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Malabog's Castle Key disappeared !

mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User

Today i've been invited in a party to discover this brand new dungeon called Malabog's Castle. We got any problem to enter and clean the dungeon until Malabog itself, the DC ehm dc'ed to make a CN with his guild so we tried without heal to kill Malabog but after a dozens of tries we stopped and we all left the dungeon.

The problem is that i lost the Malabog's Castle Key, the Party Quest and the ability to queue this dungeon.

I am unable to enter the dungeon by the door since i haven't unlock the Moonlight gate yet (and i won't since the realease will happen before i'll make it) and i can't complete the task in campaign menu again. As you can see :


So, is there a solution to resolve this problem ?

Thanks for any help ! Bye

Magnus@mqgnus - Dragon
Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
Post edited by mqgnus on


  • mqgnusmqgnus Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Problem resolved as of the new patchnotes : http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?453201-NW-5-20130812b-4-Patch-Notes
    Content and Environment
    •Malabogs Castle should can now be queued after you have used up Malabog’s Castle Key.
    Top tip for passing the time : Read a book, write a book or book a holiday for your book !
  • gats84gats84 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    no its not resolved!
  • usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    i have heard of this bug as of today .. are you sure that you cannot queue for Malabogs? does it kick you from queue because u do not have key?... what about joing a group that starts the queue ?
  • panderuspanderus Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,007 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2013
    The key is really only to grant you a quest and so you get something from the Campaign. We don't want it to have to stick around in your inventory the whole time.

    Please update if you are still unable to queue for Malabog's Castle.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    9200 Gear Score is required. If you do not have 9200 GS you can not queue for the dungeon.
  • morphykarumorphykaru Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually the Malabog Castle queue is totally messed, beyond the issue this fellow was having. Here is a list of the problems I am seeing:
    1. Queue pulls you into an instance and you never know how many others will be there, could be anywhere from 1 to 5
    2. Now when you arrive in the dungeon the party will not be formed. Just tried several times in a row and last time there were 3 of us and no party. We tried forming our own party but the queue never added any other players.
    3. So since the dungeon is not playable with less than 5 everyone leaves the dungeon. But now you're locked into that broken instance and cannot even try to requeue without going through gyrations to pull yourself from the instance.

    One more item I should have included in my original list. The "Chest Unlocked" graphic never clears from your display on it's own. It stays until you abandon the quest in your journal. This happens with Castle Never as well. Not sure what happens if you finish the dungeon.

    Hopefully I'm not the first to report these issues and someone is already working on a solution. It's odd because when first launched this queue seemed to function much better than the general queue, which is full of similar bugs/issues.
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