the best, but I do well and have fun.
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    whistlingdixiewhistlingdixie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    My only quick suggestion would be to choose your armor set based on the 4 piece set bonus. You can pickup stats it may be missing with your other gear. That said, the Prophet Champion set bonus is nice all-around. If you want to kill things, High Prophet is the way to go. If you want more straight healing, look at the new Feywild set. The only catch is that MOST of our powers are bugged right now and don't benefit from ArmorPen. Otherwise ArmorPen is good for killing, too. I see the Feywild set as a compromise between Miracle Healer and High Prophet. You get somewhat better damage (bugs notwithstanding) from ArmorPen, but you also get free heals from the set bonus.

    As for defense... opponents can reduce your Damage Resist with Armor Penetration. As far as I know, chance to deflect can't be reduced, and HP is good no matter what. 1388 seems low. Do you have the 250 defense from the boon? Power is extremely weak, I wouldn't recommend worrying by adding extra unless everything else is soft-capped.

    Finally, since you have high STR (smart!) realize that Repurpose Soul heals are not affected by Righteousness. So stacking up your crit ain't a bad idea. I have 24 STR as well, and crit up to 42%. It also happens that Vorpal is the only weapon enchant that helps make heals bigger. So high crit builds have several advantages over high recovery (imo).

    Someone else said that DC's are just punching bags in PvP, and really defensive gearing only makes us more durable punching bags. xD If you focus on pure defense, your main contribution is probably buffs like Hallowed Ground or Divine Armor (HG is probably better, since it add damage and burst damage is better the defense in PvP). Your healing will be insufficient to matter most of the time because of the high burst damage output. Your healing yourself will be a total joke. Your damage output can be okay, though it was better before the hammer nerf. But you have to forego the defense gear and go pure offense. What you get is mediocre damage, poor CC, poor defense, and weak healing. Heh. As it turns out the punching back method is good because you can play the bait and keep opponents occupied beating you you rather than doing something productive. But that's probably it.
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I opt for the punching bag build in PvP, myself. Whenever I see a DPS-focused cleric in PvP, my first thought is "Oh, free kill." Whether a cleric is actually good or not, you know that the enemy team will focus it, so it's generally better to survive longer.

    Personally I favor MH set with blue regen jewelry and maximum HP pool. It's not as passively tanky as a full blue regen/deflect setup, but I like that my healing is stronger. Also too cheap to slot decent enchants in a blue set I would only pull out for PvP.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
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    ripcity313ripcity313 Banned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    drop crit to like 2k, get 2k+ def and stack as much defelct as possible for pvp, argue it however you want i dont care how much or little your dc heals. a dead cleric aint gonna heal a thing off the top of my head my dc is around this

    2000 crit
    2500 def
    1900 deflect
    25k HP

    did this respec about a week ago, have'nt been 1 shot yet and i also have not gotten to far into boons yet, which might i add theres one that reflects 400 dmg per deflect.... OP much considering i can tank 3v1s God mode is soon to come...
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No one denies that deflect and regen tanking is effective for surviving CC chains, but the best strat for dealing with a DC with bad heals and high passive defenses is to kill everyone else first.

    When new DCs are gearing up, I usually advise them to aim for a happy medium that functions well in dungeons and in PvP. They can always tweak their spec and gear as they go and depending on what kind of groups they are running with.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


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    ripcity313ripcity313 Banned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ehh i dont think highly of regen tbh
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    spani4rdspani4rd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 297 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    ripcity313 wrote: »
    ehh i dont think highly of regen tbh

    You should see how much it heals you for then, not to mention the increased stamian regen, more dodges means less dmg taken!!!
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