Curious if dungeons got any attention lately? I havent played the game in a few months, I understand Feywild is here. Curious if dungeons and boss mechanics got attention. Were add fests addressed? Did they make the current dungeon's bosses more interesting..more interesting mechanics rather than 50 adds? Are the dungeons less glitchy and less exploitable?
This was a huge factor in me leaving for a while. Since dungeons were an enormous part of end game, the mechanics and the speedrunning glitchers just eventually got to me.
We ran through Frozen Heart earlier. The "fix" for one person skipping ahead to the first campfire and the others leaving and rejoining the instance is not fixed. There were spots in the middle where half of the graphics took five minutes to load. It seems that some invisible walls were added to some of the ledges (not all of them). Nothing seems to be changed on the boss fights though.
The boss (and powie redcaps) in the new skirmish can drain your AP. Also some mobs turn you into animals in the fey wield skirmish.
The new bosses have new mechanics. Old dungeons weren't changed.