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Boon options for DC

debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
edited August 2013 in The Temple
Whats the best path for a DC? i was considering taking the options that were NOT power crit etc as i assume theyll suffer from diminishing returns later. am i right in thinking tht? my gear is mostly blue atm cos i just hit 60 but dont want to pick something thats gonna give me a good boost now and regret it later when im soft/hard capping stats.
currently at 8.5kgs with 3.2k poewr 2.2k crit 2.1k recov and 1.2k def.

so anyway i was thinking the best route would probs be...

250 defense rather than the 250 power

250 deflect instead of 250 crit

not sure whats better out of 700hp or 2% ap gain, im leaning towards the latter.

chance to heal when being struck i assumed would be better than the arcane damage on hit as i assumed the arcane damage could not crit and thus not proc repurpose soul. and i get hit enough as it is.

Im not sure about the last perk. The 10% on pots doesnt seem to life-changing even though we do use a lot, no idea how useful the stam rcharge would be in practise, suppose you cant go wrong with 10% more dashes a fight though. The other two seem useless to DC.
Post edited by debbieharry on


  • scionertscionert Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    very minimal difference.

    personally i'd go for.

    250 defense
    250 deflect
    2% AP Gain
    Arcane Damage
    10% Potion
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    Ok that all makes sense but could you give reasoning on the arcane dmg over the heal? i feel the cleric kinda needs every little bit of regen it can get in a fight due to the debuff
  • faeriestormfaeriestorm Member Posts: 460 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It depends on what spec you have, I'd actually wait until you have more then just blue gear and/or know what set you are working towards. before you take any boons. Then you can grab the ones for what you are shorter on. On my dps/controller/debuffing cleric I did the 250 power and 250 crit because I need power, crit, recovery, armour pen and defense. By taking the offense ones, it leaves me some room do drop some power on gear (and not need to grab more crit) for armour pen because I still need to grab about 1k more armour pen.

    After that I'll probably take the 2% AP gain and chance to be healed when struck, then maybe stamina regen or something.
  • scionertscionert Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok that all makes sense but could you give reasoning on the arcane dmg over the heal? i feel the cleric kinda needs every little bit of regen it can get in a fight due to the debuff

    I've come to a point that I don't need to increase my survivability anymore. So extra healing on self wouldn't make a difference but extra damage would make "little" difference.

    with that said, why did i chose defense on the first 2?
    diminishing return... might as well get something that gives me the full effect than something than gives a fraction.

    As for the potion... well i don't find myself needing the extra dodge.. the extra potion will save me a "minimal" gold.
    But I could also sway to the stamina.

    Like I said, i think the differences are minimal.
  • spani4rdspani4rd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 297 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I'm thinking I'll probably get 250 def, 250 deflect, 700 HP (I'd have to run some math but I'm not sure that 2% actually does thatt much), chance to heal on hit and 10% increase to stamina meter regeneration.

    At first I was going to take power just because I have no issues hitting my Def targets but power scales poorly and I have more offensive sockets than defensive ones so I'll take the def and if I have to much latter just resocket more deflect or HP, nothing wrong with that
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm a purely heal-focused DC - no interst in DPS/PvP.

    I went for +250 defense rather than +250 power. The reason is that I had 5323 Power before, but only 2293 Defense. I figured that a boost to defense would help me more.

    As for deflect vs. crit, it was no question, I went for +crit. I had no deflection anyhow, and have not missed it.

    AP/HP - that's a good question - I'm not there yet, so I haven't had to decide yet - the choices seem equally good to me.

    Heal/damage - I'll probably go for the heals.

    The last boon is...well, disappointing - quite frankly none of the options appeal to me.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • suxip01111suxip01111 Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My personal choices, and why I chose/will be choosing them.

    250 Power - I already have around 3k defense, I don't need any more. Extra power is always useful even if it's just a tiny amount.

    250 Deflect - My crit is already around 3k, a little extra won't make a significant difference. Deflect is one of the more difficult stats to increase, and gettng it to around 10% can be very beneficial.

    2% AP Gain - Need all the help we can get after Sunburst was nerfed.

    Heal Chance - I play as a healer, and my focus is on survivability and healing others, not doing damage. This was an easy choice for me.

