Myself and a few others have tested some Cleric abilities and noted that armor penetration does not reduce a target's damage resistance. Specifically, I have tested daunting light on targets while wearing large amounts of armor penetration and again with low armor penetration (all other statistics held constant, same target type for both tests) and found that, according to the combat log, the target resists the same amount of damage.
Either armor penetration is useless for this ability, or the combat log is not accurately recording the changes in damage resistance. The latter seems unlikely, since the same test conducted above but using astral seal showed that a target's damage resistance was lowered for astral seal.
This is rather peculiar, and quite harsh for those clerics seeking to do damage, in any context.
Forgemaster's Flame DoT, Break the Spirit DoT and Brand of the Sun DoT not benefit from Armor Penetration! Please dev's fix it.:(