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Any point in running T2s?



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    inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Gfs can do the cn jumps. One of my more regular groups is gf, 3x cw, dc. The gf does all of the tr runs.
    I usually only have a tr in my group for cn when im on my tr.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Not doing T2s or CN because you can't cheat with a given class? Is that a joke? :rolleyes:
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Not doing T2s or CN because you can't cheat with a given class? Is that a joke? :rolleyes:

    Not nearly. You are not alone in a party, there are 4 others. You try to tell them "We intend to clean Shadowfell on this run", and your party disappears. I did full clears, but with guild, and I can't say I particularly enjoyed them. Long, boring, unrewarding, other players feel uncomfortable cause they know they are a burden to the group... not cool.

    But it seems our GF, even though very good and experienced, doesn't know how to do the "required" jumps :) Maybe time to seek for a guru hehe.
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    cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You (OP) mean after getting desired gear? Nope, why would anyone want to do FH again? Or Karru? The only dungeon that I would want to repeat is Spellplague because of final boss that has unique mechanics (but should get a tweak on number of adds near end).
    All other bosses are just add spam that has to be killed "old fashion" way or played tag by someone and honestly I don't see that as fun.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Not nearly. You are not alone in a party, there are 4 others. You try to tell them "We intend to clean Shadowfell on this run", and your party disappears. I did full clears, but with guild, and I can't say I particularly enjoyed them. Long, boring, unrewarding, other players feel uncomfortable cause they know they are a burden to the group... not cool.

    But it seems our GF, even though very good and experienced, doesn't know how to do the "required" jumps :) Maybe time to seek for a guru hehe.

    Or you can wait for cryptic to create an anti cheating program. Then tanks won't be a burden since full clears would be required. When a game isn't challenging enough, players stop logging in, and that's clearly what's happening to neverwinter. The dev team can only blame themselves for adding cheap fixes with the next hole 5m farther still open. :p
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    slayorianslayorian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My guild does the runs for two reasons.

    - Gear up new guildies/alts.
    - Get a good drop from the boss that's unbound. Sell it for boat loads then either split via keys, items, or AD through AH. Generally, it's quite worth it.

    Worst case, you get 1-3 enchant shards and 1-3 purples to sell or salvage. But it's really about that final drop. Especially if you happen to get a HV hat off the boss in SP. That's money for everyone right there.
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    slayorian wrote: »
    Worst case, you get 1-3 enchant shards and 1-3 purples to sell or salvage. But it's really about that final drop. Especially if you happen to get a HV hat off the boss in SP. That's money for everyone right there.

    I have seen a CW set item drop ONCE in all my NWO gaming (Karru drop, HV set, I won the roll). I'm not a veteran, but I might be playing for 3-4 months, dunno exactly. Ran a few hundreds T2s.

    Also it happened to me 2-3 times to win a set item by Greed from last bosses... only to find out it is BOUND. No, I didn't wear it by mistake or something... there's a warning against that, not to mention I won GWF items etc. I couldn't even wear.

    So relying on last boss set drops to make AD is not nearly efficient... when you compare it to CN: 30-45 minute runs, 4 bosses, 20% chance to get 300-900K AD item at the end.

    So yeah. Don't run T2s for AD. Run them to gear up for CN. Also don't run MC for fragments, it's crazy. Run CN, sell, buy the fragments.
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