    10% Potion - The only viable choice for a healing Cleric, the rest are designed around tanks and damage dealers.
  • areys77areys77 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My path:

    Heal on hit
    10% Stam Regen
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    adinosii wrote: »
    As for deflect vs. crit, it was no question, I went for +crit. I had no deflection anyhow, and have not missed it.

    I have literally only been 60 for a day and my crit stat is already giving me about 30% chance unbuffed, so surely in closer-to-end-game-gear this stat is gonna be higher and ill get a lot of diminishing returns? meaning some of a stat you already have none of (deflect) is surely more beneficial? idk though i not too experienced i can only partake in conjecture for the time being.

    Thanks for the advice though guys, youve cleared up/reinforced a fair bit for me.
  • fathomfulfathomful Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I went/am going with the oddball stats because of diminishing returns.

    action points
    stamina regen

    Crit and power in this amount wont even move the needle on my stats. Plus i can always get those stats higher if i wanted to through changing enchants or making improvements in gear. Defense and deflection are not getting any higher no matter what i do and are low enough to get a huge boost in effectiveness.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Already have 2k+ defense and even more crit rating across most of my gear sets.

    Went with Power + Deflection.

    As for other boons, I cannot be bothered to do more dailies on my Cleric any time soon. So, they are not relevant.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Picked power, crit, will take HPs, 400HPs and probably stamina.

    Power has no cap, crit is better than deflect, HPs is defense without diminishing returns (beyond 2k def you should go HPs to get tankier), the heal is imo better than the damage, because we don't do a lot of aoe damage, and stamina because more stamina is always a good investment. The potion heal is ok but inferior to taking zero damage more often.
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Picked power, crit, will take HPs, 400HPs and probably stamina.

    Power has no cap, crit is better than deflect, HPs is defense without diminishing returns (beyond 2k def you should go HPs to get tankier), the heal is imo better than the damage, because we don't do a lot of aoe damage, and stamina because more stamina is always a good investment. The potion heal is ok but inferior to taking zero damage more often.

    Fair point about the power stat i assume 2k def is easily attainable via gear and enchants without nerfing your other numbers too hard?
    Is a tiny bit crit really still better than some (instead of no) deflect though? i saw someone earlier in thread saying getting 10% deflect is desirable?

    Am i to infer hp is better than the AP because the gain is so small? i slot (i forget the name) the passive that gives u AP from attacks most of the time anyway, i dont have too much problem on HG/DA uptime but sunburst doesnt help as much as it used to, and i find gtting off a lot of attacks (whether it be marking BotS about or SF spam) in highly mobile fights to be a hinderance to my clutch-healing capability. this was why i thought the extra ap might help. no doubt PEBKAC though.

    I think ill get the heal and the stamina judging by what folks are saying.

    Sry im asking a lot of specifics guys its just theres a lot of different opinions on this forum about what to do and no doubt different methods that work for everyone so i like to ask why people think what they think ^^
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Fair point about the power stat i assume 2k def is easily attainable via gear and enchants without nerfing your other numbers too hard?
    Is a tiny bit crit really still better than some (instead of no) deflect though? i saw someone earlier in thread saying getting 10% deflect is desirable?

    Am i to infer hp is better than the AP because the gain is so small? i slot (i forget the name) the passive that gives u AP from attacks most of the time anyway, i dont have too much problem on HG/DA uptime but sunburst doesnt help as much as it used to, and i find gtting off a lot of attacks (whether it be marking BotS about or SF spam) in highly mobile fights to be a hinderance to my clutch-healing capability. this was why i thought the extra ap might help. no doubt PEBKAC though.

    I think ill get the heal and the stamina judging by what folks are saying.

    Sry im asking a lot of specifics guys its just theres a lot of different opinions on this forum about what to do and no doubt different methods that work for everyone so i like to ask why people think what they think ^^

    Yep 2k def quite is easy to reach via gear only.

    You can see deflection as "critical defence", the counterpart to critical hits. It's not that bad but you shouldn't need so much defence you're actually doing nothing but taking damage. And you need a lot more deflection to make it worth the investment, like 1 or 1.5k at least. Do you really want to build that kind of cleric?

    Yes the AP gain is very small, but if you combine it with the passive power it's a bit more interesting. I don't see myself slotting this passive, since other class features are so good (like foresight, healer's lore or divine fortune). And you still need to drop the daily when you need it, not when you have it. If you plan to use it on cooldown, go for it but i doubt you will.
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Yep 2k def quite is easy to reach via gear only.

