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I don't understand...

lifesimageslifesimages Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
So I LOVED this game, and love *leveling* a character through PvP. Endgame PvP is an absolute joke. I know this game is PvE centric (so really, a "play 30 mins a day, every day" expansion?), but PvP needs some focus too...

So most defensive GWF's are still almost unkillable, even in 3v1 style situations. But that's nothing. A CW/GF can keep tossing them off a pad nonstop, so for points, it's a 1-1, nobody wins.

Rogues are still absolute nonsense. Why is it okay for a rogue to appear out of nowhere and be GUARANTEED an 15-25k hit? I don't even hit that with an Ice Knife, which is a DAILY power. So, speaking of rogues being overpowered...

They can open with a move that *can* kill you in 1 hit. If it doesn't, they can finish you with an UNDODGE-ABLE daily power? Why is Shocking Execution impossible to dodge, but Ice Knife/Indomitable Strength/Crescendo/Hammer can be?

I haven't even gotten to the 1-2k per knife thrown, guaranteeing atleast 8k damage for the rogue, from stealth! And rogues can roll away and disappear mid-combat?

It's like you guys just want the Rogue (and a lesser extent, the GWF and GF) to be so overpowered that people will spend their money on them to make them more OP without grinding AD.

Rogues need a severe damage reduction. Burst damage does NOT constitute 80-150% of most peoples health in one bullsh*t hit. I'll give you the knives thing though, I can understand where that comes from, even lore-friendly to a point.

CW's (my current toss-up for favorite-to-play PvP class) seem relatively balanced. I'd even settle for Ice Knife doing less damage, even though it doesn't even benefit from Snap Freeze anymore. Most rogues, for whatever reason, only get choked for about .25 seconds anyways... but I'd also even settle for some CC duration reduction - and trade off more damage for more CC.

GF's are a joke too. 6-10k per encounter power, and 2 of those stun you for a total of at least 5 seconds? Ridiculous. GF's should have to sacrifice damage for CC as well. It's fairly easy to dodge, but if you don't dodge the first CC move, you're going to get chained to death, and shortly because of their crazy damage. (Need I say this is my other toss-up for favorite-to-play)

And Clerics? Poor Clerics... I was so excited to see this game and heal people in it... and I feel next to useless in all but the most AAA premade groups. And we've seen nothing but nerfs since the beginning. I'm disappointed. Let's make hammer of fate do much less damage, and still be dodgeable. Let's NOT give you 3 slides, even though you clearly need them. 2 Cleric groups can do fairly well if they are both smart and well geared, but otherwise, game over. You're targeted first, always too. What about a top-tier power that "uses the hand of your deity, making you only attackable by 2 players at a time" or SOMETHING to prevent the always inevitable "DOG PILE THE DC!"

GWF's I could care less about. Unstoppable still can be used WAY too often. Decrease the Determination gain by 25%, and make it usable at 66%. It sucks doing 6k damage to them, only to have the heal that all back almost instantly. But again, they can be tossed around outside of unstoppable (the tanky ones) enough to only be a nuisance.

But seriously, PvP needs a major rework.

Why not give an option to do something to take away 1 'unfairness' factor in PvP? An option for PvP domination that has only T1 gear. So you join, and all your gear gets dropped to a predefined T1 set, with mild enchants in it. I say T1, because fights are over way too quick as it is (34k lashing blade crit today. Full tenebrous rogue...) so T1 would help alleviate that a bit.

ALL 3 of my level 60's have >t1 gear and enchants. But I'd be willing to play on a more even playing field, and I know I'm not the only one. My Rogue and GWF are well on their way to 60, and have a full set of T1 gear waiting for them already.

Secondly, why not alter skills for PvE separately from PvP? Join a queue for a dungeon: Great! Your rogue packs up 12 knives, and your Cleric prays for a full strength Hammer of Fate.

Join a PvP Domination match? Shoot, your rogue can only fit 8 knives, and your cleric's deity doesn't condone friendly violence and reduces Hammer of Fates damage.

I'm not saying *mechanics* should be altered too much between PvP and PvE, but quality/quantity should be assessed.

Again, I loved this game, and the combat system is *clearly* second to none. But I can't spend another dime on this game until things get fixed. I've bought a few handfuls of Zen, the Founder $60 pack and the Knight's $60 pack, and invested hundreds of hours into this game.

I'd hate to see that all thrown away for when EverQuest Next comes out, which sounds like it can be all that Neverwinter tried to be... Come on Neverwinter, please don't let me go.


This seems to be a pretty accurate depiction. Keeping in mind that balance gameplay comes from weaknesses and strengths between classes.

Rogue > GF
Rogue = GWF
Rogue > CW
Rogue > Cleric

Cleric < GF
Cleric < GWF
Cleric < CW
Cleric < Rogue

GWF = Rogue
GWF > Cleric

GF < Rogue
GF > Cleric

CW < Rogue
CW > Cleric
Post edited by lifesimages on


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    mercurial257mercurial257 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Is it possible to make a PB&J sandwich without bread? I cant figure it out.
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    metaplexusmetaplexus Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You know I meet a couple of CW's every day that just boom over my team (and me as well). They even dodge those high (12-16k) crits from stealth and I know I'm dead when I'm out of stealth and they are on full hp at range.

    Is it TR < CW? No, it's my skill < opponent's skill.

    I do agree that rogues are far easier to play in the first place than CW's and it's easier "to pwn" to some point. But if you study your class and especially spend time studying the other class, you'll see it comes easier to overcome even difficult fights.

    What is my strategy against CW's in 1v1? I wait them blink to me while I'm stealthed, then hitting Lashing Blade from stealth is a no-brainer (and that happens many, many times in every match).

    This makes TR's more more powerful than CW's? I don't think so, it's about knowing what you should do and especially anticipating (and knowing) what the other player is going to do next. And that comes from experience.
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