This thread will be for those who want advice on telling their friends what to play to complement the existing party.
I'll start:
I play a halfling Trickster Rogue, focused on taking out a single target while in stealth, so the "mob" of minions doesn't get me first. I always play with a Human Great Weapon Fighter, who seems to be able to take care of the mob of minions. I have another friend who I may sometimes play with, but he is just starting out, so he may be a lower level than us occasionally. What should he play to complement us? We (me the TR and the GWF) also have healing companions, so we stay alive.
You will eventually out-level your healing companions as soon as you hit the higher levels (45 and up). You'll notice that they die too often to become of any assistance. You might want to have your friend play as a Devoted Cleric. They are an invaluable support in all parties. There's also the option of going for a Control Wizard in order to control the waves of adds that come against you guys. Both are good supporters for melee classes like the TR's and GWF's. But in the end it all boils down to what type of support he wants to do. Does he want to purely support from the back and concentrate on keeping you guys alive? Cleric is your class. But if he wants to be able to stop opponents dead on their tracks, add some AoE and single target damage from time to time, then he might wish to use a Control Wizard.
If I were your friend and had done my research, I would definitely pick CW though.