    You can see deflection as "critical defence", the counterpart to critical hits. It's not that bad but you shouldn't need so much defence you're actually doing nothing but taking damage. And you need a lot more deflection to make it worth the investment, like 1 or 1.5k at least. Do you really want to build that kind of cleric?

    Ok that clears that up nicely thanks. Not gonna be speccing deflect lol, suppose if i rely need it i can always gem.
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Yes the AP gain is very small, but if you combine it with the passive power it's a bit more interesting. I don't see myself slotting this passive, since other class features are so good (like foresight, healer's lore or divine fortune). And you still need to drop the daily when you need it, not when you have it. If you plan to use it on cooldown, go for it but i doubt you will.

    I use foresight (never leaves the bar, feated) with either holy fervor (thats its name apparently) or healers lore (not feated). I have no need for divine fortune from what i can see as i always have one pip just from my rotations, at very least a SB cast away from a pip. I have a lot of divinity coming from the feats so that i can afford to slot holy fervor instead. I also am coming to favour BotS over SF due to the divinity it can stack. I'll slot HL if i really need it but i find if i need more heals, ill just swap out divine glow for HW/FF or something. AS and SB, like many clerics i see, never leave my bar though.

    Ill see what happens when i get to the stage of unlocking that though. Im geared to go do some T2 stuff but for now im spamming all the T1 dungeons to get to grips with it and farm some purples. if i find my AP gain is good in higher tier dungeons then i wont bother with it and just get the hp. Mostly i just use my dailys to bridge AS downtime anyway. Such is the flexibility of this class lol....
  • insomniacgluttoninsomniacglutton Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am going defense -> deflect -> hp -> heal -> stamina regen (basically all defensive)

    My reasoning overall is that the defensive stats are better for pvp, and I don't need anymore additions to my pve healing power.
    defense - I'm not softcapped for defense yet since I opted to put HP in my defense slots. You'll come out with a similar outcome if you choose to put radiants in your defense slots instead of azures. If you put azures instead, then you'll probably be at softcap by the time you get your ideal gear and power may be better.

    deflect - deflect is incredibly freaking hard to get as a cleric but is useful in pvp against nuke abilities. It is, however, useless in pve when you are wearing purple gear as it won't be high enough to do anything. You can get around 1K~1.5K deflect if you keep a defensive blue armor set for pvp. If you plan on using an arpen/lifesteal set (T1 pvp, T2 pvp, or feywild), the crit will be useful. If you use the other T2 sets, you'll probably be at softcap.

    HP - I gave up on AP gain after the sunburst AP nerf and replaced holy fervor with feated healer's lore instead. Since I still have sunburst slotted on my bar, my AP generation sucks even with holy fervor and 2% extra AP, so I opted to strengthen my heals instead and save dailies for times when extra mitigation are needed.
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    being someone who doesnt pvp its looking like i am talked round to the following:

    power / crit / HP / heal / stamina regen.

    Power doesnt cap, i will be def-capped.
    Dont need deflect, so even if im already soft capped, crit is still better (any bosses/mobs got debuff that reduce crit?).
    HP because 2% AP seems too little. 5-10% and id take it easy.
    Heal because obvious.
    Stam regen because dodging an atk is better than healing back 10% more after taking one.

    Thanks a lot guys was a big help.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I use foresight (never leaves the bar, feated) with either holy fervor (thats its name apparently) or healers lore (not feated). I have no need for divine fortune from what i can see as i always have one pip just from my rotations, at very least a SB cast away from a pip. I have a lot of divinity coming from the feats so that i can afford to slot holy fervor instead. I also am coming to favour BotS over SF due to the divinity it can stack. I'll slot HL if i really need it but i find if i need more heals, ill just swap out divine glow for HW/FF or something. AS and SB, like many clerics i see, never leave my bar though.

