Loss items in the Auction House
But even with the ticket one answers?
Question Reference # 130821-000397
Summary: Loss items in the Auction House
Product Level 1: Neverwinter
Category Level 1: Customer Support
Category Level 2: Missing Items
Date Created: 21/08/2013 07:08 AM
Last Updated: 8/21/2013 07:08 AM
Status: Unresolved
Connection Type: ADSL
Date / Time of Problem: August 15, 2013
Character: Frenk
Server: Dragon
Before upgrading "NW.3.20130723a.16" I put into Auction house 7 "Grandmaster Tailor" and after the upgrade I noticed that I have gone 4I go to see anything in the mail and return both astral and even Diamonds 4 Grandmaster Tailor.
I waited for the end of the auction for the return of all objects and I only got those 3 that I saw in the auction and nothing else.
Can someone kindly tell me where finished goods? and if I can get it back?
Greetings Frenk.