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Rogue's NERFED or BUGGED???

wraithynwraithyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
edited August 2013 in The Thieves' Den
Ok I logged onto my account this evening to see how bad a hit I was going to take on the new update (Nerf packaged as something new and exciting).

The first 3 times I logged on I was booted from the server...

On the 4th log in, jumped into PVP domination. First thing I noticed was a fellow rogue, on the opposing team, got behind me, stealthed and hit me for a whopping 1400 Lashing Blade! OMG! 1400? I was using impact shot so I used it and noticed it had a quicker animation but no change in damage. After polishing off a GWF with 1/4 life, I loaded lashing Blade and went after a wizzy while stealthed. I popped off my Lashing Blade and hit for a whopping 2400! Uhm, that's majorly bad boys... There is no way Impact Shot is doing 2 to 4 times more damage per hit over Lashing Blade. I stopped, opened my character screen, as the enemy GWF extracted his revenge on me, to see if my abilities had been reset or something. I noticed my 10400 GS was now 3600??? OMG! After leaving my group in disgust to go puke before finishing the match I noticed my GS was back to 10400? Something is wrong here as I inquired of my guildies and they don't see this. What gives Cryptic? Is the marketing department pushing this update out before the programmer's can finish the update? Fix this please! Also wasn't the Lurker nerf supposed to increase the duration of the ability? It's not...
Post edited by wraithyn on


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    gabeinsdgabeinsd Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I noticed this last night too.
    GS would fluctuate from ~3k to 11k.
    Lashing Blade was doing abysmal damage for the most part

    I'm hoping this is just a temporary situation.

    For me ITC seemed bugged too. It would work sometimes other times it would not.
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    munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Other then now having to time/get used to the way LA works. I have noticed no change. First match 26-2-25....No change for me.

    LA/LB obviously doesnt hit as hard. Before patch my normals were 23-29k..Now they are 19-23k. I still <have fun> in pvp..
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