    Off topic, but be careful, never, ever, make a build without having divine fortune available. SomeT2 groups will eat your divinity like mad during specific boss fights (like the rimfire golem), and you'll be glad to have divine fortune if the first try fails. And if you go to malabog's castle, i have yet to find a way to heal during the final boss fight without divine fortune. Everyone takes so much damage from... everything. Provided your group doesn't glitch the fight, i mean.
  • debbieharrydebbieharry Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Off topic, but be careful, never, ever, make a build without having divine fortune available. SomeT2 groups will eat your divinity like mad during specific boss fights (like the rimfire golem), and you'll be glad to have divine fortune if the first try fails. And if you go to malabog's castle, i have yet to find a way to heal during the final boss fight without divine fortune. Everyone takes so much damage from... everything. Provided your group doesn't glitch the fight, i mean.

    Still got 3/3 in it just incase. i did the same with some others like soothe incase they ever fix threat :P
  • vikingbradvikingbrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Love that there is such a variety in what everyone is choosing. My plan

    Power - not capped, defense is already high and will be softcapped
    Crit - crit heals are awesome, deflect doesn't rate
    AP gain - the difference 700 HP makes will rarely be used, constant extra AP gain means getting those dailies off more often
    Heal - in groups I'm always doing more heals than damage
    Stam Regen - avoiding damage with a dodge better than having to heal damage you took because you couldn't dodge
    Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
    Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
  • whistlingdixiewhistlingdixie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    adinosii wrote: »
    I had no deflection anyhow, and have not missed it.

    It's hard to miss it if you've never had it.
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Picked power, crit, will take HPs, 400HPs and probably stamina.

    Power has no cap, crit is better than deflect, HPs is defense without diminishing returns (beyond 2k def you should go HPs to get tankier), the heal is imo better than the damage, because we don't do a lot of aoe damage, and stamina because more stamina is always a good investment. The potion heal is ok but inferior to taking zero damage more often.

    We do tons of AoE damage. I believe Searing Light is the best AoE spell in the game. All of our staple powers are AoE's.

    Power has no diminishing returns, but the linear value is really, really weak in my experience.
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Yep 2k def quite is easy to reach via gear only.

    I'm a little curious about this. You mean using a Stone/Cat? Because I find that T2 gear with three Rank 7 Azure defense enchants (armor, belt, pants) I am only coming up with about 1.6k Defense. That puts me right at 30% Damage Resist. I just unlocked the first boon, and the 250 defense pushed my DmgRes to 32%. Seems like a really good investment. I doubt 250 Power will give me 2% more Damage or Healing.
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Off topic, but be careful, never, ever, make a build without having divine fortune available. SomeT2 groups will eat your divinity like mad during specific boss fights (like the rimfire golem), and you'll be glad to have divine fortune if the first try fails. And if you go to malabog's castle, i have yet to find a way to heal during the final boss fight without divine fortune. Everyone takes so much damage from... everything. Provided your group doesn't glitch the fight, i mean.

    Heh, maybe even if your group DOES glitch the fight. Valindra's grab out-damages my healing beam, even with 5/5 Desperate Renewal and 3/3 Healer's Lore slotted. Without having HW and/or BoH out, I found it hard to keep people alive through that. Even with two TR's burning her down. I survived the first time she got me due to Holy Resolve, but only barely. The second time I went down.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Worth pointing out that searing light is incredible not because it's particularly epic damage-wise, but because the splash damage in D-mode allows it to get around the ludicrous "5-enemy cap" that our other AoEs have.

    It IS spectacular because of that, though. 50 hulk challenge, D-searing light, NUMBERZ
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yes we have some of the best AOE spells but since everyone expects clerics to heal them we can't really make a good use of them. Sure, searing light is the best aoe in game but you have to use it in divine mode, and sometimes, you don't really have extra divinity. At least, getting healed when hit, you know it's going to happen and be useful 100% of the time.

    About defence. Yes, i'm including the stone, and it's extremely hard for a DC to get more than 32% damage resistance. And since defensive gear and jewelry is cheaper than power/crit one, it's a better option to pick dps boons and to equip defensive stuff, like a necklace of control, instead of the famous necklace of revolt. It means a bit less defence in pvp (not much, but some) if i rely on a stone but i find offensive clerics much more efficient than meat bag clerics doing nothing but taking hits and not kicking asses. :) That's my choice though, and i'm not saying it's the best choice ever.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    50 hulk challenge, D-searing light, NUMBERZ

    If you like that, your jaw would literally drop if you saw a CW with Oppressive Force and Greater Lightning enchant on 50 Hulk Challenge!

    It's like bringing your own Disco of Death. :)
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